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Everything posted by Haitoku

  1. Very good tip. It seems to prevent Bloodlines from using up all the available ram quickly. Should reduce the amount of times you need to reboot the program.
  2. I don't remember having high pursuation or getting a lot of the blue dialogue options... I just kept choosing the neutral responce and I saved em.
  3. They were random. KOTOR only had one animation for each skill... KOTOR 2 had 3 I believe.
  4. Still on that sheep thing eh?
  5. That's why I was as vague as possible... You will know when to save her when the time comes.
  6. Flirt with her when you meet her, be nice to her and *save* her... wait a while, be nice to her again and that should do it. It's a neat little scene, but you miss out on a lot of EXP.
  7. Waiting for my DS Lite to get here (should arrive on the 12th at the latest) so I can play Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow... For now, Counter Strike: Source.
  8. Now are those PCs $3,500 on todays market -- or were they $3,500 two+ years ago... I'd expect the game Andy Sites is producing (Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom) to have much better graphics following that statement, but they really don't seem to be any better then what can be done on current gen PCs costing less than $3,500. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, I imagine the PCs are pretty high end. Since before the devkits (and even during E3 some claim) PS3 games were runnning on top of the line SLI rigs. EDIT : I'm not impressed with that they have produced in any case.
  9. http://media.ps3.ign.com/media/814/814614/vids_1.html Producer Andy Sites claims they are finaly past the point were any PC can outperform the PS3 at it's own task. $3,500 PC can't keep up with it apparently.
  10. story??? wtf? its a beat-em-up!! story lol! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually, it's a "fighting game." Technically, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Streets of Rage, Final Fight, etc., are "beat-em-up's." :D But yeah - story, WTF? LOL! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Street Fighter series had a rather intricate story actually...
  11. Go for it Dark Raven, Epiphany original post has been proven false in any case.
  12. That's pretty naive to say (not to mention horribly off-topic). Fallout 3 will be a commercial success, that's almost guaranteed.
  13. That would be like hell freezing over. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Didn't the Xbox do that already?
  14. Yep, I hated Morrowind but like Oblivion. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually, I think I might like Oblivion because of its open-endness. I like travelling in virtual worlds, acting freely. I believe I will get pretty much the same experience as the one I had with GTA San Andreas. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then why did you not like Morrowind? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The graphics and the interface were unappealing. And the game automatically started in first-person mode. As I thought it was the only mode available, I gave it up. Oblivion seems to have nicer graphics and seems to offer a lot more than Oblivion did (maybe because it has better technology). Just note that I am not looking for the ultimate role-playing experience. I am fine with action-adventure games too. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Better graphics = More fun :cool: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> For a game like Oblivion? No dout. :cool:
  15. So, what's Vista suppose to improve exactly?
  16. Yep, I hated Morrowind but like Oblivion. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually, I think I might like Oblivion because of its open-endness. I like travelling in virtual worlds, acting freely. I believe I will get pretty much the same experience as the one I had with GTA San Andreas. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Exactly. The way Oblivion handles the open-endness and it's main story... It's almost exactly like a GTA3 game (not to mention the fact that you can steal peoples horses).
  17. Um... yeah. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's a slide-show.
  18. The cover was certainly misleading as to what the game was actually about. I remember thinking what kind of situation these characters were in that they had to fight each other like that... Turns out the story was a lot more silly then I could have ever imagined.
  19. To be fair, don't you consider 15 FPS "Fine"?
  20. Is Oblivion what I am looking for, or will I find it boring from the first quest, or after completing a few quests? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hard to say... The main storyline is pretty weak, not to mention that fact that you are given zero chance to actually role-play (you are limited to one responce most of the time). It's fun for awhile to mess around with the character creation (until you realize just how limited you really are thanks to the level-scaling) and explore the world and enjoy all the pretty visuals. The thing I absolutely hated was how everything you do outside of the main story plays such a little role... It's something like GTA3. You can murder and steal, build up a huge bounty but in the end you are still X guy according to the story. Pretty crappy for an RPG to have such a system.
  21. What the hell? Bestbuy, Walmart, Target, Ebgames, Gamestop, etc, etc. Any retailer that sales PC/Xbox 360 games will have it. Is this a joke topic?
  22. Count on it. Also: Fenghuang gives CoC two thumbs up I will totally be getting it <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's a good game. Graphics are solid... the controls feel a bit Xbox'ish, but you'll get use to it.
  23. Not only that... http://www.gamespot.com/news/6152519.html But there was also an interview in PC Watch (japanese magazine) with Kutaragi talking about not only being able to upgrade the PS3s HDD in the future... but things like memory and he even hinted at cell upgrades... Sony is F****n up.
  24. Okay, PS3 being a new platform and all will probably take a lot of adjustment and in some cases, be very difficult to code for (much like the PS2 initially was). Happy now Eldar? Anyways, I think Epiphany's original post has be debunked which what this topic was about.
  25. Well, I have no problems with Ryu... But Kratos overall is a much better character.
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