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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I'm thinking about going to bed early.
  2. There was initially some gripes about GW for that reason - they bought it because of the Guild WARS (PvP/arena) and the idea that they could instantly make a top lvl chr and jump into the fray, and then discovering in order to create a truly unique character they had to play the PvM game to level up/grind and find stuff. I don't think The Architect was suggesting that Kotor3 (if there ever is one) should be a multiplayer game. Just that it had a simple option for players to ener a static arena and pummel each other with their sabers. Something akin to what Drakan tried to do, perhaps.
  3. Went out to dinner and saw PotC2. The ending was kinda fun, plus a few other funny moments, but eh...the first one was a lot better. I don't think I'd call the 2nd one trash, but it's pacing was way off.
  4. Story concept and battle imagery: 8 Writing, grammatical flow and emotional impact: 4.5 I mean absolutely no offense, but the flow of the sentences/paragraphs feels too staccato and abrupt, which isn't my thing. It's too much sterile description of only the action and not enough of the characters emotional/thought reactions or involvement, if that makes sense, leaving me with little to draw me to the character/s. In terms of flow, if I may make a suggestion: I find reading my stuff out loud, like you're reading a speech for a class, helps me find spots that may feel too jarring. Of course, that's just my own preferences and opinion - figuring out your own voice is the most important thing. Keep at it and you may have something here.
  5. I don't know any on-line game that costs $40 a month. $15-20 usually. US dollars that is. I understand/respect the principle of not wanting to pay, but for me, I pay more than that for a pizza so I if I really want to play something, I don't mind the cost to at least try it for a while.
  6. The first, unaltered Star Wars that I saw when I was...well, when I was younger.
  7. Tremors2. Not as good as the first but the 'new guy' joke always amuses.
  8. I'm thinking about how almost all 'horror' movies are now PG-13.
  9. *steals kaftan's wig* Always wondered what I'd look like as a blonde. Haha, great pic.
  10. I think sometimes we all need to remember that not everyone has what is often called a 'thick skin' - or the same sense of humor. Also, my skin itches and it makes me think about tossing the cats in the bathtub.
  11. I wouldn't use the feature myself, but I see no (non-tech) reason not to have it in there as long as it worked like The Architect suggested...aka that it wasn't part of the SP/rpg game, just a MP option tha unlocks when you finish the game once. But I think it would be better/make more sense to create a seperate game for those who want Jedi action/PvP.
  12. Never used any mods besides modifying a few things in the editor thingie, even tho some have looked pretty cool. I tend to have a green game-mod thumb.
  13. Getting a claw stuck in your finger as the owner of the claw tries to dash away in a spooked panic is rather painful.
  14. Hehe I like the 'vrooom' sound in the background. Soothing kittah to sleep!
  15. I like how the article states the guy admits that "collecting data based on well-being was not an exact science." r00fles. Well, perhaps from a mass-population psychology point of view it could be interesting but...
  16. My understanding is that while the video card is typically the major thing, if one's CPU is too 'old' then well, it can't take advantage of the advanced card so much (bottleneck). So CPU can be a factor. But if you have a fairly 'modern/speedy' PC and an older card, the card is then the bottleneck. Depends a bit I guess.
  17. Interesting combo. :D I'm thinking about what a pretty day it is outside now that it's not 110 degrees. And that the pool is 85F w/out a cover on. Warm.
  18. *stares at the pictures* *stares some more* Time for motherboard companies to redesign their boards, soon, perhaps?
  19. Hang in there Hades. One of my friends had similar weight problems and when she decided it was time to change things, it took her a year and a lot of struggle but she dropped maybe 70-80 pounds. While she hasn't been able to lose all the way down to her goal weight yet (like you her goal is a bit over 'optimal'), she's kept that first 80 off and is probably in better aerobic condition than many skinnier people. She walked so fast I couldn't keep up with her on foot (she's a fair deal taller than I am), and the few times I tried to keep her company I had to ride my bike. :D
  20. While I appreciate the friendly help being given to a new/returning member, this thread is running off-topic from it's purpose and may get pruned soon...
  21. Thinking about some issues that hamper me from doing things; ie too much meticulous perfectionism that makes me give up on hobbies out of frustration of not being able to achieve what I think I want, fast enough, when it perhaps doesn't really matter in the first place...
  22. I find DS more interesting but I tend to go LS more often for character/NPC interaction reasons.
  23. Disciple over Atton this time just because....well, typically he was a slightly better melee fighter than Atton.
  24. Insomnia & Desperation by Stephen King. Not very good but anything works in a power outtage pinch. Last week I was re-reading One Day At Teton Marsh by Sally Carrighar. Old book with a bunch of interconnected short tales told from various animals points of view.
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