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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. That's false logic to assume that because it's common sense that it follows that a cultural attitude must change. It's also false logic to think that it requires being years and years older to be able to learn that physical things like poking sticks at rattlesnakes and tossing rocks at boars with big tusks can hurt you (ie basic survival). But if you want to go with theory, It's actually more likely, knowing human nature, that the longer the lives, the more fearful people become of losing them (more to lose) and therefore they want to protect their children by sheltering them longer. Which one could argue in some certain ways, actually hampers mental maturity. Not that I actually believe that, really...but one could argue it.
  2. So? Just because one culture decided that with longer lives came a longer childhood, doesn't mean every single other culture would.
  3. silvershadow was faster than me. I agree.
  4. He has a few subtle lines that could be interpreted that way. I see it as hero worship bordering on Major Crush - particularly if you're Light sided.
  5. unless they subscribed to the idea back then that being a 'grown up' started at age 12, like some cultures have in history, and some still do...still being a 'kid' below 18 is a relatively recent development in human history - as stoffe mentioned, who knows what the star wars universe 4000 years ago thought? :D
  6. I miss the early 30's Harrison Ford.....
  7. I had a brief discussion about in-game appearance elsewhere and came to the conlcusion that I 'see' them differently than most - in-game, all the human model NPC's w/the exception of Kreia look between 28-35 to me. All of them. But game/story-wise...I think that over 35 for Atton would be pushing it.
  8. Haha! I love those screenies Baley. I've had Bao jumping around but even I haven't had the patience yet to try and catch him at it. Man he's fast...like 1/8th of a second fast or something, lol! Good job.
  9. Did you have Disciple using blasters or something? I should try that I suppose. I had him ranged-skill pumped once but never really used him as such. And after seeing you use the phrase several times now - turtle = defensive build, right? I assume so from the context you use it in but just making sure. :D
  10. Well, consitution bonus does raise your vitality/hit points, even if it doesn't affect your ability to wear an item. Other than that, I don't know.
  11. Ahem. I never said I got a bonus to Awareness. It was for the healing one...whatever that's called. That's always my low or almost non-existant skill. I specifically checked and it went up by one. However, that was with my item still on - ie w/the item my skill was a certain number, I did the quest, that number went up by 1. But I never did check it by taking the item off to see if that point would remain, and I did read someone say once that it looked like it registered but it really didn't if you removed the item...so maybe that would have been true in my case.
  12. Good point stoffe - maybe Padawans were done around age 10-13 'back then'. I must admit I was thinking of little Anakin when I asked that question. :D
  13. But if Disciple was 12 at the start of the Mandolorian wars, why would he think the Exile might take him as a Padawan? Maybe they mixed it up and he was hoping the Exile would be the Master for the next step? He does talk about failing the first test or something.
  14. I usually like older men, but yeehaaw I'm having fun robbin' the cradle so to speak, this time around. The age ranges stoffe listed are pretty much the ones I've seen bantered about in various threads, and from what I glean from story and fans, they sound like pretty good guesses to me. Btw, not being all that familiar with SW lore - what's the general cut-off age for becoming a Padawan? Just curious.
  15. I replied to a thread like this a while back but apparently it wasn't this one, and my opinions have changed somewhat since back then...and I'm awake. So... Can't stand: Hanhar. -- The whole 'lifedebt' thing...I hate stories like that - where 'honor' 'must' override everything. Some types of honor I understand or sympathize with, but Harhar's version of it I don't. It's why I didn't like the Klingons in ST:TNG either. Mandalore --That honor thing again. Neutral/boring: GoTo -- not useful, not interesting, big snore, never used beyond one try. Visas -- makes a good Jedi, but nothing no one else can't do, and I'm probably one of the few that does NOT like her voice-acting, so I just ignore her now. Kreia -- I love her voice, and her story-motivation, but as a party member, I leave her on the Hawk. Amusement value: T3 - I love it when he comes charging in to attack Visas on the Ebonhawk. He's absolutely adorable. But not really much of a party-member. Hk-47 - Funny guy with some wonderful (tho unsubtle) sarcasm going on -good with a blaster, but I guess I'm not a big droid-in-party fan either. Favorites Mira - She's fun, she interacts w/Atton, she's scrappy w/attittude, she makes a passable Jedi and has decent skills. Plus I like her outfit. I usually take her to Dxun's tomb these days. Atton -- 1st time I played I went Dark, so I didn't like him just for his looks, haha. He's great either ranged or melee depending how you build him. Plus he's photogenic and mugs for the camera and I like that in a man. Bao-Dur -- I don't find him attractive at all, voice or appearance - he sounds stoned and makes me sleepy when he talks. But he's good in a fight - barefisted or weapons. Use him a lot on Dxun/Onderon. Disciple -- Annoyed me a lot at first, grew on me, and now he's my #1 favorite. It's the voice and his constant effort to be polite even when you just know he's steaming (if you're 'mean' to him) that has me laughing. I like a lot of his situation-reaction lines. Plus he's the yin to Atton's yang. Or something. Kavar -- hope I got that right - the Jedi on Nal Shad. He's the only one you feel bad if you kill him...his 'Damn you must die!" sounds so desperately noble or something. The rest....well, this probably says something about the story of the game, maybe, but they're kind of non-entities to me. No better than all the Sith that keep popping out of the woodwork. Sion does have a cool voice. And if you're female Exile, it's interesting how he seems to have a crush on her, perhaps.
  16. I find the game gets glitcher the more save games you have/the more files are written. Also, I firmly believe that the savegame editor, while generally 'safe', creates some minor intermittent glitching during it's over-writing process, particularly with graphics. Nothing major...and doesn't always happen - but all the times I've encountered 'more than the usual in my game' glitches (in my experience only), I was playing from an edited save game.
  17. Nope. Nothing I've seen yet in either speech or the text file (although granted, the text file is hard to read/find stuf)...there's some unused Sion bits where he's apaprently talking to Nihil and telling him he (Sion) doesn't need him anymore and that Traya still lives blah blah but Nihil never says a word.
  18. Well, since the patch came out early-mid-morning on Thursday (PST) and that's when they said it, technically it's almost been 2 work days. But fine...8-10am on Monday then. After that we can poke lighthearted fun, if it's not here yet.
  19. Because it doesn't always work 100% reliably for that and I'd still have to start a new game 8 times just for that, and only be able to take pictures from Peragus, and I'm lazy. As are most others, I assume, since no one posts pictures...
  20. Kotor2 - completed twice (LS/DS), done everything but Malachor maybe...uh....a dozen times? I don't know I've lost count, and sometimes I just load save games and replay sections, so who knows, really. Always female. Kotor1 - bought it, installed it, got the Wookie, haven't touched it since.
  21. I think they really need to stop calling things like Diablo/DungeonSiege etc. 'RPG's' - people call them hacknslash, just create a new genre with that name. That way people won't think they're buying a story RPG and get irritated/feel gyped. :D
  22. I think it's been a 'couple days' already. Ah, the wonderful flexibility of the word 'soon'. "
  23. The way it's always worked for me is....it raises by 1 point. And it does raise for me, but many report it doesn't for them. And I always have to raise the skill to get the bonus - however, all I have to do is equip an item that increases the skill - not put any 'hard points' into it.
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