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Everything posted by Shdy314

  1. Choosing Bastila as an ally or an enemy is exactly what you do on the rooftop.
  2. What do you think should have happened? They aren't going to strip you of all your items or give you an instant game over ya know.
  3. Yep. Don't expect any Developer responses until monday....unless one of 'em gets bored and stops by just for the heck of it. Look at the ending thread and the date above a certain poster.
  4. And they were the exceptions not the norm. And like I said their focus was not on the main storyline. Unlike PS:T for example.
  5. I doubt it. Very few games let you do this. It's generally a bad idea unless the main storyline isn't the focus of the game like Morrowind. But I think KOTOR2 will have a focus on the main plot and since it's relatively linear they won't let you run around after the end.
  6. Haven't you heard the saying everyone has their double?
  7. Haven't seen anything to suggest this. If you could link to a preview or developer post with a statement to that degree it would greatly set my mind at ease. I certainly hope they are and offer these humble suggestions on how they might do that. dev reply Thanks. Though links are still really nice. I wonder how the force helps you repair a droid though. Anyways this means Jedi NPCs will probably still be all you want. How sad. I guess T3-M4 will never get his chance to shine.
  8. I agree with what you're saying. I don't want whole specific areas accessible only to certain characters with certain skills. I want more of a Deus Ex kind of gameplay where it all led to the same room but you could sneak in, lockpick the door and then hack the computer OR Kill every guard find the passcode to the computer somewhere and then bust down the door. Same area, same equipment same end result BUT ways for more skillful characters to do it. A few secret ROOMS not levels is still a nice bonus to computer savvy characters and let's not forget you don't need to have a computer savvy PC as long as the devs let you have a computer savvy NPC 90% of people still would be able to access them. Suddenly T3 is your favoritest character! Don't forget about those NPCs. Suddenly you'll have a reason to have other party members with you besides Jedi. Which seems smart after all the time and effort they put into them.
  9. I edited my post because I hope the same thing too. I mean really all you need is to put one holocron in the game with Sith teachings and you could consider yourself a Sith instead of just a fallen Jedi. And they really should with Sith prestige classes. I think making it more expensive is the answer. Not having it when you are alone in a fight would be a big hindrance. Also combat needs to be harder. It was practically impossible to die in KOTOR.
  10. Mini games if done well can be a great asset to the game. Make it a part of quests. Like Bendak Starkiller's bounty. NPC's reactions to how much a** you kicked on the swoop track or the dueling arena was great and it was a good way to gain money. So you see it did add to the story and experience just not the main plot line. But sidequests don't add to the main story and no one thinks they should be taken out. Think about it. You are a totally bad a** Force user. Why not use your reflexes to become a famous swoop racer or a legendary duelist. The turret mini-game did suck though. Should have been a one time thing.
  11. I meant Jedi NPC, of course. No one is forcing you to keep them around if you feel they're too strong. An all-Jedi party is going to cruise through the game without a hitch, and droids don't even need medpaks. There are also weak party configurations to consider. Let's say you don't choose cure/heal, and then use Mission and Carth as your NPCs. Just how many medpaks will you require to keep them alive? A lot more than a Jedi + droid group and way, way more than all-Jedi. Treat Injury isn't weak, Heal is overpowered. Nerf that first. btw, you don't have to be a Jedi in Kotor2. You start as a Jedi, but you can build your PC as a Sith (DS powers) in preparation for the prestige classes. Even Sith can heal themselves(though in KOTOR it costs a few more force points). It's force healing others that's considered a good action(in SW universe not KOTOR.) You may be right. Nerfing Heal may be the only option. Maybe make it impossible to use in combat? If skills are made more important an all-Jedi party will no longer cruise through the game like they do in KOTOR.
  12. UNLESS they make skills more viable. Don't forget T3-M4 is in the game and he is a high skill character. I think the Devs are going to want to make him a much more memorable and popular character. Making him more useful would definitely help that. Unless you are a Dev you don't know if they are going to fix skills or not. But if the entire fan community is telling them skills need to be fixed chances are much better they will be. Skills are not a moot point unless they have been taken completely out of the game. Which I think is unlikely.
