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Assorted bugs in 1.1.5


Posted (edited)

Hi, once again plenty of bugs found in a short amount of time (specifically, 4 scenarios played). I'll keep posting them even though I never got any (official) response to the last thread, because I'm strange like that.


* You can no longer reveal a card for one power and then later recharge/discard/etc the same card for another power on the one check. For example Lini should be able to reveal a bear for her Animal Empathy power, then discard (really recharge) the bear for 2d4. Or use Lini's Shapeshifter power discarding the weapon I'm using. Or reveal the Evangelist ally for +1 before recharging it to add to a divine check. This is new to version 1.1.5. My understanding was it was inconsistent and flakey before - e.g. sometimes you could do things like that but only in a particular order, and sometimes in a way which wasn't even legal. Now it's consistent (that I've seen), so that's good, it's just that it doesn't match the rules of Pathfinder. Revealed cards are still in your hand and can be used for other things in the same check. I realise that the game needs to track that a reveal-based power has been used so that it can't be used multiple times, but treating revealed like some kind of temporary version of displayed is not the correct way to do it.

EDIT: I succesfully used Lem's recharge ability on a Cat after revealing it, so it seems that it's still not consistent either way and this issue relates to Lini specifically. Also, my example of the Evangelist above is wrong, using both those abilities would be playing two cards of the same type, so it is working as intended.


* Wand of Enervation: It now works with the arcane skill, so that's good, but I then found it adding 1d4+6 and 1d4+7 instead for reasons I can't work out. It was Lem using the wand, it was being used on someone else's check, and I often use it after having already set up a bunch of dice for the check (which then get reset, which is annoying but not a real problem).

EDIT: I've also seen a spurious +1 when rolling the 2d4.


* What's worse however is that my Wand of Enervation is now gone entirely (from that party anyway)! I used it in the deck 4 scenario with two villains (the Lamias), and specifically on the check to defeat the second of the two. You defeat one, then banish it, then defeat the other, then encounter the first one again, it was when you encounter the first one again, the final check of the scenario. I used it on this check, I never got asked to make the check to recharge it, and then it was gone entirely, forever (the forever part being since it's loot). Lem even had a conspicuous empty item slot where it should have been. I really would like it back, it's a top-notch item.


* Later (in another party), I used the Wand of Enervation, and after using it I found that an item (Greater Luckstone) had mysteriously transferred itself from Ezren's (who used the Wand) hand to Lini's (who was making the check). I had activated Lini's Animal Empathy power before using the wand (and thus the animal was returned to hand since the wand resets the check) - that may or may not be relevant, just mentioning it.


* Every now and again when I end my turn, I draw cards to reset my hand, then for some reason find myself back in the explore phase and have to end my turn again. It happens mostly (or maybe only?) to Seelah. It might relate to her power to look at the top card and if it's a boon put it on the bottom - in particular the upgrade which lets you do it at the end of the turn. It doesn't always happen but when it does it's usually (maybe always) after I use that power.

EDIT - This appears to happen when closing a location, possibly when defeating a villain.


* I have more than once found the game thinking I'm making a check when I'm not, and unable to progress without cycling to the main menu and back. The symptoms are I can activate powers like Seelah's one to discard/recharge the top card of her deck for 1d6, but there's no check displayed. It happens at times when there should be the blue "continue" triangle. The last time it happened, after I cycled to the main menu, when I came back it prompted me to recharge Ezren's Incendiary Cloud, so it could relate to there being cards to recharge.


* Either of the above two might relate to the Teleport spell, which I have in the party and which adds further complication to the end of turn phase. I was at first confused as to why I was getting asked about end of turn powers when I didn't have any, but it turned out to be for a good reason (i.e. because another character had Teleport). What made it harder to figure out is that many characters had an "!" for no reason (in addition to the Teleport holder who had one for a good reason).


* Speaking of "!"s they are still appearing during checks as well on characters who do not have any ability available to help (this is carried over from the previous version). I've noticed it a couple of times with Ezren specifically.


* When I encountered The Scribbler, I had many other characters at the same location. They all encountered the same monster. The wording of the card implies they should each encounter a different monster. Obviously they might encounter the same monster by co-incidence, but it happened both times and with 4 characters so it's very unlikely to be a co-incidence.


