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Pathfinder Adventures Valentine's Special and Quest Mode Update.

Aarik D




Hail and well met,


It's been a little while since I have written an update and I wanted to make sure that everyone is aware of some upcoming global changes that are coming to Pathfinder Adventures.


Valentine's Day:


In time for Valentine's Day we have a few themed bundles coming up featuring Valeros and Harsk. Both characters have a new look, slightly alternate stats, come with a promo weapon, and chests. Are you #TeamValeros or #TeamHarsk?


Team Valeros


Team Harsk


Originally we were going to have a system in where you could vote on which team was wearing it better. After a couple of weeks, the votes would be tallied and a special upgrade for the weapon would be available for the winning team.
While it was a fun idea, we didn't like the thought of some people feeling left out. We might come back to that in the future but we just needed more time to properly implement and test.




Quest Mode:


Quite a few months ago we had to make a choice that would help create our content in more timely fashion. The time between Deck 3 and 4 was, believe it or not, over four months. Sure, we released the phone version in there but for our existing users it was an unacceptably long delay.


Some of our most vocal fans felt betrayed and some even refused to play until we had something new. It was in these dark times that we put a stop on trying to maintain content for the Story Campaign and Quest mode simultaneously.
It's now five months later and we still haven't thrown any new content at the feature and only fix issues where it would break the game or the story campaign.


Until we can do the feature justice we are going to remove it from the game.


Will it stay gone? Possibly.


For all the folks that play Quest Mode for the next couple of weeks here is a list of the rewards that you will receive if you play prior to patch

  • 125 Gold per level of the highest Quest Mode character. That's 5000 Gold for a level 40.
  • 1000 Gold Bonus for a level 40.
  • A new set of dice, " Pearlescent Dice of Service"
  • The legendary card "Elemental Body"

Chests, depending on what level your highest Quest Mode character is:

  • Level 1 - 10
    • 2 Chest

    [*]Level 11 - 20

    • 4 Chests

    [*]Level 21 - 30

    • 6 Chests

    [*]Level 31 - 39

    • 8 Chests

    [*]Level 40

    • 10 Chests


We are in the works on leveraging as much content from Quest Mode as possible and potentially creating side stories that allows the player to use their campaign characters.


To get your reward make sure to play Quest Mode at least once (even if you have a level 40) prior to the release of patch which is coming out late February/early March.








And more goblins...




Check them out. We'll have one for each iconic character out there and some "We Be Goblins!" content will be coming soon.


Oh yeah... Had an iPhone and just picked up a new Android(or vice versa)? Through some sorcery we will allow the players to sync up their accounts, cross platform, on their own and without having to contact support@obsidian.net.


This should also work with the upcoming release of the PC version of Pathfinder Adventures.

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So the Goblins will be Alt Character kits for each Iconic character? As opposed to Goblin characters, such as Ekkie, Tup or those found in Goblins Burn and Goblins Fight decks

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Sad news about Quest Mode.  I hope it comes back.  The only reason I kept playing between the long long time between Deck 3 and Deck 4 was because of Quest Mode.

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I Also like quest mode, but I Also hope that it will be back when and if its ready!

Gooooblins! We will burn and we will hack, I am sure that your purce will lack!

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I hope I will not be forced to update the game to as I would prefer NOT to update and continue playing Quest Mode.  I have spent WAY more time with Quest Mode than Story Mode and it is the overwhelming reason I've played the game for 9+ months and put in hundreds of hours and continued to spend money.  If Quest Mode is removed, I will most likely stop playing the game until there is major content added (a new Adventure Path, for instance) or Quest Mode is revamped and returned to the game.  Playing through Story Mode a couple of times was fun, but more than that is not that compelling for me.  I LOVE the game and I hope Quest Mode can make a triumphant return at some point, but I have to admit that I am very disappointed that it most likely will be removed.

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So what exactly does the original post mean? I played a round of quest mode yesterday with my 4 level 40 characters after the update and didn't receive any of the stuff mentioned in the first post. No gold, chests, dice or cards. Does this mean I'll receive th stuff when the next update comes out or should I have received it already just for playing?

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It is my expectation, that if you play Quest mode prior to the release of, when is released and Quest mode is removed, you will receive the awards listed above depending on the highest level of character you have in Quest mode.



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OK, I think that means that I'm finally done with the game. I play with no treasure in Story Mode, reserving my treasure for use during Quest Mode. Now with no QM to play I have no incentive to buy treasure with my gold so I have no incentive to play through on SM once I've done one run through at Legendary. I presume that OBS have done due diligence on the data and that I am in a very small minority in running without treasure in story mode. Very disappointing.

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I really, really don't understand this. Why get rid of it? Why not just not-support it? Hide it in a back menu somewhere with a big warning on it saying "here be bugs". Don't add more levels, fine. But why get rid of it?


Story mode is great and all, indeed better while it lasts, but you get to the end and you're done, there's no point playing on, just repeating old missions and your characters are too strong anyway. All the people playing the game obsessively and spending money on chests are surely playing quest mode.


I don't even understand how it could have significantly more bugs. It's the same cards, the same player powers, a subset of scenario powers with only a few exceptions many of which could still turn up in story mode as legendary difficulty challenges anyway.


In fact, I just looked through the first two pages of bug reports, not a single one was specific to quest mode (and actually quite a few were specific to story mode, though that's mostly just the result of story mode having higher levels). I can't remember one from all the time I've been playing and browsing the bug forums either.


This is honestly the most baffling thing the whole history of this game.

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Obsidian is getting rid of the mode that actually grants replayability to the game?. Now, once you are done with Story Mode you'll have to play the same scenarios again and again, with no changes?


QM was exactly what PFA needed, randomly generating adventures on the fly instead of playing the same thing again and again with no changes, grinding the same stages for the specific card that appears on them. I haven't even finished Story Mode since iI found it too repetitive, but already have several lv40 QM characters since i find QM way more enjoyable that just playing the same scenario over and over.


Up to their current Tier 3 limit, QM has way more variety than SM currently has. +1 To letting QM stay. Drop support, leave it as is... but let is stay the way it is now.

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I'll add my voice to all of the others, I only spent money, and I'm only playing because of Quest Mode.  I played a bunch through Story mode, but I haven't even bothered to finish it as I prefer Quest mode significantly more.  I'm going to be quite upset if they remove this, as I spent money on the app instead of buying the physical game because I could mess around in Quest Mode.

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