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Guard Dog

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Everything posted by Guard Dog

  1. To top it all off they are refusing aid.
  2. Look like Hillary Clinton wins Indiana, Obama wins North Carolina. Neither election was close. So since they both pick up roughly the same number of delegates and votes looks like the outcome today is a push. Both candidates are still virtually tied. And the race goes on.... http://www.drudgereport.com/
  3. Today I figured out how to resolve a recieve diversity RSSI imbalance that was affecting the stats of hundreds of cell sites. And it won't cost a dime to fix.
  4. This is a pretty interesting read. It discusses in good detail what the four possible outcomes of todays primary elections could be and what they mean. Although most of you are politically saavy enough to figure that out on your own. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/06/us/polit...amp;oref=slogin
  5. I don't know about that Calax, a carrier is practically a floating city. As a fire control tech I think a cruiser or destroyer is most likely. Like Sand said, sub duty would be the worst, especially is you are even a little claustrophobic. I made three floats on LPDs (in the USMC a ship deployment is called a "float"). LPDs are amphibious assault ships. The Navy calls them "Gator Freighters". That isn't much fun either, the ships are small and VERY crowded. And they are flat bottomed, I did not know why that was a big deal until we got into some foul weather. I don't know if they still do this but I remember it was something of a tradition in the Navy for the top graduate of every C school class to have their pick of available orders. So if you do well in school you get to pick your ship or duty station from what's available. BTW...When do you ship out?
  6. George Thorogood and the Destroyers 30 Years of Rock
  7. I'm curious, what kind of coffee do you guys drink at home? I bought a grinder/coffee maker combo and I'm liking 8 O'Clock Bean French Roast. It comes whole bean and smells so good when brewing. Any other favorites out there?
  8. That book is the literary equivalent of eating a really tough steak. At the end you are full and it was good at times but on the whole the experience was a little unplesant.
  9. They do like nice guys, they just don't sleep with them.
  10. I'm making pulled chicken for dinner tonight. I'm mulling over ideas for Barbeque Sauce now. I'm thinking somthing sweet. Sweet Baby Rays or perhaps Stubbs. I need to learn how to make my own.
  11. All the best just got back after the celebration beer. i successfully defended my dissertation today. in exactly 3 weeks, i'll be posting (for one day) as drtaks. man i feel relieved. thanks, gorth. mark Congratulations Dr. Taks! That is really great. You have reached the pinnicle of engineering academia. I need to borrow your brain on Monday to help me work out some RF issues issues causing dropped handoffs between GSM and UMTS networks. Please FedEx it down immediately.
  12. I am curious about one thing....
  13. @Shryke, the moral ambiguity of Song of Ice and Fire do give it a real world feel that is absent in fantasy. Maybe that is why it appeals to me and the work of Goodkin, Salvatore, and Brooks (and others) do not. Now reading Merles Door by Ted Kerasote. I LOVE this book.
  14. My apologies DN. I took: out of context because I did not see: . Mea Culpa. It was not intentional.
  15. Because some will take the opportunity to spread harmful misinformation and dogma. The arrogance of that statement is nothing short of astounding. And more than a little scary. Its one thing to discuss what is taught in a public school. It is another all together to bring that into the privacy of the home. It is a parents right and duty to teach their children, no one has the right to tell them how to do it. The funny thing about freedom is everyone must have it or no one does.
  16. No I won't; I'll spend two days partying in Canberra and reply when I get back if I ever remember. Ciao! Hmmm, argue with me or go partying. Choices don't come much easier than that one! Have fun.
  17. Unless you spoke old english you would never know. Besides, the first edition of Beowulf was most likely told by word of mouth. Wiki is useless for contemporary topics like politics religion or philosophy (or anything open to interpretation). For history or hard facts it's pretty reliable. It's interesting that you bring up Huckelberry Finn. It was pointed out to me by someone else that the word count of the 1949 edition and the 1968 edition (next reissue) were different. The newer issue was short by some 7000 or so words if I remember correctly. I never researched it but the one who pointed it out was my Techical Writing instructor in college. It was either Huck Finn or Tom Sawyer. I'm pretty sure it was the former.
