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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Descent. I was expecting something more like the suspense/horror of Aliens, and instead got more of a Night of the Living Dead horror. Bleh.
  2. I found the 1st episode of the 2nd season to be kind of bland - too much set-up/reminders of the previous season maybe - the 2nd episode was much better. I have the feeling by the end of the season it'll be rip-roaring. For me the show isn't about whether it's really historically accurate (it's a tv show...) or predictable - it's about the characterization/drama. It reminds me of a play in some ways. I like Octavian's growth of character a lot and I loved the guy who played Caesar.
  3. I looked briefly into the HD-DVD units when TV shopping, but didn't realize the discs were more fragile in that manner. Makes me glad I didn't get one. That and the tech still feels too new...I'll wait and see where it goes.
  4. Hey now, I didn't say "no exercise" - I said not much. But the back trouble actually started when I slipped in the bathtub several years ago - twice, on two seperate occasions close together - and butt-slid backwards into the tub faucet, hitting almost the exact same spot on my upper spine both times. It was freaky and painful but I thought nothing of it until a week later when I was flat on my back. heh Since then it's been downhill from there. But yes, I'm sure lack of torso muscles makes it much more likely for it to "go out" on me etc. - one of those idiotic cycles of "my back hurts/don't exercise" and "back doesn't hurt/exercise...oops the back went out again" things. Even when I was supposedly very fit, I've always been about aerobic/legs, not arms and torso.
  5. I'm not sure what is meant by "game lock combos" but there have been games with different AI types - of course, they still weren't dynamic in response to player-actions, they'd just use different "plans", and thus were predictable before long. Dynamic reactions to human actions would be nice, yes...assuming, of course, that the programming made it feel random enough in some way. If it only had one reaction to any action - where I knew if I didn't want it to build a certain unit I just had to avoid doing a certain thing to cause the AI reaction - that would be just as predictable, I think.
  6. I've never played competitive sports, except the mandatory bits in school and such...just not into that sort of competition at all. Sometimes fun to watch, but otherwise... Biking, hiking/packing, & dancing were my things in teens/20's. Ballroom dancing in particular I really enjoyed it, and did a few local shows - nothing major, just for fun. My 30's tho...not a whole lot, honestly, besides sex and short walk/hikes in nearby parks and the exercycle...and lately, a lot of upper-torso strength/flexibilty exercises. Yoga is probably in my future.
  7. I've dreamed of a good RTS AI opponent that didn't rely on computer decision speed vs. human decision speed. I have yet to experience one. I can understand money/time being a large issue, but over the years it's pretty disappointing that it hasn't become much better, even so. There have been plenty of strategy games that were crazily difficult to beat/weren't easy, where myself and perhaps others would want them toned down for being too unfair - but that doesn't neccesarily make them good AI. Typically the AI opponents I've liked best were very defensive rather than offensive, simply because it's less of a speed-game.
  8. I remember mine changing to Kreia a few times - I never knew exactly why, but I think at least one aspect has something to do with whether you're dark or light when you win the game, or at certain major points, or something.
  9. LadyCrimson


    Almost everyone but Jack is a redshirt, really. " And maybe Chloe. I watched the first 5 episodes of season6. I'm undecided about whether I'll wait for the DVD for this season...I usually do, but I admit it's been pretty nice to watch them in 1080HD. Upconverted 480-1080 isn't anywhere near the same. Commericals are always irritating tho, even w/fast-forward.
  10. How would imperfections in a disc cause it to lose data later? I can see it making it cagey to actually write the data, but lose it? Or are you saying such imperfections make them just unreadable? If the latter, I guess I can see that...would those disc resurfacing thingies be something to try, if you have nothing else to lose anyway? I've never had any cd/dvd's become unreadable yet - burned or originals. My husband acts like they're coasters, but he hasn't had any lost data yet either. Guess we're just lucky so far.
  11. Due to horrible bad-back issues I've watched a lot of TV lately - especially since we got a nice shiney 50" plasma and digital/HD cable. Recently, "Duel" was on and I watched that. Haven't seen it in a while - it ages pretty well; it's still a classic for it's simplicity...or something. I'm annoyed they felt they had to re-make "The Hitcher" - if they ever remake "Duel" I'll have a stroke.
  12. LadyCrimson


    I'm getting a little tired of them killing off characters left and right all the time. While it's refreshing that they aren't afraid to do it, a little of that goes a long way.
  13. I think the first time, upon reload (ahem) I used a lot of shields and constant pausing of the game - vibroblades and no running behind the counter. Like the others said, if he's not Jedified at this point (especially if you were trying to keep him low level to Jedify him later), definitely pretty hard when you're unprepared/don't know what to expect. It can also be hard to Jedify him before triggering this encounter with no previous knowledge of the game, so I'm not sure that's the best advice. But if you have the oppurtunity, definitely take it. :D
  14. Sorry for not giving an accurate answer. From the way you framed your original post, I thought you meant you had it working and didn't understand what the power did game-wise.
  15. It's strange...I often don't remember how much I like a song until I hear it again. Once I do, I'll listen to it 100 times in a row, then a bit later I forget the title once more... American Pie - by whoever that was No Spill Blood - by Oingo Boingo Invisible Sun - The Police Walking on the Moon - The Police It's Hard to be Humble - Mac Davis Duke of Earl - The Platters Take Me to the River - Talking Heads Try a Little Tenderness - Otis Redding Let's Live For Today - Grass Roots Think We're Alone Now - Tommy James & the Shondells (Tiffany is UGH) Rocky Racoon - The Beatles One of These Days - Pink Floyd (Meddle) The entire JSC Superstar concept album ...I could go on forever but my memory stops here....
  16. I never found a use for it gameplay wise. More of a novelty thing. Kind of pretty sometimes.
  17. Done. And I personally loved the Sentinel class. Not the most powerful damage wise perhaps but I loved having all the skills. It was actually too many skills in terms of game-balance really...it made needing the other NPC's for their skills that you might not have rather redundant. And I almost never sneaked. Not my style.
  18. Thread pruned, with a gentle reminder: if one is tired of reading/replying to common topics, one can not read/reply to them. If there is spam, please use the Report function to let a moderator know; adding to spam by spamming isn't productive for anyone.
  19. Thread pruned, with a gentle reminder: if one is tired of reading/replying to common topics, one can not read/reply to them. If there is spam, use the Report function; adding to spam by spamming isn't productive for anyone.
  20. I'm still building houses in Sims2. I'm not actually playing Sims2. Just building houses...
  21. Heh, yeah, I've known people like that myself. Lovable all, but... Definitely not me, tho. I saved. And saved. And saved. Nothing; I gave up on that file. :cool:
  22. It's an orange wearing a muffin paper hat. Don't ask.
  23. Useless comment: That site is really funny. I envision a resin bag (like sports folk might use) in a bowl, on the coffee table, as becoming a future required implement of console-gamers.
  24. Normal saber in both hands - for the combat animations more than anything else.
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