* I just used the Revelation Quill for the first time, on a deck with exactly 5 cards (the most sensible time to use it I would think). I was not able to rearrange the cards as I wanted because some were off the screen entirely. In fact, they were initially all too far right with the top card off the screen. Then, at some point they all shifted entirely to the left, with the bottom card off the screen. Then, when I tried to move the henchman to the top of the pile, the cards shifted over to the far right again and for some reason the henchmen was put on the bottom (my guess is that where I let go of it was the bottom relative to the place the other cards shifted to after I let go). I then dragged it as far right as I could (second from the top), it disappeared off the screen, I fiddled around with the three cards I could reach for a while then gave up.

EDIT: This happens every time I use the quill, except for the deck moving temporarily left part. I also found the deck continued to be displayed incorrectly (i.e. cards missing off the right of the screen) when examining it after using the quill.


* All three times that I have defeated the Stone Head henchman with a combat check, triggering the 1d4-1 damage, I have seen the d4 roll a 3. This is presumably just a co-incidence, what is odd is that the first two times (but not the third time) I only had to discard 1 card (instead of 2).

EDIT: Ignore this one, it appears I was just forgetting Sajan's damage reduction power.


* The Scarlet and Green Canchoban has twice highlighted itself and allowed itself to be used on a Combat (Melee) check. I was using Amiri at the time. I have also observed it not allowing itself to be used on a Combat (Melee) check. I have not yet figured out any pattern to when it does or doesn't activate.


* I'm on my first playthrough of deck 5 (two scenarios in), when I go to the map it selected (twice now, once after completing the scenario and then after continuing back from the main menu) the deck 6 location as if I'm finished with 5 already (this is very minor obviously I'm just being complete here).

EDIT: I am in fact consistently placed on deck 6 once I get past the first scenario or so of deck 5.


* Dice colours: Blessings still cause dice to be replaced as well as added, resulting in the wrong coloured dice (carried on from the previous version). Also, cards like Incendiary Cloud and Flask of Force add their owner's coloured dice if used during a check, but the current player's colour if active before the check. I know this is entirely cosmetic and thus not important, but I do like my different coloured dice and they are in theory a source of income so it would be nice if they worked properly.



Some details about me and my environment:

iPad Air 2, Tablet interface



Irgy_#7853 (by the way I have no idea when or why I got the "#7853" stuck to my name?)

Edited by Irgy
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Posted (edited)

Ok, played another scenario, see if you can guess which one and what new card I picked up in it...


* I played Wand of Enervation. I then played Blizzard. In order to play Blizzard I had to make an Arcane check (due to the henchman's (henchwoman's?) power). After successfully making the Arcane check, I found that the Wand of Enervation was still buried, but the combat check difficulty reduction was no longer applied, I was back to requiring the full 17 rather than the reduced 10.


* At the end of the Blizzard turn, I got some strange behaviour. I saw the following, in the order shown:

 - Ezren (whose turn it was and who played the Blizzard is asked "End of turn powers?". Ezren's look at the top card of your deck and draw it if it's a spell ability was still active, I was ignoring it since I already knew it wasn't a spell.

 - Lini (one of four characters total) takes 1 cold damage.

 - Back to Ezren and "End of turn powers?".

 - Recharge check on Blizzard.

 - Seelah takes 1 cold damage.

 - "End of turn powers?".

 - Turn ended. Overall, only 2 characters actually took cold damage.

EDIT: Ignore this, I just forgot both that Ezren himself shouldn't be damaged and that Sajan had a damage reduction ability. This was basically working correctly if a little oddly.


* Having located the villain with an Augury, Ezren used Blizzard before Seelah explored. However, after encountering the villain, I discovered to my annoyance that Blizzard had been placed back in Ezren's hand. This then meant he needed to make an arcane check in order to play the spell (again), due to the villain's "before you play a spell with the attack trait (etc.)" power. I assume this villain's power was part of why it was put back into his hand in the first place. Having already played the spell before encountering the villain should mean that Ezren does not need to make the check to play it, adding the 2d6 from the already displayed card is not playing the card. Putting it back in his hand also means he can't use a second spell on the check (e.g. a second blizzard, or if it was his turn then any ordinary attack spell for the combat check).

EDIT: This problem seems to apply to all of the display for combat dice cards (flasks, orbs and spells) when played immediately before the first explore. They always seem to get sent back to hand.

