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Guard Dog

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Everything posted by Guard Dog

  1. Our whole nuclear arsenal needs to be reduced as well. Now if only there was a way to reduce the world's total number of people and nukes at the same time.
  2. I bought it today. I'll give it a shot after I finish off the Byzantines in my MTW2 game.
  3. At Target the 4 disk jewel case is $10
  4. Disciples II gold and it's expansions can be had for $10 US. Is it any good? I know nothing about it.
  5. Rereading The Sea Wolf by Jack London. This was far and away his best work. Wolf Larsen: "Look at him now. True he is not what you would term muscular, but he has muscles, which is more than he had when he came aboard. He also has legs to stand on. You would not think so to look at him but he was quite unable to stand alone at first." Van Weyden: "I stand on my own legs and I have yet to stamp upon others with them" Wolf Larsen: "Your education is only half completed then." Literary gold
  6. I doubt there is a bigger advocate for humane treatment of animals on this board than me. But if this is being done for food that I can understand. Dolphins are not endangered after all. If it were being done for sport or spite that of course would be abhorrent. Don't look for outcry from hollywood types or American liberals. Their croccodile tears are only shed for causes that are politcally expedient. This one is a non starter. But as far as a news story goes I'm more concerend about the recent slaughter of Dolphins in Wembly Stadium.
  7. OK, heart beating faster, breathing speeding up, yes I do believe I'm feeling it. Yes, it is! Excitement! Enthusiasim! It's been so long!
  8. Totally agree with you on this one. This movie does not work on a regular movie set. The location and setting made that what it was.
  9. I'm surprised there are no Hellraiser fans here. The movies are not great but they do have a certain shock value. But then we haven't heard from Dark Raven yet.
  10. For basic training I'll give you the same advice I got before getting on a bus for Parris Island, "Don't be first, don't be last. Don't be fastest and certainly don't be slowest. And above all, don't give them a reason to remember your name." Do that and you will have a much easier time of it!
  11. Call me crazy but I also loved the Blair Witch Project. It was a really novel concept that had not been done before or since. Remember how many people thought it was real? By never actually showing what they were running from or screaming at it really heightened the suspense.
  12. Getting into the Halloween mode here post your favorite horror movies. Any language, any era. Know of a good one? I want to hear about it. My favorite is The Exorcism of Emily Rose. It was great for all of the reasons The Exorcist was without the cheesy effects. And the fact that it was based on a true story added to the atmosphere.
  13. I could not do your job for all the corn in Iowa. I have no people skills and it is at least likely I would have punched that guy.
  14. Drinking cheap beer, sitting on my porch and listening to Sirius 16 classic rock. Currently playing Crosby Stills and Nash: Southern Cross. Tonight I am feelin no pain.
  15. True enough but I can think of one exception. Mater of Orion 3. All the mods that were made did nothing to improve a game that one poster said was "more difficult than doing your taxes, and less fun to boot". I guess you just can't polish a turd.
  16. That link was almost certainly microwae since there are few fiber rings in the mountains. Having a cell in town is all well and good but with out the DS1s to connect it to the switch either microwaed or telco you'e got nothing. During hurricane recoery down here it was really frustrating to get a site up on generatoe and hae it not be damaged but still off the air because the telco T1s were down. That is the nice thing about microwave. You control your whole path from A to Z and do not have to rely on a middle man..
  17. No I really enjoyed network design, or redesign in my case. But since I wrapped up the West Florida project I was involuntarily reassigned to customer complaint/ response. It's only been 4 weeks and I'm already sick of explaning to people why they lose cell sevice once they travel 10-15 miles off shore and still have "4 bars" of service. I applied for an in company position in Nashville as the transport manager. Still waiting on that one. I've never done DSP design (beyond one class in college). My whole career has been in RF. I'm also looking at a position with TTC in Montana. Never been there but it sounds nice and has to be cheaper to live than West Palm Beach.
  18. Started looking for a new job, in a new state, or even country.
  19. That seems to be a developing trend in gaming. It takes the talents of modders to breathe life into otherwise mediocre games. If it was not for modders there would have been no NWN2 because NWN1 by itself (without SoU or HoTU and all that came after) was pretty bad. Vanilla Oblivion is pretty meh, but throw in a few of the top mods (like Oscuros) and you have a really good game. I wont even mention a certain Star Wars game we all know about that is seriously depending on a mod team to secure it a better place in gaming history. I guess that's just what it's come to.
  20. The Grateful Dead: Casey Jones
  21. Come back and give us your thoughts on it. I have this title on my must-buy list.
  22. Ebay will probably have a UK release up before long. Otherwise:http://www.amazon.co.uk/ I tried Amazon.co.uk. They won't ship it to the US. And I just don't like to use eBay. I guess you could hit up someone here on the board from the UK to buy it and UPS it to you. I have no idea what the dollar to pound rate is right now but it will probably be a little expensive. Wals might play ball on this one.
  23. Ebay will probably have a UK release up before long. Otherwise:http://www.amazon.co.uk/
  24. Here is a rotten potato in the stew: Officials: Arson Behind Santiago Fire
  25. Like Tale said, the wind is the killer out there. It's spreading the fire faster than it can be controlled and hampering air dops at the same time. Talk about a two edge sword. Firefighters from six states plus Navy and Marine Corps assets are hitting it around the clock. I just saw an article on cnn.com about a family in a shelter that saw their house burning on TV. I can not even imagine that. Not for nothing but I'd bet a thousand dollars California's law against cutting fire breaks in public land gets changed after this. All of the sudden hurricanes don't seem that bad.
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