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Everything posted by Haitoku

  1. Perfect Dark Zero. The 360's "killer ap". <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL It's funny how they could pull the gameplay right out the N64 version and call it "next-gen."
  2. That's a good way to think about it. I've only briefly considered having both... but I know in the end one will be sitting under a think layer of dust.
  3. I kind of wish the Xbox 360 had done better in Japan now. Then I actually could consider thinking about maybe getting one.
  4. Are you enjoyed all the Fed-Ex quest?
  5. Wow, wish I had found when I still had a slight interest in the game.
  6. There is a great list on Wiki. Make sure you get a slower leveling MOD (or possibly an alternative leveling MOD).
  7. There is a Win Mugen now!? Man, I remember the community going to hell about three years ago. So much thievery going on... a lot of great programmers decided to quit and the Mugen appeared to be finished.
  8. Replaying Resident Evil: Code Veronica X. I know RE4 formula is all the rage now, but it honestly makes me really sad to know that the old survival horror formula is dead (Rule of Rose being the last game to probably use it).
  9. Episode I was far more cutscene intensive. Even during the battles they insisted on just making you sit there and watch instead of actively participating... I admit though, Episode I
  10. Where you not paying attention!? The NPCs talk to your character and you get to choose a reply! That's not all though, based on that reply the conversation could go a variety of ways! ... but seriously, I think they are just referring to the cinematics.
  11. What exactly reminds you of RE4 besides the view? I get the feeling it will pretty much break down into first person shooter but with a third person view.
  12. I guess... Ultimately, it is just cosmetic. It can certainly make the character feel like he is not your avatar at times however. For example, my idea of threatening is a far more subtle thing that what was shown in the trailer. I suppose to you can't please everyone though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, the thing is, you wouldn't exactly get that in a text based dialogue system either. You're still shackled with whatever the writer wrote for the character to say. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You are correct. But usually with simple dialogue prompts you get more choices in how to say things. Despite how meaningless they might be, it does wonders for immersion.
  13. I guess... Ultimately, it is just cosmetic. It can certainly make the character feel like he is not your avatar at times however. For example, my idea of threatening is a far more subtle thing that what was shown in the trailer. I suppose to you can't please everyone though.
  14. Wow, I didn't even hear about it. Thanks for the heads up, it looks interesting indeed. Yggdra Union is suppose to be something of a sequel to Riviera correct?
  15. Are you getting Deep Labyrinth? I know i am.
  16. Stella Deus: The Gate of Eternity. Pretty fun tactical JRPG... so far anyways.
  17. I'm with you on that. I have yet to see a single game that justifies... well, anything really (MGS4 won't do it at this point).
  18. If their is a Kotor 3, it's very unlikely that it will be a PC exclusive. I certainly don't see the game appearing on the PS3 either.
  19. Actually, i'm watching it now. Only seen 6-7 episodes though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Any good? I haven't watched a decent anime in a while. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As kirottu said, it seems decent. Not my top 20 though, but not something crap like Fushigi yoogi or Kiddy grade either. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> All right, thanks. I'll consider giving it a watch.
  20. Actually, i'm watching it now. Only seen 6-7 episodes though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Any good? I haven't watched a decent anime in a while.
  21. Ah, wonderful. Trailer was a bit missleading.
  22. Visually, the game looks really good even with the current framerate. The dialogue system which they seem to be praising... Well, NPCs talk to you, you choose a response and they replay based on that responce! Am I missing something? That's certainly nothing new or groundbreaking. It looks like there is no character creation either and he has a voice and his own personality apparently. That just seems wrong for a western RPG, but then again that might encourage a healthier, more intricate plot involvement. The story seems pretty lame at the moment, but I'm it will get better once more of the plot is actually be revelead. It's definitely the most interesting Xbox 360 game I've seen so far. ... Any chance on a PC release?
  23. No way you can beat a skilled Dhalsim player easily. Getting within striking distance alone is quiet a feat.
  24. Yup, it's also the legacy to one of the oldest RPG series around.
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