Edited by Irgy
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Posted (edited)
  On 11/11/2016 at 12:50 PM, Irgy said:

Hi, once again plenty of bugs found in a short amount of time (specifically, 4 scenarios played). I'll keep posting them even though I never got any (official) response to the last thread, because I'm strange like that.


* You can no longer reveal a card for one power and then later recharge/discard/etc the same card for another power on the one check. For example Lini should be able to reveal a bear for her Animal Empathy power, then discard (really recharge) the bear for 2d4. Or use Lini's Shapeshifter power discarding the weapon I'm using. Or reveal the Evangelist ally for +1 before recharging it to add to a divine check. This is new to version 1.1.5. My understanding was it was inconsistent and flakey before - e.g. sometimes you could do things like that but only in a particular order, and sometimes in a way which wasn't even legal. Now it's consistent (that I've seen), so that's good, it's just that it doesn't match the rules of Pathfinder. Revealed cards are still in your hand and can be used for other things in the same check. I realise that the game needs to track that a reveal-based power has been used so that it can't be used multiple times, but treating revealed like some kind of temporary version of displayed is not the correct way to do it.

Interesting, 'cos you can still reveal an Armour/Ring of Protect to reduce damage and then discard it to reduce more damage. So the logic to Reveal-then-Use is still there in some form.



* Wand of Enervation: It now works with the arcane skill, so that's good, but I then found it adding 1d4+6 and 1d4+7 instead for reasons I can't work out. It was Lem using the wand, it was being used on someone else's check, and I often use it after having already set up a bunch of dice for the check (which then get reset, which is annoying but not a real problem).

This isn't new to AP5! I've been seeing this behaviour for some time (ever since Ezren obtained the WoE). I regularly get a D4+5 (though I've never been lucky enough to get more than that, more's the pity)



* What's worse however is that my Wand of Enervation is now gone entirely (from that party anyway)! I used it in the deck 4 scenario with two villains (the Lamias), and specifically on the check to defeat the second of the two. You defeat one, then banish it, then defeat the other, then encounter the first one again, it was when you encounter the first one again, the final check of the scenario. I used it on this check, I never got asked to make the check to recharge it, and then it was gone entirely, forever (the forever part being since it's loot). Lem even had a conspicuous empty item slot where it should have been. I really would like it back, it's a top-notch item.

I have lost a Longsword +2 in very similar circumstances. Not as bad as losing a WoE, for sure, but as I had picked up a Warhammer +1 on the same Scenario, I was unable to replace it at the end of the Scenario and have been stuck with it ever since (not many upgrade opportunities when grinding Story Mode on Legendary).



* Later (in another party), I used the Wand of Enervation, and after using it I found that an item (Greater Luckstone) had mysteriously transferred itself from Ezren's (who used the Wand) hand to Lini's (who was making the check). I had activated Lini's Animal Empathy power before using the wand (and thus the animal was returned to hand since the wand resets the check) - that may or may not be relevant, just mentioning it.

There were some instances of "mystical card transference" from the hand of "off turn" characters to the current character's hand with 1.1.4.x. I don't think that it's the Animal Empathy that's the issue here, just the off-turn character (though there must be something extra, or my Scrying and Augury spells would be on permanent rotation through the party!;



* Every now and again when I end my turn, I draw cards to reset my hand, then for some reason find myself back in the explore phase and have to end my turn again. It happens mostly (or maybe only?) to Seelah. It might relate to her power to look at the top card and if it's a boon put it on the bottom - in particular the upgrade which lets you do it at the end of the turn. It doesn't always happen but when it does it's usually (maybe always) after I use that power.

Yes! I've seen this too.



* I have more than once found the game thinking I'm making a check when I'm not, and unable to progress without cycling to the main menu and back. The symptoms are I can activate powers like Seelah's one to discard/recharge the top card of her deck for 1d6, but there's no check displayed. It happens at times when there should be the blue "continue" triangle. The last time it happened, after I cycled to the main menu, when I came back it prompted me to recharge Ezren's Incendiary Cloud, so it could relate to there being cards to recharge.

