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Everything posted by tu2thepoo

  1. At any rate, I think it's cool beans - and not just because y'all were gracious enough to link to muh site. I was wondering where the extra traffic was coming from
  2. It's because all the Republic and Sith soldiers don't want the penalty to their blaster to-hit rolls when people are in melee range. LIKE DUH anyway, about the swords-versus-melee shields thing; if all the melee shields are mandalorian designs, then it seems that unless you happen to run across a Main Character (identified by their halos and auras of power), chances are your opponent doesn't have the credits for a melee shield. Because, you know, if the mandalorians are defeated and scattered, it stands to reason their production facilities have been shut down and merchants are just selling off existing stock. As for professional armies, it's basically the same idea. Sith power shields, I assume, are all your average grunt is going to get. Republic soldiers will just get plain-jane energy shields as standard issue, right? So if 95% of your enemies are going to have non-melee shields, then it makes sense to get close and hack at them with a sharp object of some kind like, i dunno, a SWORD. And if you're gonna use a sword, then vibroblades have to be at least 2.4 times as good (scientifically measured, that).
  3. There's also the line at the Trayus Core where the exile says "I didn't know [Atris] had any feelings for me", and Kreia replies something like "Ah, yes, it's what is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built" (or something similarly pedantic ). She could be hinting at never being able to tell Handmaiden the truth (assuming she's in your party). With the council dead, no one would be able to tell Handmaiden about her heritage, such as it is. That is, if Kreia is her mom. [edit] unless someone mentioned this already. i dunno.
  4. Remember when you go into the Sith tomb on Korriban (the one in the shyrack cave), you find that dead Jedi who went insane and killed the other Jedi investigating the tomb? Dustil was probably the original character for that dude.
  5. Yeah, I know how fusion works. I just didn't remember seeing any transport ships at the end of KOTOR1 and figured the Star Forge must've been set up to be autonomous, which would imply that it could only work from what materials it could leech from the sun. again, I'm aware of that. My point of confusion was that they kept calling it a Sith ship, and since it looked so much like the Leviathan (and the Star Forge ships by association), I thought maybe they were implying that the Ravager was also a Star Forge ship.
  6. To expand on it a little bit: Onderon and the Republic have been at odds for a while, so if I understand it right, the Republic sent a peacekeeping fleet to Onderon to make sure they stay in line. That doesn't sit well with the Onderonians, who keep their own fleet close to the Republic's to show them they aren't going to take their guff. Certain factions within the Onderon government have powerful allies that want you captured (I don't know how far you are so I don't want to spoil it), so as soon as the Ebon Hawk jumps into the system they detect it. They move to try and capture you, but since the Ebon Hawk's registered freighter the Republic fleet must've taken it as some sign of aggression and started firing blindly. The space battle that erupts would probably be the result of fog of war and no one knowing what's going on.
  7. The starwars databank says he lost his lower jaw in a lightsaber fight. Could've been one of the Jedi he and Revan were trying to corrupt/kill during the start of the Jedi Civil war. JINX
  8. The star forge drew its raw material from the Rakatan sun, if I remember the end of the game correctly (I'm not even going to try and figure out the alchemy involved ). Judging from the dialogue throughout the game, it had an effectively endless supply of resources so long as it was active and drawing material from the sun. Could be that most of its production was geared towards making Sith starfighters, in which case your point still holds - they wouldn't have enough capital ships being produced and would need to bolster their fleet with Republic warships. Anyway, since I read through the game's official site again (thanks Drakron), I don't know what to make of the whole Ravager/Leviathan similarity. If the Leviathan was a unique/new Republic interdictor design... I dunno, maybe the Ravager was a precursor (and that's why it doesn't look so streamlined).
  9. Outside of Onderon, it's nearly impossible to raise Mandalore's influence, even if you're darkside. Interestingly enough, if you use the KOTOR savegame editor (KSE) and fix his influence at 100%, he says "Since you helped me gather the clans together, I feel obligated to tell you of the mission Revan gave me" (assuming you set Revan as Lightside). he tells you all about him 'n Revan, and how he found Mandalore's lost armor. Seems to me that most of his influence should be tied to the Mandalorian leadership quest (where you help Mandalore recruit the Mandalorians on Dantooine and Nar Shaddaa), and since that quest seems truncated (or outright broken), there's no way to raise his influence. I assume the way it was supposed to happen is that you raise his influence with your actions on Onderon just enough that he asks you to help gather the Clans. Once you've gathered them under his banner, then you get his backstory. spoiler ahead (Mandalore's true name and my guess as to whether he could be Mira's father):
  10. All I want to know is why the Ravager is constantly referred to as a Sith ship. Weren't the only ships at the battle of Malachor V of Republic and Mandalorian design? Assuming they're only calling the Ravager a sith warship because it's Nihilous's new ship, I think it's safe to assume that the Ravager was part of the Republic battlefleet under command of the Exile. Seems reasonable to me that Revan could've taken the basic Ravager design, enhanced it with Star Forge technology, and that's how the Leviathan was born. I don't ever remember Carth saying he served on the Leviathan; only that he recognized it as Saul Karath's ship. Could be that since Saul razed Telos, Carth recognizes the Sith warship that destroyed his homeworld, not that it was Saul's ship while he was still a Republic officer.
  11. As a dark-side male, you never get the Telos academy codes. Handmaiden does use them later in the game, though.
  12. I went ahead and added this content to http://tubertarian.com/kotor2missingcontent.php , if that's cool with you, stop_him.
  13. Didn't HK say something about someone sending him against mandalore in KOTOR1? I remember you could tease him about biting off more than he could chew.
