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Guard Dog

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Everything posted by Guard Dog

  1. The California SC cannot throw the amendment out because it is part of the Constitution of the State now. In other words, unless it conflicts with another aspect of the same it is the supreme law of the state and the SC is bound to enforce and uphold it. That said I'm a little curious how the suit to anull existing marriages makes it to the SC. Correct me if I'm wrong (especially Enoch or Gromnir) but isn't the first requirement of any lawsuit that the plaintiff have standing to file the suit? How are the plaintiffs here damaged by existing marriages to the extent that it requires a legal remedy? What is their standing?
  2. Still playing the NWN2 OC for the first time all the way. Is anyone else a little annoyed at seeing Tanar'i and Baatezu fighting side by side like old buddies? That little detail just irks the heck out of me.
  3. I'm doing "tower inspections" at work for the rest of the week. As I have become fond of saying... "What are you going to do? Fire me?" Anyway, it's cold and raining and we may get sleet & snow so I'm going to stay inside and work in my NWN2 module all day.
  4. Not food exactly but I really like this stuff: http://www.starbucks.com/ourcoffees/produc...roduct%5Fid=xma
  5. Actually that is another thing backasswards in the US. We call Obama a liberal but if you ever look up the definitition of the word: Liberalisim - a theory in economics emphasizing individual freedom from restraint and usually based on free competition, the self-regulating market, and the gold standard c: a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties you can see Obama is NOT a liberal by any means. He is the exact opposite of that. Our politics are a little weird. Logic, reason and facts might be regarded as interesting but they have little bearing on who gets in office or what they do there. Oh, and we have a word for the greatest amount of government being closest to the voters, it Federalisim. We are in the process of dismantling that now in favor of big central oligarchy that we will have no control over and that will have no regard for us. Ain't progress grand?
  6. Thats no joke there. That whole concept of "Ask not what your country can do for you..." has become very outdated hasn't it? Right along with rugged individualisim and the spirit that it is everyones responsibility to work hard and succeed on their own merits, to take care of their families and themselves, not ask the state to do it for you. I have become more and more aware of late that the battle is over. My side has lost. And that breaks my heart more than you will ever comprehend. Not for me but for what our country is becoming, and will become.
  7. Actually, the US works kind of backasswards on that. The Executive does something like warantless wiretaps for example and the court decides two years (in that instance) after the fact that it was not Constitutional and puts a stop to it. That is not a new phenomenon by the way. During the Civil War Lincoln issued a few executive orders that amounted to a de facto suspension of Habeas Corpus. IIRC it was six years later the SCOTUS ruled he did not have the constitutional authority to do that. The practical effect in foreign policy would be nil since the Constitution grants the Federal Government sole power to make treaties, prosecute war, conduct trade, etc and the authority is pretty broad. Domestically it would make a huge difference. I believe it would be an improvement since the State governments would take a larger role in the lives of citizens than the Federal Govt. I think you will find I'm in the minority on that one.
  8. there's a difference between questioning/changing our government and changing the Constitution. much of what our government does, domestically and abroad, is not Constitutional anyway. perhaps we simply need to abide by the document rather than paying it lip service? taks There was a bill in Congress back in the late 90's that would have required the legislature to cite the Constitutional authority on every bill it passed. The honorable gentlemen on the hill allowed it to expire of course. Too bad we don't have that law today now that the government is using tax money to buy stakes in private businesses.
  9. Excellent point, very well stated, and I agree 100%
  10. Ha! You DO realize a Constitutional Convention now would lead the the break up of the USA don't you? Think that one through. You may believe it would be a good thing, I do not. As to the subject at hand, the US in not subject to the caprice of the World (kangaroo) Court. If such a body ever tried to seize a US citizen for prosecution even I would be ready to take up arms and fight. Another thought, the ingratitude of the Iraqis, Afghans, and for that matter the "allies" of Europe and Asia whose freedom was won and defended with American blood and treasure these last eighty or so years just drives home the wisdom of the Monroe Doctrine, and the warning of our Founding Fathers to avoid "foreign entanglements". Once the Republican Party stood firmly for a strong national defense and a non interventionist foreign policy. Nixon was the one who put an end to that. I wish they would find their way back to it. I think they would find the voters amenable to it.
