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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. That's not an elf, it's a Vulcan! One of the things I like about DS2 is there are, occasionally, simple puzzles. Nothing that will work your brain cells or anything close, but at least it's something besides Fed Ex quests. Here you're supposed to turn statues until the mirrors line up properly to open a chamber, that kind of thing. Yeah, I'm liking this party-based action-rpg sequel more and more. Especially once I put in a small mod to give myself 6 party members, instead of 4, in the first (no choice) difficulty. I hate enforced limits like that. :D Now I just need to feed/grow my mule pet chr. (he's not in the screen) so it can carry more stuff.
  2. I finally got the cursor in Dungeon Siege2 to stop flickering like a candle in the wind, and now on my 2nd try to play this game I'm kinda liking it. Nothing special, but for hack n slash it's still passable fun. I really disliked it when I first bought it a while ago, possibly because I liked DS1 enough that the differences in DS2 irritated me, but once you get farther into it, it becomes more engaging. Probably won't finish it, but since I'm sick of WoW and wanted a quickie weekend action-rpg fix - the only kind I have the patience/time for anymore - it's working nicely.
  3. Finally watched Wall-E. Hubby's first comment after watching it: "Those guys at Pixar sure have some wild imagination." His second comment: "The romance parts were a bit much for me." I liked it...first half was great, 2nd half worked. A robotic ET is an adorable creation. Think I'm going to watch it again.
  4. Not really. At least, most of the time mods are chosen because they are antisocial enough to be on here anyways. I'm still anti-social. It's my interests/habits that changed. Congrats Gorth, well deserved imo, and ... ...wait, are those celebratory cookies on your desk? What's that over there?! *steals cookie*
  5. I've known women who weren't obsessively neat, but none that were slobs. I myself would fall in the middle - I want things to be neat, clean, and orderly and can obsess over it - but since one, I also like to be lazy, and two, my husband is one of the worst apathetic slobs in history, it's rarely as clean/neat as I desire. There comes a point in life where you have to decide whether you'd rather spend half your spare time cleaning or doing something else. Eventually, many people - including women - choose "something else" and start rethinking their standards of what's acceptable. Unless, of course, you can afford a daily maid/cook/butler - or your living space is only a 8x10 room.
  6. This mostly applies to strategy/action and some adventure games, but can apply to any genre: Mandatory timed/countdown-clock missions/levels. I absolutely loathe them and any game that has more than one (maybe two) I will toss in the trashcan.
  7. Some of my friends have had an hour or more waiting before they were 'logged on'...long queue lines + crowded areas. The DK starter area was very fun quest-wise and such. I had a blast with that and wish all quest lines were that fun. You can make a DK and finish that area in not much time. I played the beta enough to be already burnt out on the newness of it all...even tho it's probably changed since I last played (I quit the beta before it was over) I'm going to wait before I actually buy the expansion...let the crowds die down a little. I do wonder what balance they finally struck w/the DK's power-wise.
  8. I've tried to make myself climb the ladder to enter the roof space (through the ceiling hole in the closet) to check it out, but as soon as I step on the 3rd or 4th step and it wobbles, I panic and go back down. Strangely, I can run around a steep cliffside area or stand on a balance beam or climb a tree or whatever, without a problem. But ladders...*shudder*...
  9. I think it'll be affected, yes...how much is up for debate. But I'd generally agree that it probably won't have the kind of drop-off as "general retail" and such. Games are one of the cheaper, "stay at home when we have to conserve money" entertainment options ... even if you can't run out and buy a new title every couple weeks anymore. So yeah...people may buy less, and sales for Xmas titles will likely fall below original expectations, but I think gamers will still be buying enough to keep companies afloat, as long as the economy woes begin to recover within a year or two. I predict beer companies will also stay afloat during these dark times.
  10. That's a film I liked a lot when I first saw it, but after a few repeat viewings didn't like all that much at all. Except for the brief earthquake scene. I find all such earthquake joke-scenes hilarious. I saw Casino Royale. I like Bond movies, but am not a huge fan overall, so I didn't bother to see this one until now. Great film, great new Bond actor dude. And now I've seen it just in time to for it to be fresh in my mind when I see the new Bond film.
  11. Things I'm phobic about even as a supposedly rational adult: Ladders (even short ones) - if it requires a ladder, and hubby's not home, it plain doesn't get done. Fear of falling I guess, and ladders are always shaky. Swimming pool drains -- used to have nightmares about them as a kid and I still avoid going too close to them. Needles -- medical/bodily usage, not sewing usage. I can't look at my arm when they do blood tests. No acupuncture for me. Bacteria/germs in "wild" water -- it's irrational because the very idea of all that algae/bacteria filled water possibly dripping/getting in my eyes and mouth etc. grosses me out and prevents me from doing much more than wading. I know how to swim (drowning wouldn't be fun, after all), I just refuse to unless I must.
