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Everything posted by Meshugger

  1. Volourn confirmed of being ICE-T all along: https://twitter.com/FINALLEVEL/status/636924281386074112?lang=en
  2. Don't worry, I'm sure 3 weeks from now a Jewish financed Hindu apocalypse will bring about the Christian rapture. Just got to believe. Of course it will happen. It doesn't matter if you believe in the Shmita, those with the money do. Even seasoned economists like Martin Armstrong agree, just look at what economic confidence model presented: http://www.armstrongeconomics.com/ (major big bang in Q4 2015) I'll give you a hint: all those 4 000 000 000 000 dollars that fed have printed for "quantative easening" will have to go somewhere sooner or later and then things will be interesting.
  3. The got the prime directive and acted accordingly. That's what happened.
  4. Happy one year GG! http://spectator.org/articles/63898/happy-anniversary-gamergate-love-adam-baldwin
  5. Without anonymity the United States would not exist to begin with. It is fundamental to any free society. Of course, if someone is not interested in freedom, then by all means, remove it from the internet.
  6. Boy, you're no fun.
  7. /pol/ predicts that according to judean calendar, the shmitah of the blood moon in the Torah, a major crash will happen by 13th september 2015. It is a sabbathical cycle that occurs about every seven years (see crashes of 2008, 2001, 1994, 1987, etc) or so. Since 95% of all market experts proved to be full of **** back in 2008, why not go for the /pol/-prophecy this time? Just remember kids:
  8. David Duke's view of the Jews sounds about the same as every man on the street in the middle east. We better bomb that racism away from them; that will work, since they simply do not know better about God's chosen people. We should also publicly dismiss people through guilt by association, since people like that, and if they do, it has to be the right thing to do. But really, i have little info on that guy. Never heard about him before.
  9. The origin of this whole mess, Mr. Gjoni has gotten a lawyer that wishes to raise the issue of his gag-order to the Massaschussetts court: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2015/08/24/you-are-also-ordered-not-to-post-any-further-information-about-the-plaintiff/ Not a nobody either, it seems like he is a hot-shot First Amendment lawyer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene_Volokh Another GG-article by spiked-online: http://www.spiked-online.com/newsite/article/gamergate-taking-on-the-new-feminism#.VdyRz_ntlBc
  10. Let's not pretend that either of us are constitutional lawyers. But the Supreme Court did not make any laws here. They looked at the laws that were designed to keep gay couples from marrying and found them unjust. I actually think there is a case for the fact that this opened the door for a lot of possible religious freedom issues, and you can argue that the Supreme Court did not do a good job of clarifying the extent of this ruling. That would be a logical argument. But trying to argue they've set aside the Constitution and have gone mad with power smacks of shock jock radio tactics. You don't need to be a constitutional lawyer to understand that what you claim is in the Constitution just isn't there, you just need basic reading comprehension. And what kind of a citizen are you to claim you can't even understand the Constitution? And you a history teacher too, no wonder out country is so screwed up! Do you ever teach your students about Marbury vs Madison or do you only teach them gay, transgender and minority victimization history? Current law is that someone's religious freedom can not be abridged unless there's a compelling government reason for doing so, and it's done in the least restrictive way possible. Also you'd have to show it's a sincerely held believe, not just something you made up on the spot. Anyway, how many people would openly patronize a nazi run business? Edit: It's already established you can't discriminate in a public business based on race, religious objections or not. They couldn't — unlike sexual orientation, those are protected classes and the lawyers would fall on them like a ton of bricks. That's not freedom. Obviously the people who thought of that pesky law were a bit unlucky when they were thinking. Now, i will first file the necessary papers, create a liturgy, hire a public relations beauro and so on. So much to do.
  11. What if someone would found a church of National Socialistology? (A.K.A Naziology) Their doctrine would require them not serve jews, people of mongrel races and other discrimitory practices, but at the same time, they have to do this due to their religious belief in their saviour, so you cannot discriminate against them. Would for example the courts acknowledge their right to require "whites only" toilet booths in the workplace? Their belief is quite important to them and they find it quite triggering and traumatic to share these safe spaces with the jew. It sounds to me that not doing so is quite ignorant and problematic.
  12. Slightly related to GG, but the Hugo awards underwent an interesting moment to say the least. Several writers who felt that they were marginalized due to political reasons (=not being SJWs) joined together in order to be nominated. What happened? The following awards were granted with the "No Award" instead: -Best Novella -Best Short Story -Best Related Work -Best Editor, Long Form -Best Editor, Short Form ...and these are the rules according to the Hugo committe itself: So when writers fight back, the answer is to burn the whole thing down. Kinda like the whole "Gamers are dead", don't you think?
  13. Whiplash (2014) I loved the theme it conveyed.
  14. That seems detrimental to freedom. Or is that not a goal? I'll just leave it here and throw some seeds with the video below, i have derailed long enough.
  15. Pleh, all these modern views of society is so faux-intellectual when the answer is right before your eyes: Traditionalism. I should make a seperate thread about it some day.
  16. Well, well, well. Looks like we got ourselves a cheater-lover here now. We don't take your kind kindly here.
  17. Cheaters are simply degenerates. There's little discussion to be had on that department.
  18. I'd take that with a grain of salt unless the people actually admit to it. Someone signed our Prime Minister up to the site, there's no authentication required. They can be cross-referenced with credit cards, location and registered names and surnames. So don't be too surprised if some of them are genuine. Moar from SPJAirplay: http://imgur.com/a/XkW0x
  19. Sorta gamergate-related; The Ashley Madison leak includes several people in the gaming industry: http://pastebin.com/VsuPKhKE The industry is filled with a bunch of cheaters, thanks uncle /pol/ for the digging!
  20. Yes those issues are just a political distraction I am more interested in genuine issues and concerns with her, like some of the real issues I have with Trump Oh, lets imagine that those claims are just made by a bunch of meanies that hate women. Why should anyone want to vote for someone that is payed by Wall Street, supported the patriot act and later the freedom act(lol), thought that bombing Iraq was swell idea as bailing out the banks was. Why? I support Trump for the lulz of crying liberals and cuckservatives world-wide and Sanders for trying (and most likely failing) to fight the good fight, just like Ron Paul did.
  21. Well you can start with FBI investigating over 300 emails containing classified information that she used on a private server. Then you can check on the Benghazi investigations.
  22. Hah, I'm in stitches over that one. It's a good thing we have the Knitgaters to needle the journalist into ethical yarning. We can't let them pull the wool over our eyes. They've followed the loose threads to blanket corruption. It goes all the way to the top: the lords of the sewing machine industry are clearly behind this. They are actively trying to erase the knitting identity as tool for utter dominance.
  23. Ashley Madison, the site for people who wish to cheat on their partners got hacked. They refused to pay hackers and now they have dumped all data on all 37 million users on the deeb web. Torrents are already up and the chans are now friviously scanning the database dumps for....interesting characters in media, military and politics. Fun times ahead fellas.
  24. "Anyone can be a knitter, knitting doesn't need you anymore. Knitters are over"
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