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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Watched a doc. on Red Sox legend Ted Williams. Good show. I want to do some more yard stuff, but today it's so windy that it's "raining" fine tree/plant debris back there...enough where your glass of water would become polluted in 10 seconds. 20 minutes of that had me sneezing and coughing so much that I ran back inside. All those maple and other trees on our street/in the backyard are pretty to look at, but sure are a pain sometimes. Especially the maple leaf "dust". So I'm "stuck" inside for a while. Not in a gaming mood; kind of twiddling my thumbs. Thinking about running to Best Buy to increase the DVD movie collection again.
  2. Nope. Friends/family, if I'm not interested, nothing makes me read something. Teachers forcing me to read some it in classes was annoying, but usually after the first irritation of having to get used to reading obscure old styles of writing passed, I'd at least kind of enjoy them. But now that I'm thinking on it, there was one book that I hated and kept reading for almost the whole thing....Jean M. Auel's The Shelters of Stone. I loved Clan of the Cave Bear when I was a kid, and have bought every book in the series since then, even after it largely became a romance novel series describing the exploits of 'most amazing & gorgeous cave woman evah, who invents everything known to modern man'. But then Shelters of Stone came along, and in the first 50 pages the writing was so atrocious I was ready to toss it on the fire. It was as if Auel had been secretly ghost-written for all these years and she finally decided to get rid of the ghost writer, and Auel herself couldn't write for crap. Grammar, sentence structure were all abysmal. But I and many other fans kept reading anyway, hoping it would get better. It didn't. I haven't bought Land of Painted Caves yet and I think I probably won't.
  3. If I hate a book, it typically means I tossed it across the room after about 150 pages and then burned it in the fireplace. ...it's rare that I truly hate a book. There are some that I find too boring for my tastes and don't quite finish or finish and think "meh", or others where I love the story but dislike the author's writing style (Drizzt novels) but grit my teeth and keep reading them because of the characters. But if I even come close to finishing it, I didn't hate it.
  4. And which would those be? The very last two of the MISC section? Because those are the only two in the list that I haven't seen/acquired in the single-player.
  5. I'm in agreement. People have personal preferences that can block them out of enjoying things, tho...we all do. Still, I have a difficult time seeing the general viewpoint of a game being a gamebreaker...and it's certainly not a bug/technical issue that needs to be 'fixed.' More zoom out for MP would be useful tho, and it'd be nice if the camera didn't swing around to give you a close up of your chraracter's nose when you run up against a wall or something, but other than that...
  6. I have no idea what you mean by "you can't complete the quest" - you'll have to be a lot more specific than that. What area, what quest, what is happening to prevent you from completing it. However, enemies in general areas will stop giving experience once you've leveled to a certain point. That's just the way it is ... I'd assume to prevent you from reaching max-level before the end of the game, or just to prevent too much over-leveling in general. This happens in most games of this type, actually. Less & less exp. from the same kill fields. But in DS3, instead of forever getting 1xp by killing even weak-arse enemies, you get 0 exp. Lvl 25 appeared to be the "max" for the Glitter Mine/Queen area/quest and possibly the entire Stonebridge area as well - eg to start gaining experience again, you have to move forward in the game plot past those areas/quests.
  7. They don't show up in any of the .ini files. I'd guess it's embedded in one of the EO/GO .opt files. It's possible you could use the config.ini to override them but not sure and I wouldn't know how. I'd guess it's a glitch/integrity thing too, they're working/sticking fine for me.
  8. I think Sannom meant that the merchant accosts you on road that is on the way to Boris. eg, if you're trying to do that 'avenge my husband/kill Boris" quest, you're going to run into the merchant, making it unlikely most people will miss him, if one is trying to do the side quests anyway. I seem to recall him showing up for me even after I'd already dealt with Ranjali...I'm pretty sure it was after, since once I had killed the bandits on the way to see the merchant standing at his wagon, the bandits on that small section of road did not respawn every time I went back and forth on that road again....whereas they will respawn if you meet the guy before dealing with Ranjali, which I used to my level-grinding advantage in my 2nd playthrough. But maybe I'm getting my memories mixed up. I'll check it some time.
  9. As a counter-example, my husband, who hasn't read the books but has seen lots of sci-fi & fantasy films/tv shows, was pretty "meh" about this series. He watched it because I was...he didn't dislike it, it just didn't engage him that much. Yup...but that's why forum discussion is such a lively activity.
