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Everything posted by Guard Dog
Heck I live in South Florida now and I hit water digging a 1 meter deep fence post hole. My house now is on a concrete foundation. The new one will be the same. My new property is not in a flood plain but it is just 12 miles from the Mississippi River so basements are out of the question there.
This is it! This is going to be the new Doghouse! It's a little more than I wanted to spend, I'll just have to cut back on a few other projects but I LOVE the model I saw yesterday. I'm going up this weekend to pick flooring, cabinets, counters, paint, trim door etc and sign the contract. http://jimwalterhomes.com/Home-Models.asp?...;series=Classic
I'm picked a builder for the new house, now trying to settle on a floor plan. I'm kind of liking the first one. Opinions? http://jimwalterhomes.com/Home-Models.asp?...;series=Classic http://jimwalterhomes.com/Home-Models.asp?...;series=Classic http://jimwalterhomes.com/Home-Models.asp?...es=Contemporary
In case you guys missed it, it is now official. Obama has hit the magic number of 2118 delegates and is the nominee of the Democrat party for President. Hillary Clinton is still refusing to conceede but that would be like the Patriots refusing to admit the Giants won the Super Bowl after the game ended. Anywho I'm working on my official handicap of the general election for Liberty Post. I'll post it here tomorrow and see what you guys think. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/06/03/ele...rats/index.html
Barbarism does not begin with killing people for apostasy or homosexuality. I would argue that punishing someone on any level for the thoughts in their head or their genetic make up (if you accept the theory that homosexuality is genetic) is barbaric. Life in prison for not following the approved state religion is no better than execution.
I really enjoyed Oblivion. But to parrot everyone else here, don't bother playing the game Vanilla (unmodified). Meshugger reccomended FCOM and it is great but I reccomend Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul. There is another one called MMM (Martigens Monster Mod) I would definitely reccomend one of these three overhauls. Sadly they are not compatible with each other.
Re-reading Winterdance by Gary Paulsen. I have a whole stack of new books waiting to be read but I'm re-reading this one for the 5th time. My copy is all beaten up but I can't help it. I just love this book.
You are a wise man Mes. I have been saying that but I don't think anyone believes. If Obama wins and takes office in Jan 2009 by Jan 2010 you will barely notice any real changes in the US.
Yep, I accepted a new position as the Tower Structural Engineer for the Southern Region. More money, no more RF channel planning. Plus I'm moving to Memphis and out of S. Florida forever so it's all good. The best of all is when I told my ex-wife. The only thing I'm dreading is when I move the dogs. But thats a few months away yet. I am still shopping for builders for the new house.
Tomorrow is my last day in my current job. It's been a heck of a ride these last 6 years.
Recommend Me A Good Solid-State MP3 Player
Guard Dog replied to Humodour's topic in Skeeter's Junkyard
A solid state MP3 player? Is there another kind? I could design a non solid state one for you but I don't think you would want to go running with it. More likely you would need a hand truck to move it. Seriously though, I have a cheap little Coby MP300 2G Flash Drive/MP3 player and it works great. I got it from newegg.com for $20 US. -
This thread went from a discussion on US politics to a Ku Klux Klan meeting. If I were a moderator I'd shut it down but since I'm not I'll just stop participating. The idea of hating an entire segment of the human race simply because their religion or ethnicity is as absurd as the idea than an entire segment of the race is united in some cabal for global domination. You are all certainly free to persist in your paranoia and hate speech but forgive me if I'm too disgusted to join in.
Considering Yushaas posting history most find it a little difficult to lend his posts any credibility. Don't you remember his 3000 some odd word rant about how the world would be such a better place if all Americans just went out and shot ourselves (my summation). However, there is the humor factor and he does bring out the best in Laozi so it's all good.
I just poured a highball full of Knob Creek with two ice cubes and a splash of 7up. I propose a toast to Dr. Taks. Heres to you and all the holes in your stomach!
