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Guard Dog

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Everything posted by Guard Dog

  1. It's a funny thing about BG, we know every line of every text, trigger, cutscene, etc. There is nothing we have not seen or done, and yet it never gets old almost 10 years later. Mods help keep it fresh too.
  2. Torment and the BG series. I've never played another game that consumed all of my attention they way they did. Lately I spend more time with Rome TW and it's expansions than any other title.
  3. I have the HK factory mod. It was moved out of it's original place in the story and it a little buggy. There are a number of bugs where doors are no longer selectable objects and you need to reload. There are also some triggers that do not change variables when you pass them so you might see the same cut scene more than once. It is playable for all of that. My advice is give it a look and save often and in different slots. They also created their own segue for the mod since it does not appear in it's original context. It doesn't really make sense but that is only a small detraction. Don't know about the droid planet though. You are on your own there.
  4. Wow, thats three in a row for Volo now. You might have missed your calling.
  5. Enoch please tell me you are not marrying a lawyer. No no no no, that is a mistake. You need to pick someone from a different profession, like a doctor or something. Two lawyers cancel each other out. It will ruin both your careers. Why just look at..... wait, he was elected President. But look at his wife she.... wait she might be President too. Nevermind. It sounded funnier in my head.
  6. I KNEW it. This is not the kind of thing an adult does. It is EXACTLY what a teen age girl would do.
  7. Guard Dog


    One nice thing about S. Florida, you can go skiing year round! Of course, you need a boat to pull you.
  8. Ok, what do I know? I'll go sit down and shut up now.
  9. OK. But as rare as this kind of thing is in the US today, it was just unheard of fifteen years ago. In the US at least.
  10. Thursday, December 6 Chicago at Washington - REDSKINS (If the Skins fall apart this week they are done) Sunday, December 9 early games: Carolina at Jacksonville - JAGUARS (Big rebound from last week) Dallas at Detroit - LIONS (Dallas has clinched a playoff spot but the division is still up in the air. They have Philly next week. This game is a trap) Miami at Buffalo - BILLS (No end in sight for the Fins) NY Giants at Philadelphia - GIANTS (NY just has Philly's number) Oakland at Green Bay - PACKERS (Gonna be cold in Wisconson) San Diego at Tennessee - CHARGERS (This is a game between to schizo teams, who the heck knows which of each will show up) St. Louis at Cincinnati - BENGALS (Ugh, glad I don't have to watch this one) Tampa Bay at Houston - BUCCANEERS (Tampa clinches the NFC South with a win here) Sunday, December 9 late games: Pittsburgh at New England - STEELERS (Pats burned me last week but I can smell a loss coming) Arizona at Seattle - SEAHAWKS (Wouldn't it be frustrating to be a Cardinal fan?) Minnesota at San Francisco - 49ERS (Coin toss, it was tails) Cleveland at NY Jets - JETS (J-E-T-S Just End the Season) Kansas City at Denver - BRONCOS (If Denver loses, they are done. The Chiefs are already done) Indianapolis at Baltimore - COLTS (This one worries me a little) Monday, December 10: New Orleans at Atlanta - SAINTS(this is actually an important game for NO. Atlanta... not so much)
  11. There is something wrong with the world today. It's not video games, they are a harmless past time to most. It's not guns, they have been around for five hundred years and they have never been harder to get (legally) than they are right now. I doubt seriously it's violence in movies or TV, that is not a new phenomenon either. There is something about humanity that is just broken. It's like human life has no value to anyone anymore.
  12. You are correct. i actually feed them Nutro Natural Choice every morning. The sausages were just a treat. But even then you need to be careful and only do it occasionally. I usually choose a poultry meat that is lean like chicken breast cutlets or turkey sauasage. Round steak works well too but you need to be sure it's not fatty and cut it into bite size pieces after you cook it.
  13. Today I was going to clean out the barn and change the oil in my truck. I ended up sitting on the back porch drinking iced tea and reading a book all day. And making sure the dogs stayed out of trouble. Tonight I'm going to grill pork chops for me and mild turkey sausages for the dogs and watch the Tampa Bay-Ottawa game on my new TV.
  14. You know they really do have party at Shula's steak house in Miami Beach every year after the last undefeated team goes down. I wonder if the '76 Bucs will have one when the dolphins win a game. I suspect not.
  15. In Afgahnistan women were treated even worse. Until about six years ago. Hmmm, I wonder when Yushaa is going to get here.
  16. I was so sure that was it. When the Ravens knocked the pass away on 4th down I started celebrating. Then.... the penalty.... But hope resurged again on the KO return, then Bolenger passes, it's complete, I jump up, one step to the goal line, two steps, then.... down he goes. Four yards short, and no time left. It was one of the best games I've watched this year, college or pro.
  17. Shouldn't they be demanding to hack the heads off of the children then? I mean, after all, the children were the ones who actually came up with the name.
  18. I was wondering if anyone down there will let me send them $70 AU and a FedEx label and have them buy it for me and ship is back here to the US. That is unless Amazon UK will ship to the US or I can get it on ebay.
  19. Just got invited to the Dolphins-Jets game. Yea! Lower level endzone seats. If you watch the game look for me, I'll be the drunk one in the Florida Panthers T-Shirt (No dolphins shirts I'm afraid). Today is the day they get that first win!
  20. Hmmm. I wonder who much it would cost to FedEx and envelope to AU or NZ. And have a package FedEx'ed back. Or if anyone down under is willing to play ball.
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