Almost any time Character A has left the Location Deck with the Examine button active, if Character B uses Examine, the first Explore gets disabled and I have to VRT Vault Round-Trip) to reactivate the Explore. Edited by mccrispy
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Posted (edited)

* Either of the above two might relate to the Teleport spell, which I have in the party and which adds further complication to the end of turn phase. I was at first confused as to why I was getting asked about end of turn powers when I didn't have any, but it turned out to be for a good reason (i.e. because another character had Teleport). What made it harder to figure out is that many characters had an "!" for no reason (in addition to the Teleport holder who had one for a good reason).

Definitely not limited only to Teleport as I don't have that spell in my parties.



* Speaking of "!"s they are still appearing during checks as well on characters who do not have any ability available to help (this is carried over from the previous version). I've noticed it a couple of times with Ezren specifically.

This "feature" seems to have got worse with 1.1.5! I used to see it occasionally, but now I see it every Scenario (on Legendary). Very annoying indeed.



* When I encountered The Scribbler, I had many other characters at the same location. They all encountered the same monster. The wording of the card implies they should each encounter a different monster. Obviously they might encounter the same monster by co-incidence, but it happened both times and with 4 characters so it's very unlikely to be a co-incidence


* I just used the Revelation Quill for the first time, on a deck with exactly 5 cards (the most sensible time to use it I would think). I was not able to rearrange the cards as I wanted because some were off the screen entirely. In fact, they were initially all too far right with the top card off the screen. Then, at some point they all shifted entirely to the left, with the bottom card off the screen. Then, when I tried to move the henchman to the top of the pile, the cards shifted over to the far right again and for some reason the henchmen was put on the bottom (my guess is that where I let go of it was the bottom relative to the place the other cards shifted to after I let go). I then dragged it as far right as I could (second from the top), it disappeared off the screen, I fiddled around with the three cards I could reach for a while then gave up.


* All three times that I have defeated the Stone Head henchman with a combat check, triggering the 1d4-1 damage, I have seen the d4 roll a 3. This is presumably just a co-incidence, what is odd is that the first two times (but not the third time) I only had to discard 1 card (instead of 2)..

I haven't banked enough Gold to buy AP5 yet, I'm certainly not going to pay for the privilege of beta-testing the product, so I have yet to experience this joy.



* The Scarlet and Green Canchoban has twice highlighted itself and allowed itself to be used on a Combat (Melee) check. I was using Amiri at the time. I have also observed it not allowing itself to be used on a Combat (Melee) check. I have not yet figured out any pattern to when it does or doesn't activate.

Colour me jealous, if only I had the opportunity to experience this issue! :biggrin:



* I'm on my first playthrough of deck 5 (two scenarios in), when I go to the map it selected (twice now, once after completing the scenario and then after continuing back from the main menu) the deck 6 location as if I'm finished with 5 already (this is very minor obviously I'm just being complete here).

Again, no AP5 for me just yet.



* Dice colours: Blessings still cause dice to be replaced as well as added, resulting in the wrong coloured dice (carried on from the previous version). Also, cards like Incendiary Cloud and Flask of Force add their owner's coloured dice if used during a check, but the current player's colour if active before the check. I know this is entirely cosmetic and thus not important, but I do like my different coloured dice and they are in theory a source of income so it would be nice if they worked properly.

This has never worked properly and - I suspect - never will. It really annoys me that non-gameplay features get introduced, along with a bunch of related bugs, and that this removes dev cycles for actually fixing the gameplay elements that make it a PiTA to play.



Some details about me and my environment:

iPad Air 2, Tablet interface



Irgy_#7853 (by the way I have no idea when or why I got the "#7853" stuck to my name?)

The #7853 was added in 1.1.4 and explained in the release notes for that patch.


  On 10/4/2016 at 4:14 PM, Mikey Dowling said:

Gamer ID Display


We now display your gamer ID in the top left when you're fully connected.  If you have CS issues, you can provide this ID instead of your PFID.

I suppose "CS" means Customer Service (probably the geekspeak they use internally at OBS, but can't be bothered to explain to the muggles) Edited by mccrispy
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Posted (edited)
  On 11/11/2016 at 12:50 PM, Irgy said:

Irgy_#7853 (by the way I have no idea when or why I got the "#7853" stuck to my name?)

"Irgy_#7853" is your Title Display Name.  Rather than contacting support and providing your PFID, which is a 16-digit hex number, it is a friendlier way of looking up your account.  It is merely your Google Play or Game Center ID and a random number between 1000-9999.  Both Googe Play and iOS game center enforce unique names, so a 4-digit random is tremendous overkill, but if PA ever comes to steam, I don't believe there's any such enforcement.