The first rule of American politics, take everything a candidate says with a grain of salt. Campaigns are rife with grandstanding and saber rattling. Now if a sitting President threatens military action it should be taken seriously. As far as Iran goes, so long as they do not do anything stupid like lob a nuclear weapon at Israel or give one to Al Qaeda I seriously doubt we will see a war with Iran. However if they do either of those or there is another terrorist attack on the US or UK they are complicit in you will see an all out war.
Knew about him and did nothing :
I don't think I would call the US a pure capitialisitc society, more like a heavily regulated one. But believe me, you don't want the government to get into the business of dictating what you may or may not buy like hybrid cars for instance. It's all fine and good to use the carrot to encourage behaviour but you don't want them to start wielding a stick by mandating hybrids or elevating cafe standards to a point where they can not be met.
Think so? Remember Clinton turning a blind eye to Chinese espionage at the same time accepting almost $4M in soft money campaign donation from Chinese operatives? How about all the changes in FBI and CIA operations that contributed to 9-11? Granted there was no way for them to know how badly they were damaging the intelligence abilities of the nation but the end result can hardly be denied. Remember Clintons invervention in Haiti in 1994? He was so deterined to avoid bloodshed he sent the 3rd Marines in with no ammunition. How would you like to land on a hostile beach carrying a rifle with no ammo? Granted no resistance was offered but it might have gone otherwise. How about all the terroist attacks Clinton took little to no action on? Granted they did catch everyone on the World Trade Center but after Khobar Towers, the Air Force barracks in Ridyah, the USS Cole, and the embassies in Narobi and Der an Salaam, his administrations responses were, and I'll be kind, tepid at best. If saying "no regard" is taking it a little too far I'll amend my post to say "small regard".
http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/05/20/pri...wrap/index.html Clinton wins Kentucky by 35 points, Obama wins Oregon by 18 points. They split the delegates between both races so no ground is gained. But one thing to note: Obama has now clinched the mathematical majority of pledged delegates. Clinton cannot overtake him even if she runs the table in the next three primaries. However, if Clinton wins Montana and Puerto Rico ,as seems likely, she will win the majority of the popular vote, if you counted all the votes she received in FL and MI. Makes quite a conundrum for the super delegates doesn't it. Hold on to to your seats folks, this one is not over yet. It is no secret that I do not like Hillary Clinton. I did not like Bill Clinton either. They are the picture of arrogance and narcissism. They are abusive of power and place and have no values or core beliefs beyond political expediency. They are disdainful of all things traditionally American and have no regard for the prestige or safety of this nation or the sanctity of it's laws. I believe she would make a terrible President. That said I have come to genuinely admire her tenacity in this election. The more hopeless her situation the harder she fights. I guess you can find virtues in anyone if you look hard enough.
I see what's the problem then Sorry Xard, but that is not going to change.... ever.
No new technology is cheap or consumer friendly at first. Plus you are forgetting the US is completely market driven. Bush and Congress created a substantial tax credit for consumers who own hybrid/high efficiency cars to encourage people to buy them. However, at first only Toyota was making one and the they were terribly expensive. The savings in gas (then around $2 US a gallon) and the tax credit did not offset the high purchase price. So there was no demand for them. When demand is low supply usually will be too. Now gas has gone up to $4 US, demand is high for efficient/hybrid cars and all major car comapnies have at least one hybrid model so supply is way up and the price has dropped. A fair bit actually. I read in the Miami Herald a little while back that hybrids account for 42% of all new car sales in Florida. As for the US mainly developing technologies to achieve energy independence I'm not sure whta the problem with that is. No nation or company pursues innovation for altruistic ends. If the end result betters all of humanity then thats great but it is never the intended goal I think. Besides, most new non-military technologoes in the US are developed by private companies (like clean coal for instance) and they are more than willing to sell that to anyone.
They are in but may or may not be playable.