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Guard Dog

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Everything posted by Guard Dog

  1. Right now I'm drinking a big glass of a little lemonade and a lot of Makers Mark, pecking at my laptop, and watching Maury Povich. I'd put a DVD in but I dont want to rile the dogs and it just hurts too much to get up.
  2. Gene Simmons was badly injured in a skiing accident too a few years ago. I guess if you are famous stick to the beaches and stay off the slopes.
  3. On that note I bought a bunch of MST3K dvd on ebay. The bummer is it is never as funny as the first time you see it. Back on topic, this is one of the signs of the collapse of western civilization. Dumbing down of the language and culture. Such as it is. Who wants to watch a channel whose name sounds like an off brand bottled water distributor or a sushi restraunt in some small Balkan town?
  4. It's a lot healthier than my 6ft. 4in. (183cm.) 125lbs. (56.7kg.) Someone buy this man a hamburger or two. That is rail thin. I think I look ok physically speaking. No fat, not skinny. I wear a size 44 long jacket and my waist is a 34-36 depending on the make of the jeans. As Taks correctly pointed out I am getting old, but I'm in better shape than some people my age I know.
  5. Just got home from doctors, cast stays on at least two more weeks. I going f***ing stir crazy!
  6. I was entertaining a theory that the dying leader turned out to be the Galactica itself. As for Starbuck, don't expect much. Katee Sackoff was not happy with the way her story arc was left hanging. Looks like there may be some loose ends after all is done, but that may be by design to leave creative room if they ever pick the title back up. Personally I hope they do not. I think for the most part this series has been very well done and further production can only detract from it. I know there have been some rumblings of unhappieness with the show on this thread but I believe that most of you agree that this was a quality show. Not too many come along you can say that about. For my money this was the best Sci Fi on TV since DS9 wrapped up.
  7. For my next car I want one that bounces. Or failing that one with an on board drunk driver detection system.
  8. Nice, but I'm 6'5" and weigh about 210 pounds. I'd never fit in it. Plus I live off a dirt road, it would never make it down after a hard rain. I was looking at a used Jeep Liberty at CarMax. But it'll be a while before I can really test drive. Thats just shy of 2 meters and just over 95 kg for those who use the metric system.
  9. I have to look for a new car now too. Thats sucks because I loved that truck. It wasn't much. Just a non descript red Mercury mountaineer. But I bought it brand new in 1998, paid it off in 2002 and put every mile it had on it myself. I did every oil change, every brake job, everything except tires myself. At almost 200K miles it had never given me a more serious problem than a bad alternator. That was like losing an old friend.
  10. It's been six weeks actually. I have four pins in my femur now and they hold the bone in place and force it to knit properly. But I won't be totally free, I'll be trading the cast for a removable splint so at least I can take a shower. These sink baths are just not doing it for me. Especially after PT. The have me using 5 pound dumbells now along with the squishy ball. My right arm has two pins and it's out o the cast now.
  11. I've lost all desire to pursue a graduate degree. I took one class almost two years ago but just can't gin up the interest. To say nothing of the time and expense which is considerable on both counts. I'm going back to the doctor tomorrow for X-Ray. I hope beyond hoping the leg cast can come off. I have this freaking itch.... just... can't... reach....
  12. I like my coffee dark and bitter. And most of the women I've dated and all of the women I've married could be so described with accuracy.
  13. Guard Dog


    Just finished Odd Man Out by Matt McCarthy. If you are a baseball fan you should give it a look, it's a great read. It's a memoir of a low drafted minor leauge pitcher. Now reading Shadow Country by Peter Mathissen and Ferve Dream by George RR Martin. Is it just me or are there just no original ideas left in Fantasy/Sci Fi these days? Browsing on Amazon is like shifting through a bucket garbage trying to find one good thing.
  14. I'm in favor of government-controlled mandatory abstinence. And you are probably going to get it the way things are going.
  15. I spent the day trying to play computer games. I just can't get into them anymore. Not even the Elder Scrolls Games, NWN, or the IE games and those were my all time favorites. With the exception of ETW and OOTP 10 there is not a single game coming up that even slightly catches my eye. Could I be losing interest in gaming!?
  16. That only tastes good when accompanied by a hangover and coffee.
  17. Nah my legs in a cast and getting up is this whole big production and.... actually you're right. But it's ok now anyway, a baseball game came on. Puerto Rico vs Panama. Looks like my next three hours are booked solid!
  18. You are a young guy right Sluggo? Twenty something? Here is a little advice that is guaranteed to change your luck. Stop dating twenty somethings or worse under twenties. They don't need you. They defineitely will not appreciate you. Go for the girls in their late thirties. Divorcees are fine but the ones who haven't been married yet are the best. so you're telling him to go for cougars? Absolutely! If they are looking for you why not look for them. It worked for me until I got married. I know you would not turn one away if they targeted you. Now don't YOU go getting married Shryke. I reliving my twenties vicariously by reading your posts!
  19. I've been watching ESPN all day. All day. I don't want to. I don't even like basketball. But I cant find the remote. Oh goodie! Sportscenter is coming on...again.
  20. You are a young guy right Sluggo? Twenty something? Here is a little advice that is guaranteed to change your luck. Stop dating twenty somethings or worse under twenties. They don't need you. They defineitely will not appreciate you. Go for the girls in their late thirties. Divorcees are fine but the ones who haven't been married yet are the best.
  21. I knew a guy who met one in a bar in San Diego once. He didn't know. None of us did. They left together and he came back alone about 10 min later. He.. umm... found out... while they were making out in the parking lot. I still laugh about how THAT little discovery must have went down.
  22. For the most part I'm still intact. The crash was almost head on. It happened on Covington Pike between Memphis and Millington. The other guy was drunk and crossed the median and hit me between the front tire and drivers door. It broke my left femur, my right ulna (arm) and my right wrist plus a few cracked ribs, broken teenth and my face looks like I kissed a weedeater. The bad part was my Ulna nreak was compound fracture and it damaged my radial artery. When EMS got there one of them tolt the HP I would not survive. They had my wallet and took my insuracne card out and got my emergency contacts from them. Well, I never updated my contacts on that so their first call was to my ex and they told her I had died in the accident. She had to call my parents and tell them. They did not find out the truth for seversal hours when the hospital called them. Anyway, I've got pins in mt arm and leg now and my right wrist is in a cast. All in all I was lucky. I have a hard time convincing myself of that sometimes but I guess it was just not my timew to go. I would love to have heard the call to my ex.
  23. Slug, pus = infection = trouble. Whatever the doctor does to you it won't be worse. I'm having surgery tomorrow after which the cast comes off my left arm. Yea! I'll fianlly be able to type normall again. I started PT the day before yesterday, not too bad just squishing a raquetball and using a towel for resistance on my legs. Fortuantly I am in pretty good physical condition so that is making it easier. Thanks again everyone for all the encouragement and emails!
  24. Currently in my third season of Out of the Park Baseball 9. This is the BEST baseball sim EVER.
  25. Too bad I can't give you soe of my pills Calax, they would knock you right out. Of course I've been chasing thwm with bourbon so that does help a little.
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