  On 11/11/2016 at 12:50 PM, Irgy said:

Revealed cards are still in your hand and can be used for other things in the same check.

Yes... and no.  I'm sure this will draw out some of the rules ninjas, but revealing a card for its power counts as playing it, and thus you would not be able to additionally discard it unless the card text specifically allows.  You may reveal a Longsword then opt to discard it, but you may not reveal an Evangelist then discard it because that would be using the card's powers twice.  If another power allows you to discard the Evangelist for some additional effect, that would be fine, since you aren't reusing the card.


Lini's situation is different because she is using a character power to reveal the card, then a card power to discard it.   That should hopefully still work...

  On 11/11/2016 at 2:41 PM, mccrispy said:

Interesting, 'cos you can still reveal an Armour/Ring of Protect to reduce damage and then discard it to reduce more damage. So the logic to Reveal-then-Use is still there in some form.

That's fine.  Revealing the Ring of Protection or similar cards should instantly reduce incoming damage.  You should then be able to further discard it address additional damage you took because that is not reusing the card, it is meeting a mandatory discard requirement.  I haven't had a RoP for a while, so I'm not sure how the game's been handling that situation lately.

Edited by Ethics Gradient
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  On 11/11/2016 at 3:30 PM, Ethics Gradient said:


  On 11/11/2016 at 12:50 PM, Irgy said:

Revealed cards are still in your hand and can be used for other things in the same check.

Yes... and no.  I'm sure this will draw out some of the rules ninjas, but revealing a card for its power counts as playing it, and thus you would not be able to additionally discard it unless the card text specifically allows.  You may reveal a Longsword then opt to discard it, but you may not reveal an Evangelist then discard it because that would be using the card's powers twice.  If another power allows you to discard the Evangelist for some additional effect, that would be fine, since you aren't reusing the card.


Lini's situation is different because she is using a character power to reveal the card, then a card power to discard it.   That should hopefully still work...


Where does this put both Revealing and Discarding a Ring of Protection to reduce two points of damage? A bug, or correct? Methinks "correct", but I'm no rules ninja.
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  On 11/11/2016 at 3:48 PM, mccrispy said:

Where does this put both Revealing and Discarding a Ring of Protection to reduce two points of damage? A bug, or correct? Methinks "correct", but I'm no rules ninja.

It is correct behavior.  You caught me as I was editing the post above :)

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Posted (edited)
  On 11/11/2016 at 2:41 PM, mccrispy said:


Interesting, 'cos you can still reveal an Armour/Ring of Protect to reduce damage and then discard it to reduce more damage. So the logic to Reveal-then-Use is still there in some form.




Almost any time Character A has left the Location Deck with the Examine button active, if Character B uses Examine, the first Explore gets disabled and I have to VRT Vault Round-Trip) to reactivate the Explore.


The examine thing you mention is a different problem, which come to think of it I have also experienced (though I didn't know what triggered it until now).


I imagine the Ring of Protection reveal + discard thing still works (as it should) because it's not a check, hence handled by different code.


  On 11/11/2016 at 3:30 PM, Ethics Gradient said:

Yes... and no.  I'm sure this will draw out some of the rules ninjas, but revealing a card for its power counts as playing it, and thus you would not be able to additionally discard it unless the card text specifically allows.  You may reveal a Longsword then opt to discard it, but you may not reveal an Evangelist then discard it because that would be using the card's powers twice.  If another power allows you to discard the Evangelist for some additional effect, that would be fine, since you aren't reusing the card.


Lini's situation is different because she is using a character power to reveal the card, then a card power to discard it.   That should hopefully still work...


You're right, my Evangelist example was incorrect, I should not be able to use the card twice. So the problem only relates to situations where one (or both) of the two actions with the same card was not on that card, such as both Lini's active powers or Merisiel's backstab (which I haven't tested yet). Maybe the Evangelist example explains what they were thinking when they made it work the way it does.


  On 11/11/2016 at 2:42 PM, mccrispy said:
This has never worked properly and - I suspect - never will. It really annoys me that non-gameplay features get introduced, along with a bunch of related bugs, and that this removes dev cycles for actually fixing the gameplay elements that make it a PiTA to play.


