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[Companions] Main char Duplicated eder



after cancelling a level up on my main character and then going to level up eder after completing the level up i had 2 eder's in my party  (my main character keeping stats and gear but appearance and voice all changed to eder) post-207547-0-26074900-1525827079_thumb.jpg

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Just to check in, we are currently working on this very odd issue now! Thank you all for your extra input provided.





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I like big bugs and I cannot lie...

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My apology for any inconvenience this might have caused you! On a positive note :) this is a known issue with our development team who are in the process of providing a fix ASAP. In the meantime I recommend continuing to visit our forums for any update on this issue.



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Hey lindog,


Oh man isn't one enough? Thanks for the post! Ill get this bug in for the devs to asses on a fix!





I like big bugs and I cannot lie...

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Yeah same bug here, in the Sea Cave w just me and Eder. When we both leveled, I chose to level him up first and after finishing, my character was duped as described above.

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So I leveled up with Eder and I noticed suddenly I had twice the Eder portrait.



Not only that but even my stats and class of my main changed to Eder...


Ow and "you aren't allowed to upload this kind of file" so I can't provide a save file where it happened.


I tried several times and I can't seem to reproduce it.


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After I level Eder up, my character becomes him! he's even using Eder's move, he smokes!


And I did notice some strange save profile duping, the same character has 3 save profiles, probably because I reload on the boat? Or that I added cosmic pets during prologue? I'm not sure :s

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I had this issue too from level 2 to 3, seemed to be when I levelled up Eder first. Reloaded save game and levelled the protaganist up first and all was well.

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I had this issue too and wanted to add some info for clarity, and some files.


The bug is not consistantly reproducable. Loading the a save immideately before leveling up Eder, and following the same procedure (incl. the same picks), does not reproduce the bug.

To resolve the issue in the meanwhile, load a savegame from before the bug triggered.




The really wierd thing about the bug is that Eder didn't even bother uttering "resistance is futile!" before assimilaring my character into the Borg.

Funfact: even the savegame I made after the replication was renamed from my mains name into "Eder". XD


output_log.txtFetching info...

DxDiag.txtFetching info...

Eder the Replicant.zipFetching info...

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I was in the cave near the beginning zone where you pick up the Dwarf, and I leveled up Eder, when I came out of the level up screen, both of my characters were eder. Even showing 2 Eders on the text aventure parts, and going through a loading screen doesn't resolve the issue either. 

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Bug report. Version 1.02.


During the level up process, Eder has partially overwritten the Watcher character in my game. My Watcher is now named Eder, has Eder's stats and has Eder's profile picture and voice.


Much as I love Eder, I feel that a spare copy of him is going too far.




Images linked.


Action history:


Started game, user created history.

Went to Port Thingy, picked up Xoti and a few quests.

Went back to Vilario's Rest.

Levelled up in the cave, first level gain of the game. XP came from rescuing Beodul.

Levelled up Eder first, leveling screens looked normal. After completing level up, returned to normal view to find my Watcher was now also Eder.

Levelled up Xoti, which did not help.

Unable to level up Watcher - initially Watcher had the level up + icon, but following the overwrite this has disappeared.

I have attempted leaving the area and returning, it did not help.


Save attached.


Let me know if you need further data.

BuggedSave.zipFetching info...

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Sigh... plus one to this.


Just leveled up once after having to restart and now the PC is also Eder. Might have been related to putting Eder in the first portrait slot, as I did not do that last time through.

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I'm on the latest patch (according to Steam, as of 24 May 2018 AEST) -- this just happened to me.

I levelled up Eder to level 2, and suddenly the watcher became Eder too!


Is this reversible, or do I have to go back to my last auto-save?


And if I go back, what is the trick to NOT having Eder duplicate himself again? Is there some order of levelling up that is safer?

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game crashes in Sea Cave opening mission after Eder clones himself and now I have two Eders and my play character is also Eder(except for equipment screen) this "cloning" happened after I leveled up Eder. I leveled Eder up before I leveled mysel up..  then attached file error message and crash to black screen. locked out my interface, keybaord/mouse could not report it I also attach screenshot. this is very bazaar even for a bug. I have tried reloading the save but it is still cloned. my character doesn't level up he is a Paladin, not a "swashbuckler" like Eder is.  His hair is brown, and longish not blonde and longish, Eder's hair is short and when I click his profile that is what is shown when I click mine, a profile like eder with long blonde hair is shown. this is the most bazaar bug I've seen in A.I. the other thing is, he retains my equipment in my character slot and his own in his. additionally, I cannot find my class or any ability to level up my play character. I chose a Paladin for me and a dual class fighter/rogue for Eder. in "windowed" mode I cannot "alt-tab" to desktop during the crash and cannot F4-shfit either. this is the GOG version updated fully to date of this posting.

output_log.txtFetching info...

loadedSave.zipFetching info...




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I didn't get the crash, but I apparently like Eder so much that I have become him. Like you it was in the first cave during the first level up and I opted to level Eder first.


Anyways a screen shot - http://steamcommunity.com/id/usana/screenshot/919177627921216036 - Weirdest part is the abilities I had popping up beside my watcher ability.


I almost couldn't find the save game due to it being labeled Eder rather than my player character. No just before save, because I didn't think I needed to save much in the Sea Cave or before the first level. So the auto save is the closest save. I tried to load from the auto save. Perform same actions and get you a just before save with the level up choices I made. But it didn't want to be reproduced.

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