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Guard Dog

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Everything posted by Guard Dog

  1. Out of the Park Baseball v9. I downloaded the demo last night. At first I was not impressed but the more I played around with it the more into it I got. By 4 am I was hooked. I'm buying it tonight. Kelverin you should give this one a look! Its in the mold of Baseball Mogul but much deeper and more flexible. You might like this one.
  2. Guard Dog


    I don't know if you guys have been following this but it looks like Brandon Sanderson has completed the manuscript for the 12th and final Wheel of Time book A Memory of Light. It still has to go through an editorial cycle and there is bound to be some revision but it looks like that 8/2009 release estimate might be pretty close. http://www.brandonsanderson.com/
  3. Figure this one. If the Giants lay an egg out there today the NFC championship game will be played in Arizona. Those are some words I'd bet you thought you would never hear in the same sentance.
  4. They may be referring to MoW. I would love to see Obsidian take another crack at it just to get more content.
  5. I slept late today, got up at 11. I fed the dogs, made chicken salad for lunch, went on Amazon and ordered Battlestar Galactica Season 4, and a few books. I spent a few hours playing ball with the dogs then carried a glass, a bowl of ice and a bottle of Knob Creek and sat on my porch and just watched the rain. I've got the game on but just can't get into it. I think I'll sepnd a few hours working on my NWN2 mod. All in all, a good day.
  6. Guard Dog


    Now reading Mark Twains Following the Equator and Stonewall in the Valley by Robert Tanner. That one is about my second favorite American hero. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson.
  7. Are you going to have to go in on inauguration day? I would think all of North Va and Southern MD and everything in between will be at a standstill this time.
  8. I was thinking of using it to create world maps. After working with the OL map I'm really not sure it's worth the trouble it is. For my modding project I am ditching it in favor of a world map ala the OC or MotB. For the Souther Adventures project I comitted myself to making it work. @Josh I'll give those a try in the encounter triggers. I was not using those. Thanks!
  9. Not possible. Snipers must complete infantry school and have at least two years of fleet service before being selected for the scout/sniper program. I don't know about the Army but the Marines do not allow women to serve in "line" units meaning combat units. They do serve in air and support units but essentially infantry, artillery, and armor are not open to women marines. Pretty much everything else is. I don't want to sound sexist here, but the WMs I served with were not very well respected. They did not pull their weight in training or day to day operations and most could not hack it in unit PT. Most of them finished the formation runs in the back of the trail vehicle with not a word said to them. And nearly every one had a mammoth chip on their shoulders. Not easy to deal with at all. That is not to cast aspersions on all WMs, but the ones I knew did not belong in the Corps.
  10. Uh oh... look who's back!

  11. Good news folks! I won't have to sell my organs, eat my dogs, or give up drinking the good stuff. I have a real job waiting for me once the end finally arrives. I just cannot express how relived I am because I have a huge mortgage, a lot of bills, and an expensive drinking problem/ computer game addiction, and I was getting a little nervous. I just want to say, thanks to all of you for your comments and encouragement.
  12. Just got home. It went very well I think. The job is actually with the Shelby County Sheriffs Dept. It does not meet the FCCs requirements for needing a licensed engineer but it once did back when it was called a Class A license. The job description has never been updated. But the HR director said it was a big plus. Essentially the job is a combination of radio technician, IT specialist, Performance Engineer, with some compliance thrown in. I certainly qualify and I thought the interview went well. They told me they would be making their decision by Jan 21st. I also got a call last night from my counterpart in Rogers Wireless. There is an opening there in network design which is what I was doing before accepting the promotion that brought me to where I am today. That company was once part of AT&T Wireless and I know most of the management there to one degree or the other. The catch is if I like the job and get an offer I'd have to move to Toronto. What to do eh?
  13. Guard Dog


    Never read HP, saw one of the movies though. It's not heavy reading by any means but I would put it on par with Terry Brooks or Robert Jordan. It does not rise to George RR Martins level of plot intricacies or character development but it is very well done. It's a little like Heart of Darkness meets Lord of the Rings.
  14. I have a job interview tommorow. I've got a good feeling about this one. The job requires a GROL and I'm the only EE I know who actually has one. Unless Taks does? Anyway, just picked up my new Joseph Abboud suit today to wear. Looks nice if I do say so myself. Is it my imagination of is the squirrel in the last picture making an obscene gesture?
  15. Well, the Dolphins are out so I'm pulling for the Cardinals now. But really I just want to see the Panthers lose. I hates them...haaatteess them. And the $^@*! Eagles too.
  16. Guard Dog


    I read this a few months ago. I really enjoyed it. I haven't picked up the next book in the series yet but I definitely will. The Name of the Wind
  17. Guard Dog


    Peace by Richard Bausch. If you are a fan of WW2 history or just great writing, buy this book.
  18. I've spent the last two days working with the Overland Map. I'm trying to edit the nEncounterTable for custom encounters. Obviously I'm doing something wrong because when I cross the trigger with a PC, no monster. It really is very irritating trying to learn something new with little documentation. However, the area does look nice.
  19. The correct answer. I don't like a challenge.
  20. I sat at my desk today and stared at the monitor for about four hours. I have absolutely nothing to do. I have no projects, no funding, nothing left but nineteen days and a pink slip. I was utterly depressed all morning. Then at lunch I found a two month old Sports Illustrated in the bathroom. I figured at least the afternoon will go better. Then I read an article about how the Tampa Bay Bucs were poised to not just make the playoffs but possibly even be the 1st Seed. That actually depressed me even more now that we know how that turned out. Tomorrow I'm driving out to Murfesboro for a tower light audit. The tower does not need one but I just can't face that office again. Next time I go in there I'm fill my coffee cup with Knob Creek. I don't know if that will make me feel better but it will certainly dull the ache.
  21. Just wait until your cats see him! He'll show up one day wanting a peanunt and become cat food.
  22. A two minute history of the whole Israel Palestine mess:
  23. From the ground level it looks really nice. As for the sunken wagon wheel, if you cannot adjust it by moving the placable or adjusting the terrain height (which can throw somethng off elsewhere) little things like that can be hidden with a grass placable. Are you using any plug ins for area design?
  24. I haven't seen the Cards play this year yet but they surely came ready today. I thought Atlanta would have an easy time with them. IIRC the Cardinals only won one non division game this year. I would love to see them go all the way at this point just for the conversational value.
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