Well if people pay money for chests to get dice, and that money pays devs to fix bugs, we're probably still ahead even if some of those bugs relate to dice.

Edited by Irgy
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Posted (edited)

And now for two more bugs:


* At Shimmering Veils of Pride, Lini discarded a creature to explore, then, when prompted, chose to recharge it. I've always found this interface (similarly "reload", Valeros's weapon recharge power, Seoni's automatic recharge power) unnecessarily awkward, but now it's also triggering a bug. The location power triggered as if I had succeeded at a check and I was forced to recharge a card. Activating Lini's animal recharge power does not require (nor even replace) a check, it should not force a card to be recharged.


* Playing the Thassilonian Sins scenario, and Sajan defeats a villain while at the Abjurant Halls of Envy location. The villain is animated moving to the scenario power, a force damage animation is shown (but no discard required). I end the turn, Sajan's hand is reset and Lini is prompted to recharge a displayed Orb of Storms. After successfully making the check and recharging (and not triggering Shimmering Veils of Pride even though she was at that location), the game then seems to end up confused as to whose turn it even is, and I am left with no way to progress - no phase of the turn active and no button to press. I go to the main menu and back, and when I get back there is at least a blue triangle to press, but pressing the blue triangle does nothing. The game is unrecoverable and I am forced to forfeit despite being one turn from winning the scenario with about 16 blessings left in the blessings deck, infuriating! I'm not really even sure how many bugs I'm reporting here, it could be three (two location powers failing to process properly plus the progression block) or it could be just one big mixup. This probably isn't new, I have had a similar progression block before, but it was a previous version and I can't remember all the events leading up to it.

EDIT: Ignore this. Sajan had a damage reduction ability, the Halls of Envy scenario power does not apply on other player's turns, and I suspect the game was waiting for me to move to another location but I just moved out of the map view and never worked out what I was meant to be doing. It might be nice if it was a little clearer what was happening but there's (probably) no bug.


* Just want to also mention that the zoom in on a card, minimise it, then try to discard it for it's power and find yourself just uselessly moving it around the screen bug is still active (and still can be worked around by cycling to menu). This is really easy to reproduce (for me at least), should be an easy one to fix.

Edited by Irgy
  • 0

* Wand of Enervation: It now works with the arcane skill, so that's good, but I then found it adding 1d4+6 and 1d4+7 instead for reasons I can't work out. It was Lem using the wand, it was being used on someone else's check, and I often use it after having already set up a bunch of dice for the check (which then get reset, which is annoying but not a real problem).


* What's worse however is that my Wand of Enervation is now gone entirely (from that party anyway)! I used it in the deck 4 scenario with two villains (the Lamias), and specifically on the check to defeat the second of the two. You defeat one, then banish it, then defeat the other, then encounter the first one again, it was when you encounter the first one again, the final check of the scenario. I used it on this check, I never got asked to make the check to recharge it, and then it was gone entirely, forever (the forever part being since it's loot). Lem even had a conspicuous empty item slot where it should have been. I really would like it back, it's a top-notch item.


I've seen this alot, it may have something to do with the current turn character's maximum unedited check. For example if Amiri is in combat and has str +4, on top of her melee +2, switching to someone like Ezren to use the Wand of Enervation will give the wand a +6 check instead of +4.

I lost the wand earlier during the month, you can get it again if you go through the story with a new party member. May take a while but i thought they fixed the bury issue so i guess not.



* Later (in another party), I used the Wand of Enervation, and after using it I found that an item (Greater Luckstone) had mysteriously transferred itself from Ezren's (who used the Wand) hand to Lini's (who was making the check). I had activated Lini's Animal Empathy power before using the wand (and thus the animal was returned to hand since the wand resets the check) - that may or may not be relevant, just mentioning it.


This is not limited to greater luckstone, it applies to ANY card in a player's hand.



* Every now and again when I end my turn, I draw cards to reset my hand, then for some reason find myself back in the explore phase and have to end my turn again. It happens mostly (or maybe only?) to Seelah. It might relate to her power to look at the top card and if it's a boon put it on the bottom - in particular the upgrade which lets you do it at the end of the turn. It doesn't always happen but when it does it's usually (maybe always) after I use that power.

