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Everything posted by Meshugger

  1. Come to think of it, I can't think of any global sector that is that homogeneous
  2. That Grimoire trailer has to be a joke-trailer from the 'Codex.
  3. What a man-pile.
  4. I find it reassuring that despite there are 1.6 billion muslims (or whatever that number), most of them still seem to be normal people with aspirations and dreams. To me it means that, they are good people despite the religion, not because of it. I mean, Muhammed was pretty much a warrior with really ***** morals.
  5. Read Elerond's post. The only thing that he missed was that Hitler admired the organization, imagery and parades that the socialists had and eventually copied a lot of their elements, but at the same time he had a deep seated hatred for their international solidarity of the proletariat. He saw that as the end of Germany as a nation and the germans, which is why they were one of the first against the wall. Internationalism & class struggle are not traits inherent in socialism. Sounds like you are describing communism; which is something we all already know the Nazi's hated. Then tell Shirer that his sources are wrong on what Hitler experienced in the streets of Vienna.
  6. This. If I ever saw that woman in real life, i would instantly forget my surroundings and go and talk to her, get her number, ask her out and all that. Of course it would crash and burn, but i wouldn't care.
  7. What does the book say; that the Nazi's are capitalists, socialists, or neither? Read Elerond's post. The only thing that he missed was that Hitler admired the organization, imagery and parades that the socialists had and eventually copied a lot of their elements, but at the same time he had a deep seated hatred for their international solidarity of the proletariat. He saw that as the end of Germany as a nation and the germans, which is why they were one of the first against the wall.
  8. A lot of confusion in this thread could be averted if everyone read Shirer's book The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
  9. Moderate Satanists also do not believe in baby-sacrifice, instead they use goats, or just buy the blood from the butcher. They're cool and moderate and all.
  10. Socialism is everything bad int the world, and stuff you do not like.
  11. You guys need to relax and put some real RAPE into your mouths, Gothenburg-style. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPE RAPE
  12. We must not judge. Tolerance is love.
  13. Alba gu BrĂ¡th, fellas! This is it! Ooooh, nevermind. Back to laughing at SJW-journos then.
  14. You guys are like that stereotypical passionate couple. Throwing stuff at each other, yelling, jealous of potential affairs, threathening to leave forever...only to look each other in a short moment of silence and then have the most sensual make-up sex afterwards. Sadly, one is hairy old drunkard wearing questionable clothing (kilt) and the other is a gentleman, sexually repressed to persversion, with an unhealthy interest in Football. You just can't make any sexy imagery from that
  15. Wow, guys. Wow. You know what? I don't see any point in arguing about this anymore. When you tout absolute bull**** like these as "damning evidence", it's absolutely clear that you've made up your mind, and any discussion would be a waste of my time (and yours'). Relax. Just sit down here next to us and enjoy the warming flame of this event. See those flames? they are rising.
  16. Damn, i am so glad that i backed this.
  17. ...and done. They are finished (in my eyes).
  18. What? has 4chan gone full retard?
  19. Christina Summers pretty much ended the debate. My hat's off to her!
  20. What's the percentage of "undecided?"
  21. It's true, in the socialist people free republic europia today i got 'blowjoy' on the parking lot, all while high-fiving my fellow police officer who just accidently got some dirty sanchez at the same time. My boss said he couldn't believe his eyes of the whole kerfuffle, but he was shooting up legal state-subsidized heroin at the time, so what would he know.
  22. Uh, that's quite serious if it turns out to be true.
  23. Bruce: ssssssshhhhhhh! Talking about the Balkans on the Internet is always, always a losing battle. That conflict goes back to 625AD when a Serbian horseman accidently looked the wrong way at the Croat's fisherman's daughter and accidently collided with the Bosnian horsecarridge. Pure.Unadultared.Hatred has reigned the lands after that.
  24. On a more serious note: The Scots and the English have conquered and slaughtered one another so many times already and their cultures are so intertwined that i do not see any pure independence possible. After all, when i was in the highlands a couple of years ago, i noticed that most people very quite happy with status quo. As long as you acknowledged the locals as Scots, they didn't give one rrrats arrrse on whose basturd ya were.
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