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Recovery time of Full Attack ability with average/fast weapon

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Hey, I'm not sure if this is asked before, so if you have an average weapon in mainhand and a fast weapon in offhand, and you perform a Full Attack ability, how would be your recovery time calculated? Is it counted as the recovery time of main weapon, or offhand, or average of two?

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According to MaxQuest's great thread on it, the recovery is based on the main hand weapon for a full attack - which is why it's best to have a speed enchantment on your main hand if you're full-attacking frequently (see heading "Full Attack Action").


Ah thanks for the reply!


Just tested in POE 2, the recovery time is based on offhand, because in POE 2 when doing a Full Attack ability, the order of weapon is main hand -> offhand. Wonder how it is in POE 1, is it also main hand -> offhand?

Edited by dunehunter
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Wonder how it is in POE 1, is it also main hand -> offhand?

As was already answered: confirming that in PoE1 it is: [offhand_attack -> mainhand_attack -> mainhand_recovery]
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