I've seen this happen most of the time just right after i close a location. This gives you the ability to move (if possible with items/spells) to another location and use cards to explore, cure allies, etc. and also reset your hand again, essentially giving you two turns for the price of one.



* Speaking of "!"s they are still appearing during checks as well on characters who do not have any ability available to help (this is carried over from the previous version). I've noticed it a couple of times with Ezren specifically.

I've seen this happen especially when they currently have cards already displayed prior to the combat, such as incendiary cloud.

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  On 11/11/2016 at 10:01 PM, aznxknight said:



* Wand of Enervation: It now works with the arcane skill, so that's good, but I then found it adding 1d4+6 and 1d4+7 instead for reasons I can't work out. It was Lem using the wand, it was being used on someone else's check, and I often use it after having already set up a bunch of dice for the check (which then get reset, which is annoying but not a real problem).


* What's worse however is that my Wand of Enervation is now gone entirely (from that party anyway)! I used it in the deck 4 scenario with two villains (the Lamias), and specifically on the check to defeat the second of the two. You defeat one, then banish it, then defeat the other, then encounter the first one again, it was when you encounter the first one again, the final check of the scenario. I used it on this check, I never got asked to make the check to recharge it, and then it was gone entirely, forever (the forever part being since it's loot). Lem even had a conspicuous empty item slot where it should have been. I really would like it back, it's a top-notch item.


I've seen this alot, it may have something to do with the current turn character's maximum unedited check. For example if Amiri is in combat and has str +4, on top of her melee +2, switching to someone like Ezren to use the Wand of Enervation will give the wand a +6 check instead of +4.

I lost the wand earlier during the month, you can get it again if you go through the story with a new party member. May take a while but i thought they fixed the bury issue so i guess not.



Yes, that seems to fit what I've seen.





* Later (in another party), I used the Wand of Enervation, and after using it I found that an item (Greater Luckstone) had mysteriously transferred itself from Ezren's (who used the Wand) hand to Lini's (who was making the check). I had activated Lini's Animal Empathy power before using the wand (and thus the animal was returned to hand since the wand resets the check) - that may or may not be relevant, just mentioning it.


This is not limited to greater luckstone, it applies to ANY card in a player's hand.

Yes I don't expect there was anything special about luckstone, wasn't even using it. I think it was just the last card in Ezren's hand, having just acquired it the turn before.
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(sorry for the double post - still in approval stage, so I can't edit my previous post)


I just had the healing bug.  Kyra and Seoni were in the Garrison and Kyra cast Mass Heal.  It didn't heal either of them.

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And some more...


* Characters at Shimmering Veils of Pride who recharge a spell on another player's turn are not being forced to recharge a card as per the location's ability.


* Seoni at the whatsit of Sloth location, where you can play at most one card on a check, encounters the villain which makes you summon and encounter a monster first (see I'm being very thematic here by not bothering to look up the names). The first problem: the Flask of Storms, which I played before the encounter, is once again shoved back into my hand, and what's worse it now counts as my one card for the encounter. Fortunately, the game did let me both activate Seoni's power (discard a card as a fire attack spell) and use the Flask of Storms again against the summoned monster - even though Seoni's power should count as "playing a card" (see this thread http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2r097?Does-Seonis-innate-spell-power-count-as). However, just when I thought the two bugs had cancelled each other out, I encounter the villain... and discover I'm unable to play any cards! The location says one card per check, the villain is a different check (a different encounter even), I should be able to play cards. Incidentally, this time I'm also blocked from Seoni's power (thanks guys).


* I have the heroic/legendary scenario power active which says "Increase the difficulty of the check to defeat a villain by 5 for each villain you have previously defeated" (my wording, not a real quote). I have defeated 2 villains. I encounter the villain which makes you make a constitution or fortitude check before you act. The difficulty of the constitution or fortitude check has been increased by 10! A before you act check is not a "check to defeat".


And finally one retraction: It's possible that the progression block I described earlier in "Thassilonian Sins" was actually just waiting for me to move to another location after defeating a villain. Because I'd forgotten that power, I then went about switching out of the map view and selecting other characters etc. and never worked out that I needed to tap on a location.

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  On 11/12/2016 at 10:22 PM, Irgy said:

And some more...


* Characters at Shimmering Veils of Pride who recharge a spell on another player's turn are not being forced to recharge a card as per the location's ability.


