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Guard Dog

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Everything posted by Guard Dog

  1. I became king of Sweden in CK3 this morning. I can only imagine what feats I'll accomplish in the real world before the sun sets! BTW, @Azdeus you should refer to me as hans Majestät until further notice!
  2. It's a beautiful time to be alive if you like TV isn't it? I remember when I was a kid and we had a choice of three channels. In you hat to turn the aerial antenna in different directions for each!
  3. Hey I've liked the Obi Wan series so far. Yeah is has some plot holes and and few other story telling flaws but it's been good for me. I've really liked The Manadlorian. Haven't gotten into the Book of Boba Fett yet. When I've watched all these I'm cancelling Disney until the next season or series comes out. This is the way. I'd totally watch the heck out of this idea:
  4. Anyone who wants to kidnap you better been in Olympic level shape. If you can't out run them you'd out ride them. And if that didn't work you'd outswim them.
  5. Woman About to be Evicted Was Saved By Neighbors Who Bought the Home For Her
  6. 101 year-old woman is reunited with painting stolen by Nazis
  7. The effects of free space path loss on massive MIMO beamforming when propagated through air of varying density and temperature.
  8. So the guy who was trying to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh because he supports the 2A was carrying a gun to do the deed. I don't know if it's appropriate to chuckle about that or not but I generally find irony to be very humorous. Just in case anyone was wondering, the Supreme Court has rendered 0 decisions on 2nd Amendment cases since Kavanaugh joined the court.
  9. So what you're telling me is that those assault weapons ARE good for fighting tyranny? Because that was the whole point in the first place!
  10. You know what the problem is? Some of the stupidest s--t is coming FROM the intellectuals. Arrogance is a poor chaser. Arrogance coupled with error is unpalatable.
  11. Yeah I'm a little underwhelmed by Old World myself. It's right up my alley but just leaves me wanting more/.
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