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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Well, like I said, I can see it for keeping up w/family or something, but then, I can do that with email lists, blogs, the phone, and tons of other "social sites" as well. I'm not sure we need another one. I don't see anything different about Twitter. I'm not trying to say "if you like it you're a dufus" but I personally don't see it. And of course getting "followers" isn't important, just like "friends" on myspace means jack.
  2. Reminds me of that "modding was better..." thread.... ...unless you mean it's going downhill because mainstream = there are too many posts for a sane person to follow.
  3. All right, I figure I can't knock what I don't try so I experimentally made a Twitter account and posted a few silly/stupid messages. In about 10 minutes, a Spam-bot "followed" me. Not a good sign in my book. There's way too much going on to even begin that process in terms of idle chatter folk. Sure if you want to follow a record company etc. you find/search that easily enough but ...
  4. I can understand it might be a nice tool to keep in quick touch with family and friends, but as a general chat thingie, it doesn't seem very appealing to me. But then, I still don't "text" either. And I have a hard time being short-winded. All these new fads that I don't "get", they make me feel old. I'm so unhip. heh Eh...it's just more publicity for a company. If it helps them in that regard, then why not. Especially when it's free.
  5. I don't get it. What's so new and special about it? From appearances, it's just IRC or BB's on cellphones. People can now type "LOL I'm walking down stairs and almost tripped" at anytime, anywhere. Is this actually interesting? Do you find it interesting? Is it the wave of the future of casual world communications or just a fad? I will admit, for myself, that the idea of kinda/sorta communicating with many famous people is vicariously intriguing, even if they mostly see it as publicity rather than convo. http://uk.reuters.com/article/UKNews1/idUKTRE53G5WA20090418 I'd rather talk to sports figures, authors, and politicians then movie stars, tho.
  6. I've tried to get my cats to clean the house for me, but alas have only met with failure so far.
  7. I don't think the kid's acting was that terrible. More that the role/character was terrible.
  8. Not to me! Nope! Absolutely not! ... I wish ... Did yard work for most of the morning, which lately means trying to rake the yard and trim branches while squirrels are following around my ankles wanting food. Right this minute I'm sitting on a bed, keyboard in lap, with "In the Line of Fire" on the little TV, baseball game playing on one side of the pc monitor and forum/google hopping on the other side of the monitor. Lazy afternoon, and I love it.
  9. I'm sure D3 would run on either my ancient pc or my somewhat better one I currently play games on, so probably no serious worries for many people. But I want to play D3 at max resolutions with high settings and all that...which I don't think either of my computers could quite handle without turning into a lag fest. It'd be nice if hubby would play D3 with me (he played D2 for a while) but he's largely lost interest in the way the game market has gone, so I won't hold my breath. heh
  10. Day the Earth Stood Still remake. Watchable end of the world fluff until the terrible ending that ruins what little enjoyment you were having before. And the kid character was nothing but annoying.
  11. On the one hand, I want it now. On the other hand, I'm not quite ready to build the new pc I want to play the game on. Xmas 2009 would be awesome tho...2011 would have me gnashing my teeth. The flashy new graphics look good/are nice, but I only hope it has the same addictive quality of the previous Blizz games. I'm sure the Wizard will be the first I try.
  12. Do you have to ride the rocket for something, or were you just goofing off? That looks like fun.
  13. Took my mother to lunch and hung out with her a while at her senior apt., which at the moment is something that is both wonderful and sad at the same time. Gorgeous day for being out, tho. We ate at a Hobees, which I'd never been to before (I'm not generally into "healthy" places when I eat out) but their version of a BLT was pretty good. Edit: time is much on my mind, which made me think ... I can't believe it was 4 years ago that I registered here. Where does it all go?
  14. i've got a 52" sony LCD. but the flick wasn't in HD so i wasn't watching that large of a picture. in spite of the fact that i know all those things were added intentionally, overall it was just a retarded movie, worth one watch for giggle factor, as you noted, but nothing else. taks I don't really see myself wanting to watch it again any time soon. It was funny, but once I know the funny, while I might still admire the production/satire, it's not funny the next time. I did have an "advantage" that I was very amused to see Michael Biehn - especially which helped me enjoy it. I haven't seen any movies recently, even on cable or DVD. Just a few fave TV series. Baseball's taken me over.
  15. The only thing I personally miss when watching at home on the big TV is the potential audience participation - which can sometimes add a lot to the enjoyment of a film. I'm sure I wouldn't have liked Independence Day very much without all the cheering and hooting and hollering of the packed audience that made it an experience to fondly remember. I enjoyed Planet Terror quite a bit at home, giggling happily through much of it's tongue-in-cheek campy length. Sounds to me more like taks didn't like the movie for taste reasons rather than screen-size reasons.
  16. The catcher in today's A's vs. BoSox game got a pitch between the legs. Even I winced as he rolled around in the dirt. But then he slowly got back up and kept on playing. That's dedication for ya. Wakefield had an awesome pitching game - a no-hitter for 8 innings + staying in all 9. Was happy for him, plus the BoSox really needed it, after the 12 inning game last night depleted their available bullpen.