  14. I think the most sound argument for having Revan be a Consular would be the fact that she (in my case) was always scheming and planning six steps ahead (re: trapping the mandalorians at malachor V, re: sending troops to die as a diversion on Dxun, re: having assassins kill the allies of the Jedi instead of directly attacking them, etc). As far as I understand it, that's the hallmark of the Jedi Consular (kreia, in particular); unlike Kavar, who is described as a tactical genius, Revan was a manipulator and strategic genius. It'd be rather like comparing a skilled platoon sergeant (the Guardian) to a general-turned-politician (consular). The sergeant has full control of the tactical situation, and can feint and parry to achieve his objective, but the politician is the one who put him there in the first place. And besides, it's not like you can't have a consular that's incredible at swordplay. In KOTOR1 I had a scout/consular that had master flurry and dual-wield; in real-world terms that'd probably be indicative of the fact that Revan constantly trained with her saber, in lieu of pursuing other training (feats like Gear Head or Armor Proficiency).
  15. oh, hah! i just figured they were born blind or something.
  16. Personally, I thought carth was annoying in KOTOR1, and couldn't wait for the DS ending where I could kill him. But hey, the mix was pretty kickinrad. I went ahead and MP3'd it, if that's cool with ya: http://tubertarian.com/temp/KOTOR2-missing...i-carth-mix.mp3
  17. Showing the destruction of Malachor would probably have been doable, given enough development time. You could have an in-game cutscene where the Exile and Bao-Dur are on a republic warship (you could even re-use the Harbinger bridge), the Exile nods to Bao-Dur, he flips the switch. Then you switch to a Bink video (the video type they used for the cutscenes) of the mass shadow generator sending out some kind of energy wave that crushes all the Mandalorian/Republic ships caught in it. Not any more violent than most Teen-rated games, methinks. For the destruction of Katarr, it'd probably be simplest to go from the conversation (where Visas starts talking about waking up on her dead planet) straight to a Bink video of Visas waking up in, say, a grove of dead trees or something. [if you were really going for the auteur feel, you could have her sit up slowly, and frame the shot so that it reminds the player of when you first see Visas, meditating on the Ravager. This time, though, instead of feeling the Exile through the Force, she's trying to reach out to any other miraluka who may be alive.] She looks up, Nihilous is standing before her, she says something like "why...?" or "who are y-..." before he force chokes her and makes her "see". Let's assume they had a character model of Visas without her shroud (or her shroud pulled back), and then you zoom into her face. Her eyes go from white - a la Kreia, who also has the gift of force sight - to black (as she sees the galaxy for the crude matter it is), then to grey as Nihilous lets her go; she can use her Force sight again, but has been scarred by the experience. [again, doing it like that would be referring to the scene on the Ravager where Nihilous force chokes her for suggesting that the Exile may be beyond his reach, or whateva. Film majors around the world would roll their eyes ] Doing it like that would let you get the feel of being on a destroyed world, without having to have piles of bodies surrounding Visas. But, I dunno, just a few "what if's" and "if they had more time and money" ideas.
  18. bronze, orange, whatever I used the cheats on this playthrough so I could see all the rare items and all the skills-dependent dialog options. [edit] you can grab KSE at http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php
  19. personally, I think the silver and bronze color crystals look much cooler, especially if you use two lightsabers.
  20. I think influence may kick in even before they join your party (even though you don't get any notices of it). I'm not sure. There're enough influence options throughout the game that you can make up for it if it does.
  21. you get Force Crush when you meet the "jedi council" on dantooine; you probably only get it if you've killed all the jedi masters (that is, I think you can get it even if you're a light-sided Jedi master/watchman/armsmaster). You have to be extremely dark side-oriented when choosing a prestige class to become a Sith Marauder/Assassin/Lord.
  22. In general, if you murder someone, Atton (and Bao-Dur, and Visas, and Mira, I think) will comment about how he felt compelled to attack and couldn't help it. You can respond to these dialogues for influence points. If Kreia's in your party, you get a pretty interesting dialogue that goes along the lines of: (your party murders someone) Kreia: is mindless slaughter the only thing that occupies your mind? NPC (Bao-Dur, Atton, etc): I don't know what happened, I feel like I lost control for a second... Kreia: I'm not talking to you, fool, be silent. (Kreia lectures you about keeping a low profile, manipulating events, etc) (you can respond along the lines of "shut up, old woman" or "I'll consider your advice") You lose influence with Kreia but gain influence with whomever else is in your party. Off the top of my head, you can murder the Czerka salvage team member in the Telos base, the Khoonda investigator near the crashed airspeeder on Dantooine, Batono (the Czerka whistle-blower) on Telos, and a whole bunch of other people.
  23. You have to raise your influence with Hanharr several times before you can unlock the final dialogue (where you completely break his spirit, which makes him gain 2 STR and lose 2 INT). You can do this by murdering people while Hanharr is in your party, and choosing dialogue options that are greedy (for example, on Onderon, you can give your open passport to the Exchange agent in the Cantina. Hanharr will remark that you're doing the right thing by giving the passport to the person with the best price - you can respond with "if I want your opinion i'll beat it out of you" or "you're right, she has the best deal", for +influence points.) Basically, when you talk to him about anything, you have to constantly reply with the dialogues that are most like "Your tribe was weak. Killing makes you strong. Anyone who doesn't kill deserves to die. Don't question me, or I'll gut you." There's an interesting bug, though; you can re-do the final dialogue as many times as you want. Eventually, it gets to the point where Hanharr has NEGATIVE intelligence points (it still shows up as 8 INT), and you can give him infinite STR points (up to, like, 255, if you're bored).
  24. Just a quick update: added the additional dialogues and some notes.
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