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About Blodhemn

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  1. New Vegas is Obsidian's best and it's not really close. Compare that game with the Outer Worlds and see how far the company has fallen. Same goes for the rest of the industry outside of a few indies. I have nothing in common with 99% of the people making games these days so naturally it's almost all cringe. KOTOR 2, Alpha Protocol and Stick of Truth are all a good time. I could never get into any of the other, Kickstarter/Patreon/OnlyFans type offerings.
  2. Very boring, modern take of the first game it sounds. That they destroyed the entire story and characters that were already written by the game's original writers is both hilarious and unforgivable. Does anybody in their right might actually believe the story, characters, quests and roleplaying elements are going to be anything remotely close to the quality of the original outside of the delusional team putting this slop to market?
  3. That's where you fk'd up. Yeah. Nobody can expect anything else. It's their brand. I will get it on sale, one day, maybe, or I will simply replay Morrowind or Skyrim, etc.. The only thing that might sway me is from getting put into a scifi mood from being forced to watch Star Trek but I'm not sure that'll hold. This is why, no matter how better the tech, the big team projects of today, will never outdo the soulful, smaller teams of old.
  4. I've had RDR2 in my wishlist for years and finally removed it. Rockstar is nothing more but "support the current thing" despite trying to present itself as edgy or ahead of it's time. The idiot PC is always this stoic character despite his murdering and robbing of people "we only robbed and murdered the evil guys, trust me bro!". Watched part of a playthrough and that's more than enough for me. The only people worthy of scrutiny are white trash, rednecks and we also threw in some token liberal causes so we're good and righteous. So glad to stop supporting this idiot gaming community years ago. Not even sure when I bought a new game. Most likely never will.
  5. I don't trust anybody making a NV2 at this point. Obsidian is a shell of it's former self, same with the rest of the gaming community. Why is there even a need for NV2? The game was so thoroughly fleshed out, any attempt at a sequel would be a weak cash grab. That didn't bode so well for Bloodlines 2 - Paradox went cheap with an inexperienced in-house team and the result speaks for itself.
  6. Yeah, most things have gone cheap these days. Disposable world. Hard to even buy a good set of tools. Can't even buy good products even if you wanted to spend the extra $$$.
  7. I have 4 SSD's and use each for specific things to try and extend the life out of them. 4 external HDD's for data/backups and only switch on when needed, etc. Really hated waiting for disc to spin up once getting used to SSD.
  8. https://www.newegg.com/black-phanteks-enthoo-pro-atx-full-tower/p/N82E16811854003?Item=N82E16811854003&Description=Phanteks Enthoo Pro&cm_re=Phanteks_Enthoo Pro-_-11-854-003-_-Product&quicklink=true I got this for my recent build. 200mm fan in front, 140mm fan in back. It's a huge case in height and width and allows for some serious CPU fan options. My CPU stays in low 30C. A double tray bay that you can slide in or out - i took one out to allow for more air to pass through. USB and audio connections up front. There is a closed window option if you look. Great case for the price. It's 9.25" wide and my Noctua NH-D15S fits inside nicely.
  9. Yeah, which is why I thought I could kill two birds with one stone with HDMI, but no, the sound was brittle lo-fi for some reason. Soundblaster Z optical isn't bad, but it's not quite as solid as the old coaxial. Old setup had all sound spectrum represented, plenty of headroom kind of sound and as much low end as you could possibly need. Now it sounds more scooped, missing some low mid warmth and upper mid sparkle. I dunno, maybe it even simply comes down to Creative drivers or the way modern Windows handles audio. Who knows? It's disappointing, for sure.
  10. I tried HDMI through GPU, which I thought passes onboard audio through, and it indeed sounded terrible. Next I put in a Soundblaster Z, used optical and while it's clearly better than GPU HDMI out, it's clearly inferior to the old Audigy 2 ZS coaxial out. Maybe I'll pick up a newer card at some point, but I doubt it'll make much difference. The ASUS cards have coaxial, but they are notorious for audio cutouts with newer versions of Windows. Seems like there's no great option for high quality audio anymore, which is just bizarre.
  11. I have 2 recurring bugs on Win11. The most frequent is that audio will randomly cut to just the left channel. I play music daily so this happens every week. The other problem is related to Chrome, which just quits working on occasion, as if I were low on ram, but I have 32gb ram. Sidenote: audio quality in general is worse than my 15 year old system. Is tech using worse components? My mobo is $320 and the onboard sound is pure garbage still. My old soundcard had coax out - new soundcards widely use optical instead - coax is better, and may be the reason why my new beast of a system has worse audio quality than my ancient system. Disappointing as I can't use my old card to check as it has a now obsolete connector.
  12. Would that be Game Mode? I thought win 10 had it. I just went from win 7-11, and like it for the most part. Some plusses and minuses, nothing major. Also massively upgraded hardware, so everything is snappy and I have available memory for days. Definitely the only good thing going for me.
  13. I just went from an intel duo core to an amd 8 core. Both use 65 watts. Idles in the 30cs, ram at low 1.2 volts to keep it cool. I won't need to upgrade for another 15 years. I may be dead before then.
  14. I've built a new pc, my first one since 2007/2008, yet lost all interest in CP2077 and most other games on my wishlist. I'll mostly replay FNV because that was the end of an era in gaming, and do cpu related tasks unrelated to gaming.
  15. A simple "I don't know." would've worked. Still managed to be inaccurate somehow, despite the lack of information and never reaching a point. A vent specialist.
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