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Everything posted by View619

  1. Any chance at a list of issues resolved by this update?
  2. It's not actually -20 deflection. The 2.0 version is -5, but I'm assuming people are counting in the deflection gained from the pre-2.0 ability for some reason.
  3. So, if I didn't purchase the expansion through KS but want to purchase through another platform (GOG, Steam, etc) will I need to pay for both parts? Will it be the same total price paid by backers split across both parts? Or will I end up paying more than the backers did? I wouldn't be surprised if non-backers end up paying more, since I remember spending $20-$25 on POE originally while the final release was around $40-$45.
  4. Maybe they think + 2 engagement limit is fine and they don't want it to add to deflection? Why would focusing your attention on multiple units not reduce your ability to more effectively defend yourself? Thematically, it makes sense. Honestly, my only issue is the fact that they won't allow players to negate it with Wary Defender (+5 to every defense except deflection). I don't see a good reason to pick up Wary Defender if that's all it adds.
  5. Maybe in POE2, I doubt they have time to create a new class when the current classes still need to be tweaked.
  6. A player from the beta period (Matt516, iirc) put together a document on proposed balance changes to attributes. While it was an interesting read, the final decision will always fall to the developers who have the complete picture regarding what direction they want for their game.
  7. The devs could just keep current Defender and make the upgrade give +5 to all defenses. I can understand the reasoning behind switching Deflection to Accuracy on the base talent, but they seem to be reaching with the upgrade. I believe the previous upgrade was + 10 deflection?
  8. Well, I've seen ranged, disengaged enemies dodge out of the AOE of spells then go back to attacking. Not to mention switching to targets most likely to be knocked out (regardless of deflection), switching positions just to trigger Flanked, enemies engaging a passing unit just long enough to trigger a disengagement attack then switching back to the main target, etc. It's looking good so far.
  9. Hey Aarik, I'll reproduce and send a screen-shot. The fight involves Maerwald, who doesn't have access to any charm or confusion spells, and 3 blights. Edit: Having some problems reproducing. The only additional details I can add are: Human Barbarian had less than 50% hp and had activated Fighting Spirit. Stalwart Defiance was active, possibly as an immediate action before the attempt to drink. Attempts to drink had been interrupted. In one case, Suppress Affliction was active to cancel Concealhaut's Corrosive Siphon.
  10. So, I have a PC Barbarian with a minor potion of rejuvenation (blue potion, heals over time). After attempting to interact with it, I lose all control over the unit and he just stands in place refusing to act. AI scripts are turned on, with both behaviours set to "Aggressive". This occurs during combat with Maerwald. Output Log - https://www.dropbox.com/s/uig304xfwuppays/output_log.txt?dl=0 Save Game - https://www.dropbox.com/s/a7w14yb90kxyw35/10b596a2-a9b7-419b-83b5-41cf2871582a%20quicksave.savegame?dl=0
  11. We do not want the ability to consistently attack enemies while in stealth. This just seems to be one of the few instances that didn't get caught by our "what should leave you in stealth and what shouldn't" rules. Understood, it did seem odd that off-screen spell "abuse" would be allowed. I can try to list any other spells/effects that result in similar outcomes if I run across them.
  12. Yeah, I noticed this issue with Nature's Mark earlier.
  13. It's possible for Wizards in stealth to cast AOE spells like Chill Fog without being targeted by enemies, in a similar manner to off-screen Cloud Kill in BG. Is this an intended feature?
  14. No problem Aarik, I'll send an update ASAP. Edit: As requested, see the links listed below: Save Game - https://www.dropbox.com/s/a7w14yb90kxyw35/10b596a2-a9b7-419b-83b5-41cf2871582a%20quicksave.savegame?dl=0 Output Log - https://www.dropbox.com/s/uig304xfwuppays/output_log.txt?dl=0
  15. Not nerfed, just changed to reduce deflection instead of accuracy. But yeah, there have been some (smart) changes to abilities.
  16. Yeah, but by contrast, text is disgustingly blurry at lower resolutions now. Yeah, I can second this. I actually thought that my eyesight was getting worse.
  17. Title says it all, just set a skill to a hot-key and right click for details. The skill will then be unassigned.
  18. Hello, I started a new game for the purpose of testing the latest beta and ran into the situation seen in the attached screen-shot. I'm not certain if this applies the active ability's effect multiple times, but I can run a test as soon as possible and confirm.
  19. "In the next few days" You are a machine. That is all.
  20. I'm not sure why it's difficult for you to understand that adding multiplayer is not easy. You see this all the time in software development where end users think they understand the process and start asking for everything that enters their head because they don't understand the level of work involved to make it happen. Also, any time spent on implementing multi-player would have two potential drawbacks: Taking resources away from adding content/correcting issues to the main game. This means a weaker game overall, even with multiplayer added. Modifying the core game to facilitate multi-player without making it seem tacked on. Adding multi-player is not easy and will detract from the core game no matter how you want to view it. And at the end of the day, it's a very minor part of the overall game that wouldn't even bring in enough players to make it worthwhile. This has nothing to do with players being selfish or single player elitism, it's about efficiency and not wanting to see the core game, the majority's game-play experience, suffer. If you want a multiplayer-focused RPG then buy Divinity:Original Sin. Otherwise, I agree with this thread. Great job Obsidian, keep up the good work!
  21. No, it's an unnecessary waste of resources when there are so many other additions that could be made to enhance the core game. Multi-player in IE games was a bonus and not a deal-breaker, it would yield very little benefit in POE.
  22. You can just treat the stash like throwing things on the ground, then ignore it. Also, it would serve you well if you didn't correlate classes in D&D/BG2 to those in Pillars of Eternity; some have similarities but play differently. Regarding each class having access to all gear, remember that there's a recovery trade-off for wearing heavier armour. So, putting spell casters or Rogues in their D&D armour equivalents can be a good way of balancing survivability with action speed.
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