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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Yup...I don't think anyone really knows if Atris would have been the 'last boss', but there was this unused dialogue where all the NPC's 'confront' and attack Kreia (to rescue Exile or because they think Exile is dead?), and there's a dialogue alternate for it to be Atris they confront instead of Kreia.
  2. And yes, I've had that happen...numerous times. The padawan robes anyway...they're the lowest tier robe anyway...beyond looking cool, they're not even as good as, say, the miners uniform in terms of functionality. :D
  3. For what it's worth, one of the female ones.... http://crimsonkeep.com/kotor2/albums/userp...kotor2-185a.jpg
  4. I've been trying to write out some of the (shorter) dialogues from the .tlk file into a readable reference format for myself, and I remember you asked about Atton's Jedi convo. I don't know if you found one already, if so, ignore this - If not, this is as far as I got....it's long and makes my eyes water to stare at it, let alone organize it into something resembling the in-game order. I got it organized in semi-chunks, but if you want it to read like an actual ordered script you'll have to do it yourself....sorry.... :D Anyway...here's the file....it's in wordpad's richtext format, hope that's ok. http://crimsonkeep.com/downloads/kotor2sound/at-jedi-dia.rtf
  5. Save games will load and play - there's no need to delete them - whether or not they'll be 100% affected by all the patch fixes (positively or negatively) I don't know. New game is a safer bet, but hey, just load up the saves for a few hours and see how it works for you.
  6. That's just the way the game works....item breakdown uses the Exiles Repair skill. Why, I couldn't tell you. P.S. There's really not much need for more than 10-15 in awareness. Ever.
  7. DS is a hacknslash - but since I liked Diablo1 & 2, I liked DungeonSiege ok. But I never did finish the SP game - the MP environment/map was a lot more fun so I always played in there instead. The player-mods helped a lot, too, for me - but overall yup, it's best in small doses and replay (or obsession) value is low. The sequel does look more promising. Time will tell.
  8. Oy! It's very annoying, and I've thought about that very thing many times.
  9. Seems to me that some X-boxers are mistaking a fan created content mod for an official patch..... Fans have modded games on the PC for years, and they'll continue to do so - that has nothing to do with anything official or being 'ripped off' by a company because Xboxers don't have access to what fans create.
  10. I think he visits the Unofficial Kotor Fan Media site sometimes - a great place for Kotor fans, btw.
  11. I believe in the concept of global warming, and I definitely think the world as a whole (very generalistic comment there) doesn't pay enough attention to pollution - or overpopulation. On the other hand, I leave myself open to the idea that at least part of the noted 'symptoms' could be some kind of cyclic/natural change/influence - perhaps we're greatly speeding it along, but maybe it would still have occured eventually anyway. (Edit - and perhaps we're noticing now it only because we've developed the tech to be able to see it Lastly, I've always had an issue when the news talks about how we're destroying the world or something - when it's really that we're destroying the world for human habitation. The world itself will survive, and perhaps in few billion years, heal itself in some fashion, and a new dominant species will arise. I'd like to be around to see what develops...alas, not possible. :D
  12. Full price again? No. I wouldn't do that for any game. That's just gouging. The typical $20-30 for an expansion-like product/gigantic content patch, yes.
  13. stoffe - well the thing is, Disciple is almost never speeded up in my games, and I never use any of the 'forms' - he tends to use power attack almost as much as he uses flurry (since I give him both - I like the animation for power strike). But I do give him 2 single sabers and usually have Keen on both. Edit - Atton tends to be given Master Crit Strike and 2 sabers/Keen, and he doesn't say his line nearly as often. 2nd Edit - but like I said, math makes my head spin, so.... :D
  14. lol coran...indeed. I always love it when the graphics show a sword going straight thru the middle of an enemy and they don't even stagger. :D
  15. Hmm....I had thought I'd read that crit. hits were not that frequent (relatively speaking) - which was one reason many chose flurry over crit. strike - or something, I don't pay attention to the math much. Not that crit. hits are rare, just not that commonplace. I mean, 10% doesn't sound very high, and reality I'm not sure it would be - but games always seem to take that 10% and turn it into...something else. Disciple often cries that out eeach attack round for a few rounds in a row, then he'll skip a round or two, then repeat the process. Anyway, thanks again, knowing that will make the game more statistically interesting to me, being able to tell when my 'guys' are crit. hitting w/out having to look at the dialog log.
  16. Thanks, stoffe - one reason I was asking is because of how often disciple hollers that particular cry. Interesting.
  17. I'm going to guess that Fionavar is going to lock my thread. Thanks guys. How mature. Oh well. I'll have to do my own research on the topic. Think I can figure it out..at least enough to make me believe it one way or another.
  18. I know the cry is there...I've heard it thousands of times, lol...but is it actually done when he scores a critical hit?
  19. Apparently Disciple says that when he scores a critical hit - can anyone confirm whether this is true or not in the final game? I had orginally thought all such lines were just generic battle-cries... More of LadyCrimson's idle (and probably late-coming) & useless curiousity....ruminations in the dark...
  20. I'd give a lot if I could get that dialog viewer to work. Stupid version differences or whatever that make it (so far) impossible. Oh well...eventually I'll haveall the major stuff typed out in a nice wordpad file....it'll just take me...oh...a couple weeks. :D I love the little {game programmer} notes.
  21. Well, all I have to say at this point is that I haven't experienced any new glitches, and that yes, indeed, the NPC's really do say their tag-lines less often, where you notice. But it's pretty random, their less-often-ness - sometimes it seems like they're almost silent a long while and other times they're back to yapping those lines almost every time. But still nice.
  22. Voted for T3/Remote - tho I wouldn't want to be in their household, with all their 'beeps' and 'beepboops' all day long.... Although personally, I think Disciple and Handmaiden would get along just fine. Both idealistic and kind of naive in some ways. She'd wear the pants, tho, of course - most likely. And Disciple would probably enjoy that....I think he likes being bossed around. Secret fetish.
  23. All I care about is whether a game is fun to play and keeps me going back to play more. JE looks like it has that possibility, so I'm interested...but it doesn't mean that possibility will pan out if I ever do get to play it. I'm willing to try it tho. From the reviews and player-comments I've read tho, the type of game-genre it reminds me of might be something more like...oh...say...something like System Shock, rather than a RPG. Not saying it plays like System Shock, mind you, hard to compare w/such different worlds. But SS had some elements that tried to give the player a bit of choice that was in some ways like a RPG but it's soul was still action. Still, that doesn't mean games like that are bad. Honestly,IMO, the whole 'what is a RPG' definition has been going 'downhill' for years, as each generation grows up on more and more watered down short-attention-span video game versions of RPG'ing. No offense to anyone intended...many are very fun and I love a lot of them. Just saying...
  24. This is one of the two fairly well-known inf. experience glitches - it was around before the patch, and yes, it can be confusing if you don't know what's going on. I think there are a few maybe-game-stopper 'bugs' related to this area/time that people have reported but the re-spawning of the Sith as long as that trigger spot isn't entered is...something else.
  25. I'm no dueling expert, so I have no idea about reality - but certainly in a lot of fiction/fantasy, there's some kind of....'pumping up' of the dual-weapon fighter - the skill and training involved, the agility, the focus required to be superb. Like, say, Drizzt the dark elf. So I'd imagine that mythos is part of why so many like dual-wielding in games. As to the phallic symbolism (or any 'power/strength' symbolism, really) - I think there's just that psychological thing, y'know, that more is better. Or something.
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