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Everything posted by Malignacious

  1. I'm a graphics whore and even I would agree with that assessment. Apart from not so sharp shadows, there is really nothing wrong with graphics. Animations are far more important than graphics anyway, I wish the firearms were animated in more detail when firing, and the sound cuts off too abruptly.
  2. Thanks, that's a bummer. I thought I had some use for all the traps my rogue is picking up but 1 trap / encounter that's useless. Can you craft traps?
  3. Well, i checked again ingame just to be sure and the difficulty bar it's on hard. I have a party of 5, 2 tanks, 2 range dps and the priest. Makes sense, I plan on having party consisting of 3, it's not overly hard on normal but it is difficult if you don't pay attention all the time at the slightest detail. So, you saying that the game is easy on hard doesn't make much sense since most people don't like to have big parties.
  4. I was looking through the manual, there isn't any diagram of it.
  5. I was also confused by this, I immediately noticed that my second rogue in the party shoots much faster with a hunting bow but when I looked at the stats the speed was the same. This is really bad for making informed decisions throughout the game.
  6. So, does anyone know when, where, and how you are suppose to make and place traps?
  7. Where can you get them and how to install them into the game? There is very low variety for male humans. Is there going to be DLC or something?
  8. When in the game will you be able to create and set traps? Also, can you dismiss party members, especially those custom made?
  9. Anyway, there is nothing more to talk about on these forums so this will be my last post. See you all in about 6 months.
  10. Why not 1/3 of a class instead of 6? Clearly, more is worse, and fewer is better. That or you, alone, get to decide what's an appropriate number and what isn't. Because. Dungeon Siege 3 had 4 for a reason, disregarding the stupid decison of gender locking.
  11. I've never talked about this except in the sense that it needs token introductory lines when visiting shops and other NPCs, to set the tone. So, something like in Hellgate London.
  12. Wait, there is scientific research that shows how abusing children yields positive results?
  13. I'm not really bothered by your fascistic tendencies, but obviously some do like me.
  14. So, mishandled development is not when you put superfluous content as stretch goals instead of high production values? They couldn't have possibly constructed sentences which would generate enthusiasm in other ways..
  15. You have a troubling reading comprehension issue, which you should address. In no way is this in conflict with the stated kickstarter goals and what the game was suppose to be like. Just don't lower your standards until you bust a hole to the other side of Earth. That's all I'm saying.
  16. - Too much content, do people really care about so many classes and so many plotline replays, which frankly, only the tiniest portion of people would ever consume? - You focused on the quantity of the content, not quality. - By focusing on the quantity instead of quality, you tricked people into this illusion of false dichotomy, that they will enjoy more content even if it is poorly realized, and in the process rendering yourselves as hardcore old-school developers who care about deep gameplay mechanics and story. - Why not 6 classes instead of 11 ?? Do you really think that gameplay archetypes can be achieved if you shove as many character labels and "unique" spells as possible, instead of just dispersing various pertinent talents and abilities, properly implemented, across 6 classes? - Ask yourselves; what is more enjoyable for the vast majority of people: creating highly polished reactive classes which visually emphasize how you lead and develop them in the gameworld, or shoving as much stuff as possible so you can say that the game has a lot of stuff ? You actually are trying to put so much stuff in it that if you remove half of it, people would still think it's an epic RPG(of course, if it actually had production values) - You completely failed at game development, this is not an interactive novel! It's a video game, put some production values in it like you did with Dungeon Siege 3. It's frankly embarrassing how you let your standards fall to the ground by entertaining this ludicrous notion you got from people when they tell you that they don't care about animations and graphics. Don't trust them when they tell you this! They're confused because they're conflating categories and misinterpreting the nature of the product. But when they actually start playing the game and everything feels like total crap because of those two foundational components(which most people can't pinpoint anyway) severely lacking, they will cluelessly let everyone know how much they have encouraged you to make it exactly like that! Over 4 million dollars was more than adequate to make an enjoyable, epic, isometric, pseudo 3D RPG with high production values. Just stop listening to the incoherent nostalgia people; focus, polish, and streamline!
  17. (Reiterate the company line we've already said in every possible interview and presentation, we fear they might start losing confidence after we announce a second delay, after we claimed we were releasing it this year after our first delay) (We gave them the beta to test their reaction - hmm, apparently no way to release the game in this state without them noticing. Oh man I hope we didn't set too high expectations for this...) (We are behind schedule with a part of the development cycle that's obligatory - testing and bugfixing, but let's look for the regular cliche where we promise them that our catching up to "Gold" state will give them more than they would have gotten from a release made at "Gold" state.) (We need to communicate that the game we will release will be better than we had originally planned, thanks to the delay, and that's why we're taking the extra time - certainly not because we're behind schedule, no way) I may be too pessimistic here. I sure hope I turn out to have been such. Exactly my thoughts. Best post of the topic.
  18. If you want an in depth knowledge on why socialism has never worked and never will work.
  19. Well then, you are completely anti-science, anti-evidence, anti-empiricism. There is really no doubt about this in pertinent academic fields. The only resistance here comes from societal elements; from abusive people who themselves were abused so they internalized it and turned it into their worldview of how reality is suppose to work.
  20. The practical consequences of statism. Can you imagine this happening without the theft through taxation? When you have such a centralized entity founded on theft and violence, of course it will continue to break its constraints no matter the initial intentions and management system; be it democracy, communism or fascism. Of course, these consequences will increase in severity.
  21. I'm planning on replaying Dragon Age 1 and 2. I always like to have a good 3 month lag(at least) before I try any new release, so all the critical bugs are patched and major DLCs are released.
  22. Because anarcho-capitalism has been thoroughly analyzed and researched from all angles, it's rapidly growing, it's global, and there won't be any magical breaking point but gradual, orderly dissolution. Also, it's really not that hard to see the blatant, parasitic, destabilizing banditry of statism once you step out of its matrix.
  23. No. What works is people, even under the weight of a parasite.
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