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Guard Dog

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Everything posted by Guard Dog

  1. Today the lawyer came over to talk about a settlement offer from the accident. After he left I just sat on the porch and drank. Once I get out of this situation I'm going to quit drinking forever. But right now when I think about it all it just gets me so damned depressed I don't know what to do. But, at least the dogs find ways to cheer me up.
  2. My favorite was the news story that Obama was ordering Chevy and Dodge out of NASCAR. When I first heard it I actually believed it because it would not even be the most insane thing he's done since taking office.
  3. That would make an excellent conspiracy theory.
  4. If you go to Battlestar Wiki's forum, there are lots of dissatisfaction with the ending as well (despite the fact that the poll indicated that most people are happy with it). The God factor is indeed a big turn off because one of the main appeals of the show is that a lot of ridiculously weird things (i.e. head characters, Starbuck's resurrection, the Music) have occurred and that we 'had' a feeling that it would not be explained by Deux Ex Machina. And so part of the anticipation of the show would be to get a plausible explanation behind all the crazy things. But ultimately, the writers were incapable of wrapping things up without using God as the plot device. Even worse, a lot of elements that were so hyped up turned out to be so... inadequately handled, i.e.: * The Opera House - What's so special about it? Why are those visions even important? * Hera - By chance, she turned out to be the Mitochondrial Eve. Her existence was not essential at all * Final Five - After all five were revealed, things went on as usual. No extra scenes to show how they interact with their children * Head Characters - OMG they are angels! * Lords of Kobol - Totally become forgotten * Starbuck - She is also an angel! OMG! * The Music - God played it! The Cylons may have had a plan but Moore and the writers did not it seems. It was no secret they were making it all up as they went along and some plot twists were employed for pure "shock" value. In the end they painted themselves into a corner and there was no way out. There were two other endings they were toying with. In my opinion they chose the best of the three. And that is saying something about how bad the other two were. http://io9.com/5191097/ron-moore-throws-ou...nate-bsg-ending
  5. I finally broke down and ordered Fallout 3. It just got here today. Installing it now. Hopefully this will rekindle my dying interest in gaming.
  6. I heard a story once about a man who was driving along a cliffside highway. His car blew out a tire and his car went sprawling over the cliff. He said a quick prayer for help then he narrowly jumped free just as it went over. He walked over to the edge to look at the flaming wreckage of his car, far below when the cliff crumbles and he nearly falls. He says another quick prayer, begging God for help, then he jumps back just making it to solid ground. As he is looking at where the cliff broke a huge gust of wind blows up and pushes him over again. This time he manages to grab a small tree branch as he goes over but he feels it breaking with his weight. The man prayed out loud again "God please help me". God finally answered him ans said "You know, I don't know what it is exactly, but... I just don't like you boy." Sounds like the day YOU are having Slug.
  7. I'm more of an Indycar fan (prediction: one of the Andretti Green drivers will win it all this season!) but I do follow F1 a little, particularly the Jaguar/Red Bull Renault team. Ever since they dropped the Ferrari engine for the Renault RS27 they have been fading. What does everyone think of the rule changes this season? Restricting RPMs to save fuel (I guess), increasing downforce to open up passing? I think speed is the attraction here. Detracting from it seems wrong. BTW, I've only attended one NASCAR race in my life, it was the Die Hard 500 in Talladega in 1993. We had infield tickets and I was wearing a Florida Gators ballcap which apperently is a crime ranking above spitting on the rebel flag and just below murder in Alabama. We got into a fight with the good ole boys in the next spot because I wouldn't take it off. We were almost all kicked out. I find that sport boring, like someone else said, one endless left turn.
  8. Here you go: http://www.nbc.com/Kings/video/episodes/
  9. Has your work changed much with the new admin in town?
  10. I agree with Taks, it really does not matter where you went to school so long as it is accredited. After attending Miami-Dade Community College at night for almost four years I graduated from Florida Atlantic, a small state university in Boca Raton. Very small. My graduating class from the college of engineering was only 37. It has actually gotten a bit bigger since. Unless you are a lawyer or doctor (professions where there I've found there is a certain snobiness and institutional bias) where you got your degree does not matter nearly so much as how well you did academically if you have no other experience or what you have done with your career if you do.
  11. It's not so bad. It only hurts when I move. My teeth are what bothers me more than anything, but I can't get them fixed until the leg cast comes off. But I am going to have a very cool scar from my ear to jaw that I will of couse lie about how I got it.
  12. Making coffee, reading news on internet, doing physical therapy in a bit, feeding dogs, sitting on porch throwing ball to dogs, working on laptop. Just another day.
  13. It's not piracy to view or even copy freely available content for personal use. Now if you tried to sell it, charge people to view it (assuming you are not the license owner), or present it as your own creation that is a horse of another color. In reality there is little to fear from prosecution if you did say offer up Kings Episode One for sale. Most places like ebay and craigslist will just take your listing down if they caught you.
  14. No, I hate gyms. If I get into a workout rhythm I don't want it disrupted by waiting for a machine or bench. Plus I find all the girls in the aerobics classes to be very distracting. And trying to meet women in a gym is one of those things that sounds good in theory but never works well in practice. I'd rather work out at home.
  15. The premise sounds interesting but I missed the first two show. I'll probably wait for the DVD. I'm really lousy about watching shows on a weekly basis. Battlestar was about the only exception.
  16. And others were calling old girlfriends at 4 am, usually passing out before they answered. Still more were telling the other gorillas they loved them, then got into fights, and one tried to proposition the photographer with a very clumsy and clich
  17. Guard Dog


    Start playing some of the Total War games. I read that when I was in the military, It was required reading at NCO school. I actually found it very interesting.
  18. I must admit you have a point here. In the end the Cylons were by turns vain, petty, venal, vindictive, and often incapable of acting in their own best interests. Hardly the near all powerful and emotionally detached enemies they were in the beginning. In other words, they were more human than human. I guess the direction they took developing the Cylon characters and the way the whole final five was handled (in my opinion that strained credulity) was the only real flaw in the show. I don't think it was a fatal flaw and I still enjoyed all four seasons immensely. I just think I would have done it differently.
  19. Guard Dog


    Now reading The 5000 Year Leap by Cleon Skousen and Rebels and Redcoats by George Scheer and Hugh Rankin..
  20. You've got to admit, the end sequences with the flashes of modern robots was just a perfect wrap up.
  21. Got some new books in the mail yesterday. Just got the dogs fed (always an interesting process these days) now going to sit on my porch and read. Hopefully I'll kill off the whole day that way. At least until the game comes on tonight.
  22. You are one unhappy dude Gorgon! I can't remeber the last positive thing you posted about this show. I can't imagine there would have been any conclusion you would have been happy with. That said I do think it was an odd choice. However, as someone who has made a career out of engineering and optimizing technology I must admit the concept of leaving it all behind does appeal to me on several levels.
  23. Never finished IWD2. About half way through I realized I hated that game. Never finished Oblivion which is amazing considering how many games I started. My problem there is I'll get to about level 12-15 and realize my character has a build flaw because of some poor choices when levelling up. The only thing I can do is start over. And over.
  24. It wouldn't work that well is SHE was in High School . Calax has enough problems already, going to jail would make thing worse.
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