  10. My impression is that they do not level up...they are static. If you remain in your starting outfit/gear (no +stamina or +armor, say), those first mercenaries will still hurt plenty (if you let them hit you, heh) for a while. That said, a few extra levels (with their attendant minor hit point & stat increases) does not make the boss fights much "easier," altho it might a little bit in terms of dmg. speed. It's your skill at dodging (if you don't get hit, it's easy no matter what), your choice of gear (are you forgoing stamina in favor of attack, or vice versa etc) and your choice of abilities etc. that does that.
  11. I love Billy Zane, but imo he's always been sort of a B-movie or cult/TV actor. The few roles in the bigger "A" type films were mostly small, and The Phantom, as noted, flopped badly. For some reason he's never gotten a lot of recognition by casters I guess. Loved him in Demon Knight & Dead Calm. I've never heard of MAD - I'll have to look for it. I'd love to check out an odd little horror film w/Billy in it.
  12. The Lucas "list" is missing the one for not siding with the Cyclops re: their status. And @Ghost, yes, most of Lucas's influences come later, not too many in the very start. Once they start coming tho, you feel like there's multiple ones around every corner, so to speak.
  13. I wonder if anyone did the Meister quests first (vs. the mines/Queen) and went straight into the charge....without doing the mines & then missing that whole section. Is that even possible or does the game prevent it?
  14. Hm. AI-Lucas drops everything in an instant and comes running from the other side of the screen if I fall. 1st time thru the game on HC, when I was often being a dufus, he rezzed me so often I gave him a huge box of cookies for his efforts. Could it be the skill AI-Kat prefers using prevents her from coming to your aid right away? Like, the skills where she'll fire until she runs out of focus....perhaps the AI can't/doesn't break off that attack until the focus does run out or something...eg, freezes her in place? Don't know, haven't used AI-Kat much, just a wild thought.
  15. The view tilts slightly up if you put the cursor to the bottom (or the top, I can't remember) of the screen. I'm not sure what it'd be on the consoles. But yes, the view is never going to be like a 1st person or over-the-shoulder 3rd person sort of view. They didn't make skyboxes or something like that (there's more info on that in other threads debating camera) so if you tilted it too much there'd be no sky... I guess I'm one of the few that doesn't might the angle, I'm used to such from other games. But I wouldn't mind a bigger zoom-out option.
  16. I'm still waiting for Grim Dawn. Which reminds me, I need to purchase the epic fan edition to support it, be in the beta...and avoid Steam.
  17. Most definitely. Being close to it is often beautiful, but...yes. Weird.
  18. I've definitely been curious about what seems to be spots in the Causeway that look like more areas for magic bridges & portals. eg, they would seem to be, imo, places for DLC to jump off from, if that makes sense. I'm hoping, at least. I don't want them explained overmuch either. Sometimes it's better to leave things a mystery.
  19. This all reminds me of how I could rarely play anything but Sorcies in D2. Oh I played all the other classes at least once, but I must have made a dozen Sorc's....funny how we all get attached/prefer certain chrs, whatever the reasons. ...back on topic, I'm hoping for more stuff like caverns and caves that one can go into and take a peek, vs. building and courtyard mazes that tend to lead to some main plot/quest boss. The latter are nice/fun and all, but traveling a road, seeing a cave opening and going in to see what's in it is something missing from DS3. I don't need a ton of that sort of thing, but a little would be nice.
  20. My husband really needs to get rid of the extra van. I'm tired of having two huge vehicles in front of our house, especially w/limited street parking. *puts nag-hat on*
  21. Pardon my ignorance, but what is a "ticket achievement" on Steam? As to the MP camera...someone suggested just lengthening the "tether" by a little bit. Don't know if that's possible but if it is, seems like a decent solution. Let the player wander a little further out of the fov of the others, but still not enough to allow independent wandering off etc. They could allow for a longer zoom-out for a bigger fov, which would be another way to handle it, but I have a feeling there's a good reason for not having that in the first place...such as doing so might mean you'd end up seeing the edges of the cells/area borders or something to that effect. Maybe not tho...just a thought.
  22. Btw, if you're curious about the "chicken island" sound files, most of them sound like this. Same essential testing lines for each one.
  23. Not yet...do you know what they're for? Scripting for making the lines fire off I'd guess? Because a lot of them have similar/same titles as the ogg files.
  24. Heh, I'm the same way, only w/Anjali. I started a Lucas and Reinhart game but haven't much past entering the Manor with either. I like Anjali's fire form too much...plus I like Lucas' companion comment lines too much. Lucas' wheel dialogue or Anjali's companion lines aren't as charming to me when you go Lucas/Anjali instead. I know, I'm weird.
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