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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Kotor2 just didn't like you, Hassat. It played ok for me when I 'stole' hubby's male savegame and played to that point but yeah, with the glitches some get who knows...
  2. You need to be male, where you cannot aquire him to be in your party..then there will be a cutscene where he says his name.
  3. Matt Damon could not be James Kirk. And that's the problem. No one can. It'd be easier to find a Spock, perhaps, because of the make up they have to use anyway....Alexander Enberg might do well playing a younger, probably less emotive Spock (he played in TNG "Lower Decks" and in Voyager). Course he might not be so young by now. Time flies.
  4. Main/gaming computer: P4 3ghz 2GB system RAM GeForce 7800GS SoundBlaster Audigy2 ZS Main HD: 127GB 2nd HD: 500GB Sony double/dual layer DVD-RW drive (main) old Kenwood CD/DVD drive (I refuse to power-upgrade this one anymore) Networked secondary storage/email/lite browser computer: P3 600mhz (hahaha! - hey it works for email...) 320MB RAM Another big GB's harddrive The rest is not worth mentioning, hehe...but it keeps stuff off/seperate from my main computer... :D
  5. Glad you got it working, enjoy the rest of the game.
  6. So are you saying that if you restart from the auto-save, it doesn't happen? I've heard of people running to this kind of glitch before - characters unable to move etc. All I can suggest is that your save games may have become corrupted/glitched and you're going to have to start over.
  7. That meadow looks like our front/backyard in springtime! Mower? What's a mower?
  8. That's been my thought on the whole ST movie thing too. Especially after the last two mediocre to terrible films. I wouldn't mind if they started completely fresh, with a film that wasn't based on any of the series. Something a little more widely accessible, perhaps, than just to ST fans, but set in the ST universe.
  9. Most forums have categories and will move topics if they seem out of place. While I understand the desire to vent, this isn't the appropriate place to do so and I don't forsee anything too constructive coming from it.
  10. http://www.variety.com/article/VR111794181...10&cs=1&s=h&p=0 Even tho I'm a ST and ST:TNG fan, I'm not sure whether to be intrigued or horrified. It seemed to me that the films and series had run their course but I guess I should've known Paramount wouldn't give up on their cash cow so easily. The idea of a story based around Kirk and Spock in the Academy could be interesting, for ST fans. But then the casting comes into play...who could convincingly play a young Kirk and Spock...I'm not sure I could think of anyone that wouldn't make me cringe at the thought.
  11. A face I always recognize but never remember the name. He's been around a long time.
  12. This weeks TV Guide (the one with 4 different cover options) has some stuff about it. Nothing major, but some plot hints and the like. One of which was supposedly that (while there's no names, could be a big plot-angle spoiler to some, you've been warned) ------- Edit: Oh wait...that might be for NEXT season. The wording in the blurb could be taken either way and is kind of indistinct...oh well, buy the mag and conclude for yourself.
  13. The flying car one had me in stiches.
  14. Computer and hardware specs are useful to give when asking questions like these. It could be anything, although most likely some kind of video issue, I agree.
  15. To the OP - yeah, I often didn't play the endgame either, along w/Peragus. I played the main part of Kotor2 (the planets) over and over and over, either via savegame loading or dashing through Peragus as fast as possible (I became rather quick at that), but I only played Malachor twice. I think it was kind of worth it to play it once DS and once LS - for completeness - but the fun was in the middle. IMO.
  16. I'm guessing some kind of military landscape training exercise but who knows.
  17. What?? When? When? When? When? Gimmie! :D I have this scratchy videotape of the unaltered Star Wars & Return of the Jedi and haven't bought any of the new & improved (improvement questionable...) versions. When he first started improving them and re-released them in the theater for the first time a while back, we went to go see it. It was horrible. The 'improved' sound was horrible and made my ears bleed. The new CGI mixing was horrible. It didn't improve the movie. I can understand Lucas wanting to mess with his 'baby' all the time, being an obsessive tweaker myself, but was really PO'd that you couldn't get the originals anymore. So, yay.
  18. Typically, no. Depends where in California tho...big state, lots of different climates...for us in particular...Friday/some of Sat. was 25-30%. Don't know what it was when the power was out - last night it was 73%, and right now it's about 55%. I slept in the garage last night. :/ Anyone who has central AC: I hate you. But I have a pool. So there. And I'll never switch to metric or C. I refuse. I was raised with the old system and I like it. The next generation or three can do the changing. Heheh. Tho I do use the on-line calculators if I'm trying to be really accommodating for some reason...which is, uh, rare.
  19. Because replacing Alec G. with Ewan's mug would be sacrilege and Lucas knows that there may be many idiotic things he can to do to his previous films and be 'forgiven', but that isn't one of them.
  20. Dear Lonewolf the WoW addict: Run away! Run as fast as you can!! I was 24-hour kind of addicted to it for 2-3 months. I loved my Hunter, I loved my raptor. If you're anything like me, you'll start to get tired of the grind later. Or not (a friend of mine is still playing it addictively after close to a year). Good luck breaking away from the addiction. heh
  21. I tend to be a bit leniant about the K3 issue but perhaps a no-response poll might work better for this one. The will it/won't it discussions belong in the K3 thread.
  22. Looking up the news, I guess the humidity here has been a lot higher than normal. While our block has power again, the amusing thing is that people around the corner who had power last night, are now powerless. It's totally crazy, and seemingly random. State 2 emergency blah blah, whatever that means. I think we broke the pst power-demand record or something.
  23. Heat up a lot of rocks in a tiny room and pour water all over them for a few hours, repeatedly, then sit in that room.
  24. humidity's definitely worse than heat, and the two combined would kill me. I've been in AZ and while it was really hot, it's dry, and didn't bother me so much. up here it's humidity's only around 20-30% i think, and that's still too much for me. I need to move to Alaska. :D
  25. Yeah, that's what our house is like too. It's 101 inside my computer room right now. Last night I managed to get it down to 85F by 7am by opening the garage and all windows/doors - fruitless of course, but otherwise I wouldn't have slept at all. :D
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