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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. When I saw the thread title I wondered if a "skimpy PC" was a new term for a barebones rig or something. I don't really care about skimpy clothing (mostly such makes me chuckle at the absurdity). It really depends on the context, world, environment, type of game. I mean, if you're making a game and trumpeting its "reality" aspect (historical, combat, weaponry) or just want me to take chrs. seriously, don't dress them up in g-strings. If it's a fantasy MMO or caveman period game and they're running around in loincloths, why not. Most of the time I prefer a moderate level of clothing myself (like in FFXV, I always put a shirt on Gladio, I really don't care about seeing his pixel-abs all the time, plus a tank-top is better stats ), so as long as there are varied options to choose from and bikini's and shirtless loincloths aren't the only option (only one clothing choice is boring, it's the modern era, yo) it's cool. But I've also spent plenty of games with female chrs. where I ran around for long periods in their undies or exotic nighties or something, because I found it funny. (Edit - I've done the same with male chrs too, but by and large if given a choice I tend to make female chr.s most of the time) What I tend to get annoyed with more than anything else are unrealistic proportions, both male and female, where their bodies actually look weirdly distorted. Like legs that are twice the length of torsos or crazy wasp waists with shoulder-pad width shoulders. I just find that visually disturbing/too weirdly distracting unless they're very purposely cartoonish styled to begin with.
  2. Don't really have a singular "fave movie" (closest I'd get to is a Top 50 list maybe). Most of my fave film scenes would likely be action/combat or dance/musical related, and not always in actual fave movies ofc. One could search YT and post some of them all day long. Choreography, effects (whether non-CGI or CGI), battle "atmosphere" and emotions, general motion (human motion is one reason I like sports as well), I just love that kind of stuff. Because I remember sitting in the theater and just going "FYEAH!" when the moment arrived. Plus at the time I didn't know what the 2nd terminator was about and the reveal was "wtf, awesome." (it was a lot easier to avoid spoiling oneself before seeing the movie, back then) Technically a movie, although the mini-series version is what I watch. Overall the film/series is overlong/long-winded with an overwrought soundtrack etc - but Jeff Daniels was awesome as Joshua Chamberlain (Sam Elliot was great too). Probably not very moving/interesting without context/seeing the whole section tho.
  3. Yup, there's some of that these days. And aging eyes (bifocal age, bah). Which is why controller + bigger TV to sit farther away has more appeal to me now, whether it's PC attached to TV or actual console. Recliners or lounging on a bed surrounded by pillows, baby. And not being very interested in the direction/style of most "modern" gaming and/or reaching the point where most games feel too familiar (genre fatigue).
  4. This. I can become temporarily obsessed with an individual game for varying periods of time but I don't play games just because I need to be playing something. Sometimes I don't feel like playing games at all so I do something else for days or months instead. But I'm definitely short-term obsessive in nature (binge watch TV, reorganize closets at 2am, taking forever just to farking trim hedges in the yard like I think I'm creating sculpture , read a novel in a day) and games fall into that category of being useful if I'm in a mood where I want to get lost in something a while.
  5. Well it does become milder towards the end. I can understand using that as a setup for showing growing solidarity later but it went on far too long, imo. Finished skimming through the series. Robot was still the best thing. Of the Robinson's the one I liked the best was the older daughter. Ms. Smith stayed boring and one-note, although if there's a 2nd season maybe they'll develop/turn her a little bit. Maybe. Don is ok but feels more like comic relief guy so far. At any rate, nothing special overall, and in the end the whole series (story wise) feels like it was a pilot script stretched to series-length.
  6. Watched (well, kind of) three episodes this evening. I had the same reaction of the first 10-15 minutes, where I was thinking about turning it off. I ended up skimming through another 15 minutes or so. They spend way too much time yakyak with family issues and I never like the constant "flashback" intercuts method of showing the events that led up to where the show opens. But once Will finds the robot I perked up. It's the best thing on the show. I don't like what they did with Dr. Smith, and not because she's a she. She feels (in 3 episodes) like a straight up "bad" character, she's not sympathetic-bad at all. I can understand not wanting comic-relief or slapstick like in original series but being so unsympathetic makes her uninteresting, is all. She's boring. The actress is ok, the chr. is one-note and dull even with obvious attempts to humanize her a little. The rest of the cast is adequate but nothing stands out about of the chrs. They're serviceable, not memorable. All the family drama (parents are estranged, struggle for who's in charge of decisions re: kids and work) bits are a snooze. I kept FF for 30 seconds or so then watching 5 minutes, FF 30 seconds, etc. Robot is the best thing tho and I kept watching for its scenes, wondering what the background for it is going to end up being. If I watch more however, I'm going to be skimming a lot just to see Robot mostly. I don't think I could take 7 more episodes of modern-style-dysfunctional Family Robinson.
  7. Sometimes randomly surfing YouTube, you find little gems you personally like. Not my fave music style perhaps but he's adorable + I like his independent messages. And he can dance. I'd go see him in a local concert if I lived in Los Angeles. I wish him luck. More conventional music video/song (no it's not a Psy cover): Gangsta (re: don't have to be a certain way to "be a man") (those shoes tho...lol) Edit: forgot about the 2 embed per post limit. The 3rd is actually my fave video of the 3 ("don't you want a white picket fence/stop asking me"). Oh well. Never Been In Love
  8. And cute guys. Don't forget the cute guys. Preferably ones with accents and glasses. Er...what was the topic again... Some years ago I probably would have had a moderate list of specific things I liked/must haves in RPG's (and other genres). But like all my other hobbies where I eventually became so saturated with the styles, tropes, environments, patterns, trends etc. I don't really view things that way anymore. That said, I do tend to prefer party games when I can get them (at least three) over lone heroes, real-time combat, a lot of non-combat "busy work", a large exploration factor and individual character/s that I can personally relate/get into. Or that I at least find amusing. Lack of characters I care about are why Betheda's RPG's generally don't keep my interest for long, for example. But mostly - endorphins. it's all about the endorphins and I find what makes those show up to the party increasingly tends to be unpredictable and surprises me more often than not, these days.