  11. The company has been pretty decent about it actually. I'm an exempt employee so I am on their good graces when it comes to severance packages and they one they offer is pretty generous. It's one months base pay for every year with the comapny (up to 6) and they will buy back all outstanding vacation time. My last day is Jan 30 so I'll have a full set of vacation days. Like I said earlier, if I can find somewhere to land quickly this may work out to be a good thing. I was miserable at first but then I realized just how lucky I am to even HAVE severance. A lot of good people are losing their jobs lately with nothing more than a kick in the rear as they exit. So I really can't complain. My director informed me that all of my projects are being either defunded or turned over to someone else so I can spend much of January conducting "tower inspections" (our code word for not coming in to the office). I have my resume on Monster and Career Builder and I've sent it cold to at least a dozen companies in the West-Tennesee area. Plus I have a killer idea for a home business. It won't make enough to live on but it will be fun and will make a little money. More on that later.
  12. I have a question for all of you professionals here. Most of you work in offices of one kind or another so most of you have been around people who are being laid off, surplussed, positions eliminated, whatever. Have you ever noticed that co-workers treat them differently once it gets out? Our office Christmas party was today and I'm walking in with one of the design guys who is in the same boat I am and I noticed the conversation volume in the room dropped perceptibly. I swear it actually got quieter. Plus I've noticed a lot of them are treating me differently now. They either avoid me all together or lay the courtesy on so thick it is obviously false. I spoke to a couple of the other folks on death watch and they have noticed similar things. I don't see why that would be. I made peace with what was coming immediately. That is just how the business works. It happens to everyone sooner or later. I guess we serve as a reminder than no ones job is safe right now. Anyone else ever notice that?
  13. Ooo oooh, can we please have a discussion on which Star Trek captain was the best. I would buy a ticket to see than one. There would definitly be some cut and paste material there. In all seriousness, Star Trek in all it's iterations has brought some very engaging stories but the characters have always struck me as flat. DS9 was an exception some of the time.
  14. It might help you get the womans treasure though.
  15. A long time ago I used to use the TV as an alarm clock. Anyway, I had to get up at 5 a.m. most of the time back then so I set the TV to 4:45. It was on a local channel and the local news came on at 5. Gunsmoke was on from 4-5. I used the hate the sound of James Arness's (he played Marshall Dillion) voice because than meant it was time to wake up.
  16. More pics here: http://www.1stcavmedic.com/jane_fonda.htm She is a total P.O.S.
  17. Hmm, I wonder who the final boss will be? Well, without revealing too much, my favorite one is a schizophrenic madman wandering the docks of the main setting. He has three different names and personalities but it's always the same guy. You can engage him in conversation and each time calls himself something different his opinions change a little. And it always leaves you a little irritated after talking to him. I'd say the names but that would just give it away.
  18. The perils of hotlinking. I edited in a replacement. Speaking of hot: Wasn't that the life we ALL wanted as kids?
  19. Grissom from CSI Carla and Coach from Cheers The whole cast from Seinfeld Charlie Harper from 2 1/2 Men Switek & Zito from Miami Vice Colonel Klink & Sgt Shultz from Hogans Heroes Bommer/Athena/#8 from BSG Capt. Sisko from DS9
  20. My NWN2 module. Coming soon to a computer near you! Several members of this board will be featured in cameos.
  21. I come to this thread to vicariously re-live my 20's by reading Shryke's posts.
  22. @Calax. Your entire post just reinforces in my mind why I could never work retail. I'd probably end my first day fired and in the back of a police car.
  23. Holy S***. I hope you are alright.
  24. I did something this weekend I have not done since my wife and I split up. I put up a Christmas tree. I found some small cedar trees growing on the north section of my land and cut one and dressed it up. It was kind of an impulse thing. I went to Lowe's and bought lights and ornaments and everything. I don't know why but this year it just feels like Christmas.
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