  13. As I said in D20 Jedi's are VERY skill based and D20 has a much better balance to it they'd do well to emulate. Your character may not be skill based but NPC's like the verified returning T3-M4 IS so making skills more useful will make skilled NPCs more useful. And party members are a big part of KOTOR and will definitely have a high priority. They are going to want to make your Jedi character WANT to have T3-M4 with you. So improving skills is a must for this.
  14. Haven't seen anything to suggest this. If you could link to a preview or developer post with a statement to that degree it would greatly set my mind at ease. I certainly hope they are and offer these humble suggestions on how they might do that.
  15. Why not? All of my suggestions would make skills important to all characters including Jedi. Or do you mean they aren't going to care about skills as much as will they about lightsaber animations and new force powers etc.? If so that'd be a big mistake in my opinion.
  16. Well said. That was my biggest problem with KotOR. That any anything you did in game effected nothing or anything at all. It's already been shown that having a moment of truth does not make your choices through the rest of the game unimportant. At least if you RP. If you are just a powergamer running through the game with no concept of your character (which is fine it is your game) then why complain about any dialogue options. You may as well play an FPS. Why not just choose at the beginning lightside or dark? Play Jedi Academy. Oh but wait they also had a moment of truth when you can kill whats his name or let him live.
  17. Agreed I don't think anyone's disputing that. I started the topic to try and get ideas on how to make bringing Mission and T3 a much more desirable option.
  18. Uh??? No I am quite aware we have to play a Jedi. Jedi have skills too you know. Technically in SW D20 force powers ARE skills. I just mentioned having to be in a Jedi in a post in this topic. If you couldn't just run through traps because there were more of them and they were too damamging then even your bada** Jedi will want awareness or someone in th party too have it, etc. Jedi cannot do anything of the sort in the movies. When Qui-Gon and Obi-wan are trying to get into the control room they are forced to retreat because of the defenses and the time it is taking to cut through the door. Luke never runs over landmines or stands right next to a bomb when it goes off. Etc. And KOTOR 2 has to create their own balance in the game. Sometimes gameplay balance trumps realism.
  19. That's exactly my point. Hence my suggestions to make skills more vital to the overall gameplay. Jedi are obviously superpowerful but they shouldn't be able to run through traps and then force heal and if they can't chop open every door then skills become much more useful.
  20. You answered your own question. Force cure/heal does make Treat Injury useless, I agree, but what if you don't want a Jedi around? When I play darkside I never take cure, and you can't always rely on drain life/death field. Getting the most out of medpacs is important. However, that leads to another, more serious problem - Kotor is so easy that you don't need much healing to begin with. On the star forge I had something like 50 life-support kits and god knows how many medpacs... never used even a fraction of them. If you don't want a Jedi around? Your character in KOTOR 2 has to be a Jedi just like KOTOR 1. And how many people didn't choose force cure/heal? Putting any points into treat injury is a total waste. Even if conceivably you had say HK and T3 and you had no force curing powers, medpacks were still so plentiful and powerful you didn't need treat injury. What you say seems to support my view of treat injury. Are you agreeing it should be nixed? Or just made to be more difficult neccessitating the use of medpacks instead of force cure to conserve force points? Add to that fewer medpacks and that could make treat injury more viable. Good idea.
  21. I certainly hope so. But so far it seems most of the gameplay mechanics are remaining relatively unchanged. This would be horrible. Skills NEED to be fixed. And hoping and/or assuming they will be is not a good idea. I am not going to buy KOTOR 2 just because it's KOTOR 2. If it doesn't seem like their going to fix any of KOTOR's flaws then I'll just get any other of a number of good games that are in development. Fixing the skill system would go a long way in convincing me to buy it.
  22. Until I know as much about KOTOR 2 as I do about some of those other games I cannot in good conscience vote for it. I do not have the money to buy a game just because it's a sequel to a game I like it. Maybe when we learn more about K2 I will be more interested in it than HL2 or Halo 2 but until then...
  23. Actually now is the time to worry. Now when changes can be easily done. Bad time to worry about game is when it's about to be shipped. Then it is too late. By showing Obsidian what we want/expect we help them not to drop the ball. I certainly hope I won't be dissapointed but no company is infallible. Say what you want about Bioware they do try and listen to the fans. More so than any other video game company I've ever seen. Obsidian would do well to copy that.
  24. Id rather be a little patient and get a great game than a flawed average game tomorrow.
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