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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. They're almost all NPC's. All the NPC clerics/guards look the same and tend to cluster.
  2. Not sure, they're too flitty for me to get a good look. Brownish. But with all the Bay marshes and grassy hills there are a lot of types around here I think. Like the big orange bodied ones, to the tiny blueish ones.
  3. Tonight I shall dream of Godzilla sized Downey cats that are ripping roofs off houses to use as play boxes ... and then wake up in a cold sweat.
  4. Ooo....nice macro! I see the odd dragonfly around our yard, probably from the bay marshes ... but they don't sit still long and usually are up high. I think when they show up in our yard, they're hopelessly lost.
  5. I'm not sure if my chr. is glancing over in envy or out of gratefullness that she doesn't have to deal with the backstrain. Drizzt was apparently annoyed that I had stolen his panther. ...not that I blame him, because said panther is awesome. My drow rogue, shooting fireworks into the sky!
  6. The survey stuff makes me nervous/don't like doing stuff like that. I suppose I could make dummy email address for it then delete that mail address when I'm done doing it, but eh...I'll just try to parcel my remaining diamonds into zen then back to diamonds over and over for profit. I gave them money, they don't get more. Not for a while anyway, if ever. Saw some forum posts where people were saying they'd spent like $800 on the game already. In a month. I'm crazy, but not that crazy.
  7. In the specific profession list, if you uncheck the Filter of "don't show high lvl tasks" or something like that, you can see everything possible. Purples only seem to be part of the rotating special tasks, like sorophx said. Good luck getting some of the things you need to make them, tho. I know the purple dragon's egg can come out of the lockboxes (if you get a prof pack from the box) ... no idea if you can get them as dungeon rewards/drops or something. There are apparently some crafting items only available as random chance via the Zen packs. I discovered that about the speed bonus/color tier workers. There's no regular option to make 4 Rank 3 white workers into 1 green worker ... so you have to get the Profession packs, get lucky to get 4 greens, make a blue. Or just get lucky and get purples. Micro-transaction bait again. Or make enough AD to constantly trade for Zen to get the packs w/out spending real cash. Same thing with the blue/purple "tools," too ... tho I'm not sure what those do, exactly. Maybe give a chance of higher stats on the item you craft.
  8. No, they're not mandatory for anything that I can see. I don't remember the questline order but if you reach certain clvls, the other areas open up quest wise (name title becomes yellow instead of red text) and you can just go there and pick up the quests from the people there. And typically, if you're leveled up enough to get quests from the people in a new area, if you go back to Knoxx in the main city, he'll have the starter quest too, if you feel like being a completionist. So basically, clvl dictates what's available/when NPC's will start giving you certain quest chains.
  9. I don't think you are, ma'am. The original poster was entitled "What do passive aggressive ****ing cowards mean" Haha...actually my first thought was it seemed kinda similar to those common jokes re: "what women say/really mean." I guess such lists are rather universal in a way, regardless of the title.
  10. Is that a diaper on that poor cat's head? ...and according to that "what British say/mean" poster, I must be rather British.
  11. I've looked up EVE before ... know a couple 'net buddies who play it. It looks more complicated than I'd probably want to bother with. I do tend to love the simple professions/economics in MMO's tho...often more than the combat/questing part. After leveling up in WoW, that's pretty much all I did - flew around gathering resources/making stuff and "played" the auction house forever. I love how people who seem desperate that their item be bought first, and are willing to drive the prices down in mad cycles to achieve it, affect a weekly market. Bought some Zen when it dived to 300 diamonds per on Sun. night ... it'll shoot up to close to 400 at some point on a weekday and I can sell it back for diamonds again. Repeat. Games are fun.
  12. Manly cars. Rawr. Outside of trees falling, weather that feels more like end of winter rather than early summer (cloudy, sprinkled) and myself being a bit of a hobbled gimp, was a lovely holiday weekend. Bit o' family visit, ez walkin', shopping, lovin', good eats, all that jazz. Found a good small deli close by finally, too. Or at least, a decent one...a real deli, not a Togo's.
  13. Stupid neighbor's by-fence huge tree + wind. There's a big branch on the lawn, too. PG&E came out this morning (their wires/poles, their problem) tried to knock it down with a pole. Didn't work. Coming back tomorrow. They already cut back a lot of the lower overhang last year. Guy said the whole tree should be massively topped off this time. Seems like they should do that from the neighbor's yard tho...this is an old construction neighborhood (1950's) but since the power/phone/cable etc. lines are in the backyards along the fence-lines, people shouldn't have giant trees near them. Hard to get a big person-lifter or whatever in the backyard to deal with it, vs. the street.
  14. I've always liked the sense of being more in control with a manual...that and sometimes, it's the periodic shifting that keeps me awake and a safe driver.
  15. Found a use for my Founder diamonds. Well, some of them. Grabbed 4 blue Leadership guys and 4 blue chainsmithing guys off the AH (700k AD, haha!). Used the miners on all chrs. to open up an extra slot, so all my alts have 3 crafting spots (my main Cleric has 5 now). Nice that they let you mail the craft workers around. 3 alts work on nothing but hiring new crafting guys, the others on boosting their crafting levels. Works out well. Then going to start selling blue and purple crafters myself. Then I'll be sooper AD rich in prep for if/when they start adding more stuff to get with diamonds months later. Main Cleric is almost 40 now, mostly from Leadership. I gave up and started skipping quests because of that ... just poking my nose into an area, taking one quest to see the layout and what the area is about etc, then move on.
  16. Went out walkin' with the spouse, then drove about around town, had a deli lunch, did a little shopping, came home, now time to play a game I think. It's not hard to learn. There's just this extra pedal you have to push down with a foot as you use a hand to move the stick into the next gear. Just need to borrow a friend's car or something. But if you have bad knees or something else like that, they're not the best choice. My next car (in another 10+ years) will likely be an auto.
  17. This again? Wasn't there one or more topics on this before, in the last year? Is it dead? imo, no. Is it different than it was 15 years ago? Yes. Do I care if PC gaming ends up being a category where most of them aren't "AAA" with all the graphic bells and whistles, marketing budget, or whatever, and don't sell 1,000,000 units? No.
  18. Steel wool to clean a shower? Must be hard tile? Don't think I'd use that on white porcelain. Do you have hard water? Limeaway works well. About to eat some lunch then lie down and watch the rest of Netflix's House of Cards series. I started it a while back and never actually quite finished it. Had to read some episode recaps to remember the gist, now I'm ready.
  19. 60, I believe. And yeah, leveling is fast, at least if you do all the quests.
  20. My main has gained two levels (35 to 37) from Leadership alone this week. Haha!
  21. I've thought about Star Trek online, but from the look and sound of it, it's not really what I'd want a ST game to be. Plus I really, really don't need to get caught up into another of Perfect World's cluster of "F2P" games. One at a time, one at a time. ...and I'd be playing NWO if they weren't doing daily maintenance. They're supposed to do that at 6am, not midnight. I protest! *giggle* Maybe I'll fire up Planet Explorers and do some cavern tunneling while I'm waiting.
  22. I liked the first Hangover well enough, but wasn't in seeing more. Hubs did watch the 2nd, and didn't like it very much. it's one of those film formula's that I think doesn't bear many repeats. Kinda like Wayne's World.
  23. I have pretty mixed feelings watching Francona playing "against" the Red Sox. ....still haven't been in the mood to watch too much baseball this year, but when I look at the daily team scores, sometimes these early months in the season are the most interesting, as the league standings bounce around.
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