  12. As I get older, I find myself more and more in agreement with this one:
  13. A lot of screens have at least minor spoilers in them...it's the nature of screenshots, imo. I guess for me it's rarely a spoiler since I have no clue about the context, plus my memory is bad enough I won't remember I saw some specific scenery before. heh Thanks for all the cool shots, people. Certainly looks nice. A lot of them look very shooter-like graphic wise - does the gameplay follow suit in feeling more like a shooter, or does it "feel" like a roleplaying game whilst actually playing, if that makes sense?
  14. "Right at Your Door" - low budget movie w/pacing similar to "Open Water"...about a man during the aftermath of 'dirty bomb' attacks on Los Angeles. He seals himself in his house w/duct tape and then his wife shows up on the porch. The first half is compelling enough, but the middle bogs down and the two leads don't have a lot of chemistry. I kinda liked the ending. One of those movies where if you're in the right mood, you'll think it's interesting, but if you're not, you'll probably think it's just boring. "The Happening" - Direction: Ugh. Acting: Argh. Plot: HAHAHA. An attempted homage to "B" movies that fails miserably at even that. Someone please tell Mark Wahlberg to never play a soft-spoken clueless 'good guy' again. Crazy woman near the end (Betty Buckley!!) was amusing.
  15. I listened to the rain. I watched the rain. I took a walk in rain. I snapped photos of things wet with rain. I danced with kitty to the beat of rain. I listened to the rain. I watched the rain. I'm now bored of rain.
  16. After the awesome ALCS games, I'm trying to be excited over the Phillies/Rays World Series, but it's not working. The Ray's may be Cinderella of the year w/some great players, but I'm just not grooving on them, or the Phillies either for that matter. High respect for the players but none of them make me emotionally want to cheer them on, if that makes sense. If last night was an indication, it should be a close series, so it could ramp up. Must...watch... I love baseball...it's the only sport that makes me yell at the TV screen.
  17. Indiana Jones part 4 Some cute moments, but the thrill is gone. I couldn't say there was anything horribly wrong with it, really...but every scene in it I felt like I'd seen in another movie (and often done better). ie, no suspense or wonderment. But it was still cool to see Ford swing that whip one more time.
  18. Home remedies seem to consist of everything from garlic cloves to peanut butter to vanilla extract to peppermint extract - dabbing such directly on the aching tooth/area or soaking a cotton ball. I have no idea if any of them really work. One page of people's suggestions: http://susangaer.com/studentprojects/tooth4.htm
  19. Viral Video of a couple weeks ago, apparently... The very literal interpretation of a-ha's "Take on Me" (a hit from the 80's). The guy singing it is pretty good, too. "Band montaaaaage!"
  20. Waiting for the ALCS game. My life revolves around MLB in October.
  21. There were some jokes about McCain's gruff voice in one rally making him sound kinda like the Penguin from 60'd Batman series. So someone "dressed him up". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtx97MR08Cg
  22. Oh, no...sorry...that guy did do it on purpose, cause he wanted to play Space w/out being invaded every 10 min. or whatever...he wasn't complaining. I was just using what he did as an example of where one might/could accidentally discover that something one did affected their other planets. I realize it's not earth-shattering or anything, but I'd still prefer to have a few separate 'galaxies' rather than just one that's all interconnected. I guess I'm used to games where you either can A- save multiple games to try different things out, and B - start a map all over again (ala strategy games). In Spore, you can start a new species/planet, but to me it's not 'starting a new map/from scratch'. And the ship - heh, well you know I saw the 'cat whiskers' deco and had to make something that used 'em. lol
  23. Yeah, that's the one. I think for what it is, it's not terrible or anything. Just not memorable.
  24. It probably wouldn't bother most players, no. But it does bug me. But one aspect where it might - emphasis on might - bother in a more general way: You and your wife (or kid, or sibling) are playing Spore on the same computer, and you don't want to "ruin" anything for the other person with your actions, since not everyone likes to play the same way. There was one forum post on the official forum where a player said they used their first space-colony race to zip over and destroy/clear out most of the planets anywhere near his current tribal stage race, or something to that effect...with the result that when that tribal race went to space themselves, they had almost no invasions/alerts/issues. That's fine if you plan/want it that way, but it might be annoying if you weren't aware. So what you do in Space stage w/one planet/species can potentially dramatically effect another "planet" you're also playing - especially if you chose to play planets that are very close together on the galaxy map.
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