Organisations like GLAAD don't have a problem with this ad because it might offend someone, the problem is the message it sends, that gay is bad and must be fought against, and the possible effects this can have. This ad alone won't cause that, but it is part of the larger problem. If anything the ad makes fun of homophobes, although the additional scene with the football team is straight out homophobia.
The difference is in how persecuted a group is, or how persecuted they perceive themselves to be. If rednecks were treated the say way that gays are today, I doubt they'd so happy. Same goes with any group.
How ridiculously arrogant of you to claim to know what's in the hearts and minds of all men everywhere! And you've even conveniently countered any arguments men might make by accusing them of being liars.
And just what does it mean to be "a tiny bit homophobic"? If, for example, a woman goes her whole life without ever thinking or saying or doing anything sexist, but them one day makes a joke about men, is she then to be forever labeled "a tiny bit sexist"? Every person is capable of being homophobic/sexist/racist, but it's stupid to label people based on what they might do or say or think or feel. If a man lives his whole life without ever consciously doing/saying/thinking/feeling anything homophobic then it makes no sense to claim he is "a tiny bit homophobic", and to apply the label to him simply removes any meaning from the word.
Claiming that everyone is a tiny bit homophobic/sexist/racist is just a poor attempt to downplay the problem that is homophobia/sexism/racism and ignore the issue. The comment the we "might just as well laugh about it" is really the icing on the cake. It's easy for people not affected by the issue to claim it's just something to laugh about, but to those living in a society that can be hostile towards them it's no laughing matter.
Instead of making a thread about this issue and claiming that "one of the biggest problems in the world today is too many people with a total lack of a sense of humor", why didn't you just laugh about the fact that some people can be so humourless and then think nothing more about the issue? Of course I won't hold it against you and claim it's wrong you feel the way you do.
Humans are cautious of that which is different to them, but fear and hatred is something that comes later, based on our own interactions with particular groups, or the influence of our guardians, peers and society in general.
I just thought this post needed repeating.
What's odd is, if this add was in Australia the Australian Families Association would want it pulled off air because it promotes something that doesn't fit into how our society should be.... Only that which doesn't fit would be the two blokes 'kissing'. The way groups like GLAAD (being an Australian I have no knowledge of GLAAD ) react hurt their own cause by alienating other groups that have the same goals, also they cause people to equate human rights groups with nutjobs and or fanatics.
It really is a good post, yeah. :D