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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Would that be...non-existant? The two main problems for me ending wise were: 1) Being suddenly all by your lonesome for a long time, in what I thought was going to be a party oriented game. I could see fighting the last boss alone but... 2) All the story/character conclusions boiled down to Kreia yakking and that was just...weak.
  2. Or when the actors themselves want out of the series.
  3. I was pretty surprised by that one myself. But I do kinda like it, if it's used occasionally - less predictable.
  4. I think it was called Era of Faith (EoF). It went off-line a while ago - wasn't a very good game really - maps were just big squares populated with densely packed monsters etc - but it had some fun parts. And those penguins were pretty deadly. Luckily they were slow, you could outrun them. lol
  5. I pawed through a Wal-Mart 2-for-$11 bin and found a lot of old favorites, like Princess Bride, Primal Fear and The Untouchables. And Pretty In Pink. God I loved that movie when I was in highschool. Sad, but true. I need to get The Breakfast Club too, hehe. Edward Norton in Primal Fear was superb, nice to have his performance on DVD.
  6. I'm not a Firefly fan but I too wouldn't mind another film. I liked the first one a lot more than I thought I would.
  7. Hehe.... MC LC in da house! Think I'm going to go out this evening and buy one of those small/cheaper all-in-one digicams. Be afraid?
  8. And the save game editor, the ultimate cheat experimental tool.
  9. Wouldn't hurt to have the option for those who like to play games that way, but I kind of like games where when they end, they're over. I think the games were designed to try and get people to replay them by taking different paths. You can always re-load saves to see how different options/missed quests would have turned out if you don't want to re-play the whole thing. At least if you're like me and methodically save files for just that purpose, which I realize most probably don't.
  10. Maybe because Disciple was at least useful in a fight, perhaps? GoTo seemed like he might've been an interesting initial concept but it didn't work in the final game. I didn't mess with him much beyond trying him for a few hours (I liked T3 better) but his ranged skills never seemed helpful. He did get a few good lines tho. :D
  11. Not actually playing this, but was cleaning out files and found this again. It was one of those free online action-rpg's and I and a friend played it a while. I loved this area where the monsters were penguins...the game had a strange sense of humor. ...hopefully I haven't posted it before.
  12. I haven't liked Stargate much for the past couple years - Richard Dean Anderson was amusing and I liked to watch for him sometimes, but then he left. The finale last year w/the Auri(sp?) as the new enemy was kind of fun tho. Sci-fi shows love those 'super enemies'...heh It's had a lot of ups and downs, like any long running series. They've had some pretty good episodes but of course a lot of it's cheese. Atlantis I'm not too hip on but since it's after SG I sometimes watch it. And I thought the SG movie was ok until they hit the planet which had me snoozin'.
  13. Hehe, nice scarf. I used to be wary of pics on the net but I don't seem to care anymore. I've been trying to figure out a webcam personna at the moment. I think I need to buy some Elton John sunglasses or headphone earmuffs.
  14. Yeah, I was disappointed w/Unbreakable. It had promise but it fell flat. There were some nice touches here and there tho.
  15. Just finished watching these. The child angle in SG-1 made me think of Dune and the entire episode felt really anticlimatic compared to last season's finale. Kind of disappointing. I guess it's the middle set-up for the 3rd of 4th part conclusion but it could have been done better. Atlantis was better - I particularly liked the SW reference to Han Solo's ship surface hugging at one point, was cute. And a couple John Sheppard's delivered lines finally made me view him a bit in the Atton/Solo mold. I'm also hoping they won't kill the Warith character of Michael off any time soon - I find such characters interesting. Still waiting for Galactica tho.
  16. Multiple comments to the effect of this topic's frequency were unnecessary and makes newcomers feel unwelcome, so let's knock it off, guys. Mandalorian assasin, welcome to the boards; the most current thread on this topic can be found in the link below. It has some good discussion, if you wish to join in. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=42556
  17. I also thought that one had to be killed to progress. Guess I never really tried sneaking past. Interesting to know, thanks! ...I never had the patience to get to lvl 50.
  18. Take me to the River - The Commitments version Wonder what happened to Andrew Strong? Time for a google..
  19. I think the only 'cheats' for Xbox are the things that consist of taking advantage of glitches in the game, ala the endless Hssiss spawn thing.
  20. Whatever the game gives me...which often is purple. Lots of purple. <_< Since I like to use 2 single-hilts, my preference is for both of them to be the same color; not always easy to do w/out the savegame editor. Sometimes I'll have them be different colors, tho, to help me tell them apart in terms of which one has what crystals in it.
  21. Well I think this version has become a bit long in the tooth. Please feel free to continue and follow the on-going discussion here.
  22. Welcome to Kotor3: Ideas and Suggestions part 20! It's continuing mission is to have a place for the on-going discussions relating to K3. There is a lot of continued interest on this topic and keeping input centralised will have more impact and possible influence than multiple threads scattered throughout the forum. While I know members who've been here a long time may find this discussion a somewhat elderly and done-to-death topic, please keep in mind that there are new members arriving all of the time, and to them, this might be a new and current topic of interest that they wish to discuss. Courtsey and hospitality to all members enhances the community and makes me smile - spam and trollish behaviour does not. So let's keep the posts on-topic, respectful and constructive in nature. If you don't wish to participate in K3 discussions, then DO NOT POST. :D Have fun! Here are the links to the past threads: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
  23. Dxun, for the tomb and the camp and the overall atmosphere Dant. comes in close 2nd; I like its quests and its concluding battle.
  24. Certainly sounds promising. If I can retain this information in my memory - haha - I'll be interested to see how it fares when it's released. I'm entrusting you all to remind me when that day comes.
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