  18. The battle of Midway in WW2 made battleships obsolete. In modern war ships don't close with each other to the point where the big guns mean anything. Sorry Wals, no more Trafalgars. The USS Missouri was the last US Battleship in service and all it was used for was off shore artillery. Besides a single Harpoon Class ship to ship missle fired from a tiny destroyer will sink an 800 ton battleship a surely a seventy gun broadside with armor piericing ammo.
  19. I paid off my cedit card.
  20. Looks like Nick will need to change his pants!
  21. Looks line Nick will need to change his pants!
  22. I can see it now! It would be hillary until 2016, Jeb Bush until 2024, Chelsea until 2032, George P Bush (Jebs son) up to 2040, by then Chelsea will have a child old enough! I think i'd move to Canada first!
  23. Heh, I googled each of those countries and the word population. i pulled the numbers off the google synopsis without even opening the web pages. Except the part about Scandnavia, I read that is the Miami Herald a few weeks ago. Sorry for the sloppy research but I did all of that while stopped at traffic lights!
  24. Oh boy, where do I even begin here. At first I had to recheck who wrote this. I thought Gorgon might have stolen Krecack's password or something. First off there is no "right" against higher taxes at the federal level in the US. There are some states that do have tax caps by law but most do not. If congress wanted to raise taxes by 90% today they could. Of course the next election would see them all run out of office, those that were not recalled before that. You need to realize, the US economy is far more consumer based than any other I can think of. Even Great Britan and Germany. For the economy to survive, the citizens need to spend money. Raising taxes has to double bad effect. 1) It raises the costs of production because income is hardly the only thing taxed here. 2) If the citizens have less money they spend less. You seem to be under the impression that libertarianisim and religious conservatisim have some kind of alliance (based on this and your previous post). Believe me on this one, the two cannot peacefully coexist. A religious conservative believes in a moral and "just" sociiety as they define those terms. They try to use the power of government to create it even over the objections of differing views. A social democrat believes in a moral and "fair" society and they attempt to use the power of government to create it even over the objections of those with differing views. Social democrats seek to supress economic liberty (they call it greed) religious conservatives seek to supress personal freedom (they call it license). Yes I know that is a pretty broad brush for a VERY complex subject, but bear with me here. Libertarianisim rejects both and seeks to keep both in check by keeping the government as small as possible, ensuring maximum freedom for all. Once again that is a pretty broad brush but of you boil it down to basics, that is all completely true. Comparing the social welfare in other nations to the US is flawed reasoning for a number of reasons. First off the population of the US is just shy of 500 million. The population of Iceland is 2.1 million, Canada is 11 million, Austrialia is 40 million. all of Scandanavia together has less people than New York, California, Florida and Texas alone. To paraphrase Ross Perot "You can't take the same business practices used to run a mom and pop country store and and extrapolate them to run Wal Mart (a major department store chain in the US)" You guys need to understand something here. and I know I say this over and over but I really think it's not sinking in. The US might look similar to the rest of the western world, we might be very similar culturally but we are governed and organized in a very different way. The federal government cannot tell those opposed to social welfare to take a hike because they are voters who put people who think like them into federal power. If Obama (easily the more liberal of the two) becomes President and has a fillibuster proof majority in congress you will not see the US magicly turn into a European style social welfare state. After 4 years you will barely notice any real changes in domestic policy. The seperation between state local and federal powers simply won't permit it to happen. There are too many limitation on federal power to make such a radical change. In no other nation does the individual states hold so much political power for self governance as the US. We started as a union of sovreign states. I've always said there could be government managed healthcare one day but it would NOT be done at the federal level. It would be done at the state level. And indeed it has been. Wisconson and Oregon are already working on providing health care for state residents. It is coming, just not in the way that you think. Sorry for any typos.I wrote this while driving to work.
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