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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Dang it, Ma-Nature needs to stop messing around with people on this forum. Hope the docs discover their suspicions are wrong and it's "just a sprain." ** ... something less dire sounding, at least. **Dave Barry reference
  2. I was all set to blast them for being delusional internet Trekkie nerds, but then ... hmm ... they have a lot of the right people on board, so it's more than a YT fan-effort. Could be something. They're already funded tho, so I think I shall pass on that front. And I'm pretty doubtful that CBS would go for it, really....if Paramount wanted another weekly ST series, I think they'd create their own. I think they're better off with sticking to movie reboots. But who knows.
  3. Ben Afflec always makes me think of those Alfac insurance ads ... "AFFLEC!" Ben falls in the same camp as George Clooney or Ryan Gosling, for me. I don't think they're "bad actors" at all, but when they're on-screen, I often suddenly want to take a nap due to a sudden burst of ennui. Not compelling and no on-screen charisma for me, I guess. At any rate, since I don't care about yet another Batman movie, I don't mind them casting Ben in the role. Who knows, maybe he'll surprise people. I mean, no one thought Michael Keaton would pull it off, either, and he did all right - especially the Bruce Wayne part, imo. And IIRC, a lot of people didn't like it when Heath Ledger was cast as the Joker, and that turned out well, too. That's the thing about comic book movies ... sometimes weird casting is inspired casting.
  4. ...I'm not the only one, either. So far, all indoor instances are affected. Outdoor areas are fine. It's managable when low leveling but I'd guess invisible chr/enemies/floor/walls etc. would make it difficult as you get higher level. Going to test if it's only on newly created chrs.
  5. It's a striker. Haven't used it yet...still leveling up my snake woman.
  6. Currently watching my spouse get his Zero-butt handed to him in TVHM. And giggling. Can't believe it's Thurs. night already again. This week disappeared even faster than usual...
  7. Didn't know that. Good to know, thanks for sharing. My uncle is pretty color blind and he occasionally has problems with text in print stuff (as well as matching his socks...), so it's a thought that crosses my mind sometimes.
  8. Haha, I already snagged the Aranea companion off the AH for relatively cheap. Pays to constantly refresh that AH screen sometimes. Now I just need people to sell that Stag mount for something that's not 5million AD. Btw, someone posted a link to some datamined screenshots of supposed future/upcoming companions and mounts (ones already available are there too, which makes it seem legit to me). I want the leprechaun. And the Pseudodragon. *wantwantwant* (stupid game....) http://imgur.com/a/v4G90/noscript
  9. A few crunchy squares of "Sheila G's Brownie Brittle." It is divine. ...oh wait, you said dinner, not early afternoon munchies. ... hmm. ... haven't decided. It's rare I decide until an hour before I actually eat. Chicken meatballs/rice maybe. Or some take out.
  10. I sorta like the new tiger-idle animations.... ....but I do not like the "horse-slapping" riding animation. It's dork-defined in motion. Not to mention, a real tiger would turn around and claw your face off if you kept hitting it on the rear.
  11. **looks at the new Dungeon Keeper mobile news/screencap** What the ....
  12. Announced: no rollback. No mention whether individ. accounts would be horse-wiped, but I rather doubt it. ...I don't care about horsies either (I have a few already anyway), but a one hour rollback or something didn't seem unfair, if it was possible to do ... but with so many, the AH price will drop like a rock so people who don't have one/didn't exploit can just buy one for themselves. And it's still hilarious.
  13. LOL! omg, I logged in and was inundated with orange inferno messages! It was hilarious, both that and the comments from it. Ooopsie? Another free cape? Infernoday! Servers down.
  14. Hehe...that Angel better be awesome. ...the Gateway changes are definitely nice. Loading the game patch now.
  15. Yeah, but I'd think most people don't have more than a couple mounts, vs. 3-5 active companions + inactive ones. And ... does the mount cost upgrade it for all chrs, since a mount is account-wide? I'd guess the companion ones don't. Ah well, the cleric is the only one I'd be mildly interested in upgrading.
  16. Patch notes for Fey release day: http://nw.perfectworld.com/news/?p=965141 ...I keep forgetting about the new professions. That should keep me busy a while, since most of my alts have nothing to do anymore but get the last level or two of Leadership. ...haha, they improved the "cloth collision" which hopefully will keep my dresses from doing weird things so often. ...the salvager is interesting. At least you can get rid of Epics for something other than useless gold. Course, they didn't raise the max limit for refining rough AD. ...WHAT?! BoE items not binding to companions wasn't intentional?? Dang it! Now I'll have to be more careful what I put on them, just like with pet runes - kinda lame. ...the AD charge to upgrade companions, from what I hear, is very steep. Like 750k to go from blue to purple.
  17. ...to sound more positive - if my friends (who I've been Diablo-ing with/about for over a decade and really trust their Diablo opinions) get it and tell me it's worth trying/feels more like "Diablo", I may try it.
  18. "loot runs" - haha. So first they wanted to get people away from "boss runs" via better drops from regular/special "mobs" and now they create special "loot run" dungeons. haha. The irony? items - ehh. Better, but their attribute concepts still sound...not very interesting. Being able to gamble for altering certain stats on a specific item would be useful tho, I suppose.
  19. I love that version of Little Shop of Horrors! But I hate dentists. And Amentep - I hear ya. I have cats and flushing toilet stories ...
  20. Walsh has some of the best little expressions sometimes. This one creates an interesting mental image, since I don't normally associate tweed with...yogurt. And this morning I'm sitting in my chair, trying to wake up whilst occasionally surfing the web, listening to music, and contemplating my navel lint.
  21. Any reason you didn't get the ultimate level pack? I've been really enjoying the new difficulty. Tho I'm not sure exactly why. Guess it just fits me.
  22. I think that's where I stopped in Inferno with my Monk too. That was a little after the patch that introduced Paragon levels. I hear they made it even easier since, to the point where friends thought it was too easy. One of the biggest failures imo was that the whole item/loot drop aspect was extremely boring to me (unlike in D1 or D2). Which is deadly in a loot-based game. D3 is fun to level up for the first few toons but then it just...lacked whatever it is that keeps you playing, replaying, or starting over and over. Titan Quest was more interesting in that regard than D3. And I couldn't see how they could improve it without altering some root mechanics a lot. But I can understand its appeal to some...they just moved away from what some of us think made the first games have the longevity they did.
  23. Apollo 18 - for some reason I was expecting something more along the lines of Alien, but instead got a "found footage" creature/suspense feature that was light on the suspense and light on the creature. A lot of grainy black and white video. I kinda liked the conceit of the core concept, but meh...mostly a snoozefest. The very end made you perk up a little bit. And the actors did the best they could with the material.
  24. That's an interesting example/contrast ratio. I'd definitely find that 2nd line hard to read if I had to read it for long periods. And I agree that when text/reading is a big/major aspect of the game, it should be as accessible as possible.
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