This is intended. See the patch notes: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/90116-patch-notes-for-115-is-up/


Also, for the bugs you reported with Stone Heads dealing improper damage, and for the Blizzard not affecting everyone - any chance you observed these with Sajan, with upgraded 'elemental reduction' power?

You can use the 'Mark Solved' button beneath a post that answers your topic or confirms it's not a bug.

The time that devs don't have to spend on the forum is a time they can spend on fixing the game.

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  On 11/13/2016 at 2:19 AM, Longshot11 said:


  On 11/12/2016 at 10:22 PM, Irgy said:

And some more...


* Characters at Shimmering Veils of Pride who recharge a spell on another player's turn are not being forced to recharge a card as per the location's ability.


This is intended. See the patch notes: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/90116-patch-notes-for-115-is-up/


Also, for the bugs you reported with Stone Heads dealing improper damage, and for the Blizzard not affecting everyone - any chance you observed these with Sajan, with upgraded 'elemental reduction' power?



Yes on all three counts. With the Blizzard, I also didn't spot that it doesn't damage the caster. The order of everything and being prompted about my power over and over was still a little odd with that one but nothing worth worrying about

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Here's one:


*I have both Steel Ibis Lamellar and Ebon Thorn armors in my hand. I encounter a monster that deals damage to me before I act. I reveal my Lamellar to reduce the damage. Now it is combat check. For some odd reason I cannot reveal Ebon Thorn to add 2 to my check. I made sure there aren't anything preventing me from doing so. It doesn't happen all the time though. As far as i can tell, these are two different instances so they should be unrelated to each other therefore I should be able to reveal my armor for an extra +2 but I cannot.

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  On 11/13/2016 at 11:50 AM, aznxknight said:

Here's one:


*I have both Steel Ibis Lamellar and Ebon Thorn armors in my hand. I encounter a monster that deals damage to me before I act. I reveal my Lamellar to reduce the damage. Now it is combat check. For some odd reason I cannot reveal Ebon Thorn to add 2 to my check. I made sure there aren't anything preventing me from doing so. It doesn't happen all the time though. As far as i can tell, these are two different instances so they should be unrelated to each other therefore I should be able to reveal my armor for an extra +2 but I cannot.

Any chance this was in the new "You can only play one card" location? (though, in the app, you would probably be allowed to reveal the armor before actually playing a combat spell/weapon)

You can use the 'Mark Solved' button beneath a post that answers your topic or confirms it's not a bug.

The time that devs don't have to spend on the forum is a time they can spend on fixing the game.

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  On 11/11/2016 at 9:14 PM, Irgy said:

And now for two more bugs:


* At Shimmering Veils of Pride, Lini discarded a creature to explore, then, when prompted, chose to recharge it. I've always found this interface (similarly "reload", Valeros's weapon recharge power, Seoni's automatic recharge power) unnecessarily awkward, but now it's also triggering a bug. The location power triggered as if I had succeeded at a check and I was forced to recharge a card. Activating Lini's animal recharge power does not require (nor even replace) a check, it should not force a card to be recharged.


Same happens for Seelah when playing a Blessing of Iomedae with Inheritor's Favor.

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Seconded on the revelation quill. On an iPad, the 5th card is too far to the right to see/manipulate (this is on a deck with 9 cards). Worse, when I accept and close the deck and try to examine it again, that 5th card is still off to the right and invisible!


* I just used the Revelation Quill for the first time, on a deck with exactly 5 cards (the most sensible time to use it I would think). I was not able to rearrange the cards as I wanted because some were off the screen entirely. In fact, they were initially all too far right with the top card off the screen. Then, at some point they all shifted entirely to the left, with the bottom card off the screen. Then, when I tried to move the henchman to the top of the pile, the cards shifted over to the far right again and for some reason the henchmen was put on the bottom (my guess is that where I let go of it was the bottom relative to the place the other cards shifted to after I let go). I then dragged it as far right as I could (second from the top), it disappeared off the screen, I fiddled around with the three cards I could reach for a while then gave up.

EDIT: This happens every time I use the quill, except for the deck moving temporarily left part. I also found the deck continued to be displayed incorrectly (i.e. cards missing off the right of the screen) when examining it after using the quill.

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For the revelation quill issue, I found that this happens on my iPad but not on my phone. So maybe try turning off the tablet interface.


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