  9. The bro's taking a break and playing Kings Knight. When the path crumbles and YOU could make the jump to other side before falling, but darnit, no one else can. Oh well, needed something from down there anyway (pretty scripted anyhow I think) Guess what this is? An "inside" view of a cactuar's annoying 1000 needles attack or whatever.
  10. Night Court was one of my favorites, and his character was the best. RIP.
  11. Still playing the mini-game known as Ansel ... I mean FFXV. But I'm running into the usual issue of finding it hard to motivate past the open world into the linear story sections. Like with a lot of games, it's always the start/middle I like to replay. Still, I need that high level save on PC, darnit. I shall have to force myself to muddle through the rest of the story. Once you're in post-game it's all rainbows and fun again. Just have to make myself get there. >.> This is why I rarely buy very old games on Steam. Unlike GoG they generally don't seem to be altered to run well on current versions of Windows so I'm always hesitant. I'm sure some work just fine but ...
  12. The "fuzzy" blue part just makes me think of the cookie-monster.
  13. If you get another black one in the new litter, can I have it? Yeah...me too. Hubby likes animals/pets but doesn't really want to have them - but he met me. I admit there's some nice things about not having pets (especially when one is allergic) and a break is nice once in a while but ... I dunno. Eventually, so far, I just end up having to get another bundle of luv.
  14. This level of eye-candy is definitely appreciated by me. But y'know, I still have a thing for Mr. Grumpy-pants Xan - graphics aren't everything!
  15. True in 1983 when song was released. Still true in 2003. Still true today (and not just in the "good ol' USA"). Maybe one day such a song will no longer feel relevant. One day.
  16. Aranea - still cool. The more I think about it, the more I wonder why they put in these intermediate steps during camping, like making them appear (for 2 seconds) with food stuck to their hands or stacked up in the tent. Seems to be no point to it, just don't pop them into the scene at all, like they do in some other situations, since the player can't see anyway? (unless one is using a mod to cheat-view with Ansel.... )
  17. ^ Taking one's sweet time through a game is the only way I play. :D ...I'm mid-Chapt. 7 in my PC run of FFXV. It's progress I suppose. Later chapters go faster and faster since they get linear, only a couple more chapters and the rest will be speedy. Discovered using Ansel overmuch appears to supersede Prompto's auto-photo taking feature - he won't take/get any photos during any time when one is spamming the Ansel hotkey every second, for example. Ansel takes precedence/stops the game from taking its own pictures I guess. This includes Prompto's scripted photo "tours" - where he's supposed to take pics and show you the 3 results. Instead I got only one and it was a close up instead of the supposed to be far range (Ansel was set to a close range, guess the game took its cue from that). Haha. Good thing I don't care.
  18. It was mostly cloudy/overcast in the first (fight started out blue-sunny and the clouds rolled in during the fight) and raining in the 2nd. ;P In truth that's probably one of the things I like about the game - the zillions of filters they use. The color never seems to stay the same for longer than a minute as the day goes by. Either because of area, weather, or time of day Including sepia dust-storms). Although they do often seem to prefer the overcast/hazy look. And the PC versions has a bit more yellow-green forest filtering certain times of day than the console had, which kinda annoys me.
  19. Violet Evergarden via Netflix: Wow. Took me a bit to realize the main chr. was not human (an android/realistic robot?) and overall the series has a slow pacing and I did kind of skim some episodes. >.> But the emotional points made me blubber like a little girl. I've become a weepy old woman.
  20. Tried eating a raw fava bean. Broke open the giant pod (sure is fuzzy in there), picked out the bean (really more of a kidney bean shaped huge pea), ate it. Not recommended. Bitter, made the tongue kinda tingly. So then the more recommended method: after deshelling them, parboil a pile for a minute or so and peel off the "skin" of the favabean. The minute of boiling removes the bitter, starts to taste a little nutty. Palatable. But what a lot of work just for a plateful of beans. Huge stack of giant whole favabean pods down to a small tupperware of finished product. If it was my only food source, it'd be a good one. But it's not, so ... yeah, no. Hubby's started on sprouting his tomatoes seeds now. He got several varieties this time, all from seeds (the pre-grown seedlings from the garden stores always seem to suck/be prone to sickening). Tomato sandwiches sound much better than a small plate of fava beans.
  21. For just a micro-second I thought Katphood was killing Arcade from FO:NV. :D ...the sepia filter. I like sepia as an effect but when/if it's an entire game I start to get a bit annoyed. It depends how extreme it is tho. I don't care about bright over-coloring all the time, either, but anything that's "on" all the time becomes dull or annoying. I like a game to have a lot of different color palettes/lighting filters, like in real life. Only desert I've been to was mostly sand with green scrub, and thus felt more like being snow-blinded. Also, even in a desert or in war, on a clear mid-day, at least the sky is still blue-ish. If there isn't tons of air pollution at least. Sepia filters do not differentiate.
  22. Hm. Come to think of it, my eyes no longer feel so worn out/bleary since playing XV on PC. At first the graphic improvement over Pro didn't seem "all that" but once I gave up on 60fps and put it on 4k it's been awesome. Every time I try to go back to the Pro to do something (on the same 4K tv) it looks so ... blurry.
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