  17. I always thought the average person loved cheat codes because they are lazy ... lol I can understand the kind of statement/attitude you mentioned, but again, that's a personal thing and has nothing to do with quality of modding results or environment per se. As I said, one can still 'do with it as I please" if one wants to/has the abilities and it gives pleasure. The aspect you seem to miss is finding such people, perhaps?
  18. I think I get where you are coming from. Since modding is now considered an act of social contribution, modders should only be motivated torwards enhancing such a social construct (aka. the modding community as a whole). Instead of making mods for the sole purpose of self-fulfillment, they owe the community as a whole for their talents. Anything else outside of social contribution is considered futile and useless. Did I read that wrong? If I'm translating your statement correctly, I think the gamming community has missunderstood why modding was started. -and, why people do mod in general. Its for personal pleasure. If it's for personal pleasure that a modder feels like spending lots of time on a project, what concern/matter is it to them whether there's lots of people mucking around as well? That doesn't prevent the modder from continuing to work on their own "thing" to get their personal pleasure from achieving whatever it is they're trying to achieve with their mod project. And what statement was that? "I can figure out the coding and produce something from it with no help from the developers?" or "Developers shouldn't selfishly block their tools from people who want to alter the game for their personal pleasure?" (so they can then protest that too many newbie modders ruins the soup?) I mean no personal offense, but that just sounds like an ego thing to me. Which again, if a modder wants to ignore the 'easy tools' and see if they can do it on their own "because they can/it is there" or whatever, with their own like-minded groups, as some kind of personal tech challenge, nothings stopping them, is it? Edit: I'm sure it's personally frustrating if you feel it's harder to wade through and find those "like minded" type of modders to help you with something, but I don't see how that translates into "modding was better when..."
  19. Listening to/watching the wind rip through the block and wondering if those dangling branches that overhang the power/phone lines in the backyard are going to be a problem....the wind moves the branches and I can see the wires moving as they brush up against them. I think one of the wires is starting to sag a little lower. They're too tall for us to reach...will the power company come over and take care of it? it's so bizarre to have the lines (and telephone poles) in the backyard rather than street side...or underground. Old neighborhoods.
  20. Sunday? Cool. Something to watch on the usually "nothing to watch" Sundays. I'll definitely have to check out the first few Goldblum episodes.
  21. Having something feel more "personal" or more "exclusive" doesn't necessarily make it better for the community (or players). Modding shouldn't be some kind of exclusive club where only those with certain amounts of time or knowledge can enter - that could leave out a lot of people with possible good ideas but less time or technical abilities. So I'd agree with Kaftan as well. And as a player, at least, I appreciate that there's more mod options to pick from - meaning a higher chance of my finding something that I'd personally like, whatever my tastes. In the early days I hardly glanced at mods because I could almost never find what I wanted. Now I can usually find something. Or, if my desires are simple enough, maybe even do it myself.
  22. I'm too visual for radio to satisfy me. I bought the MLB.tv Premium package. $109 for the season, not bad. The cabletv Extra Innings would be closer to 200 bucks with no ability to also watch archived games you miss, so in the end, not too hard of a decision, haha. MLB.tv HD streaming looks great, works great, and so far I'm very happy with it. I can turn my monitor around, put the streaming video on full-screen, sit on the guest/daybed while watching, and the quality is somewhat close to watching a regular TV hd broadcast on a smaller tv. Not much jerkiness or anything, for me, either, so all good. And I have the same issue - what games are broadcast here feels very random, and most of the teams I'm interested in watching frequently aren't it. Plus, California has 5 teams, so that more often than not, they'll broadcast a Giants or Dodgers game when I want to see the Oakland or Angels game, and vice versa etc. Not that I'm into California's teams very much right now...I only watch them when they're playing a team I do like, so the MLB.tv blackout stuff doesn't bother me much.
  23. Well, nice he was rescued with a happy ending for him. Totally irrelevant, but I can never hear "pirates" without envisioning guys in swashbuckling clothes, parrots, and skull/crossbones flags swinging to a ship on big ropes.
  24. I know, but when I originally posted/said "new guy" it was in reference to why I stopped watching the show - when D'fornio stopped being the only main player. I like Jeff Goldblum, even if he is a nut. But I haven't caught a new episode with him in it yet. Did they air one already? Seems like I saw an ad declaring his newness in a new episode/season opener only a week or so ago. I've seen some... there's a couple basic-cable stations that play all the Law and Order stuff ad nauseum. I just don't find the actor watchable, doesn't matter what he's doing. Dunno why...just one of those things. I don't "hate" him or anything. He just makes me go "meh."
  25. Ah, so you must have meant if I built an i7, I could upgrade it w/newer i7 cores later, so it'd be better for longevity that way than the c2d. Makes sense, and sorry for misunderstanding. And thanks for the more in-depth concepts of "solid". That also helps. I usually leave this 'core system' stuff to hubby but he just looks at where the tech trends are and how it relates to price, builds modestly adequate, basic systems, and tosses cheap cards inside his, while I toss more expensive cards in mine. I'd like more than that this time around. heh I've let new techs make me wait long enough. Just gotta do it, as they say. I figure if I build something good soon, it'll last me at least as long as this one has, which is 4+ years. Har. Still probably won't be until mid-late summer tho ... taxes and all, bleh.
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