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I just noticed that when I finish a quest scenario and win it, I get 100 gold  - but it does not update the total for the store. I have been playing whole morning today and the gold total is the same as when I started. I just did not notice it right away. I did a test run and sure enough it is not being saved to the total gold in the account, but it does update on the screen upon completion of the scenario. As soon as I exit and go to the store it is not there anymore.


I was logged in the whole time. I know that if you are playing offline you can not earn gold. I hope someone can help or provide some answers.


Thanks - keep up the good work.



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Having the same issue at local heroes legendary.



You can use the 'Mark Solved' button beneath a post that answers your topic or confirms it's not a bug.

The time that devs don't have to spend on the forum is a time they can spend on fixing the game.

(Thanks to Longshot11)

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Happened to me at least 3 or 4 times in quest mode, I was using heroic difficulté at least for 3 of them, not sure about the last one



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  On 6/3/2016 at 4:47 PM, Aarik D said:

Thank you guys, 


We were not able to reproduce the issue, but there looks like there is something happening in the backend of things. We are looking into it now.


Thanks again!

What do you mean by that ? Is what you said applicable to questmode where's it's 100% reproducible on my end ?
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  On 6/3/2016 at 5:00 PM, Rhygar said:


  On 6/3/2016 at 4:47 PM, Aarik D said:

Thank you guys, 


We were not able to reproduce the issue, but there looks like there is something happening in the backend of things. We are looking into it now.


Thanks again!

What do you mean by that ? Is what you said applicable to questmode where's it's 100% reproducible on my end ?


What that means is, we tried to replicate the issue by playing quest mode multiple times by multiple testers, but we were still able to receive the gold. So the complicated part is that some people may experience this issue, while others may not. Fortunately, for those who have experienced this issue, we can see that there is indeed something happening, which makes things easier to figure out the problem and get it resolved. 


Hopefully that makes sense.

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I don't know if this helps or not but could there be some sort of counter (not intentional of course) after which point the gold isn't accumulating?  I'm not having the issues in quest mode but with two Legendaries.  I've already mentioned that the issue is affecting me for Poison Pill.  Since that stopped awarding gold correctly I started running Brigandoom!  That worked for a while but eventually stopped rewarding gold correctly also.  I'm now running Black Fang and am counting the number of times I've completed it (9 currently) to note if/when it stops awarding gold correctly.


Factoring in what I've bought with the gold and allowing for my daily gold since I've signed up and gold accumulated from monsters/closings I'm estimating both scenarios stopped awarding gold correctly around the 30th run through mark.  Maybe quest mode has a higher point before it stops rewarding gold correctly?

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Posted (edited)

Since the update I have not received gold for quests at all. ( and I play about 3 a day I would imagine) but for your info, I did a legendary last night and the gold did add! Whereas I usually do hard mode.


I will do another legendary later to see if that occurs again, as I noticed many are saying they aren't getting the gold at that level either

Edited by Troymk1
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Posted (edited)
  On 6/3/2016 at 5:15 PM, Aarik D said:


  On 6/3/2016 at 5:00 PM, Rhygar said:

What do you mean by that ? Is what you said applicable to questmode where's it's 100% reproducible on my end ?


What that means is, we tried to replicate the issue by playing quest mode multiple times by multiple testers, but we were still able to receive the gold. So the complicated part is that some people may experience this issue, while others may not. Fortunately, for those who have experienced this issue, we can see that there is indeed something happening, which makes things easier to figure out the problem and get it resolved.


Hopefully that makes sense.

In all honesty that doesn't make any sense to me so maybe I'm just being obtuse. 8)


But what's more relevant is the matter at hand and I'm happy to report for two consecutive game in questmode just now I'd got the 200 gold. So whatever had been done on the "backend" to rectify this, is appreciated :) Thanks


Now, if we could get to the matter of the missing 10k gold... :lol:

Edited by Rhygar
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After Rhygar's post I decided to run Poison Pill and it did pay out the gold correctly so hopefully the problem as been fixed for both quests and legendary scenarios.

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Yep, gold reward works fine now. Thanks !


Still completely stuck in story mode though. Can't do ANYTHING, I have to close the app after I launch my saved game and arrived to this dreadful screen of my ranger turn having to choose a card from the discard pile. Can't do any action, can't quit, can't forfeit, can't go to the shop, nor the vault. The only thing I can do is never to load this saved game and start fresh a new one... Having done all stories with this 6-guys party and liking them, it's quite a pain, as you could understand :(


PFID 52E7AB60774F49F2

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This bug seems to be back with yesterday's patch. Guys keep an eye on your gold total after you complete the quest. It will reward you the correct amount but it will not be added when you look at your total (in the store for example).

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I just started yesterday and completed the first 3 stories on all difficulty levels and one quest and only have aprox 600 gold. I'm guessing that's not how it's supposed to work?

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same problem here, just clear a Heroic difficulty, rewarded 150 Gold in result screen, but not saved after I back to main menu.



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I had a similar issue, where I purchased a chest with (before I knew about the update), but it would not open. Aarik resolved it.


Today, I read in the update notes that the first time you complete a scenario you gain a treasure chest so I decided to delete my other parties and run with all new Characters (classes I have never played in real life, too). After the scenario the chest appeared, but I couldn't open it!


My PFID # 12B 82FB 474 169 B86.


I can send a screenshot showing the chest glowing gold and sparkling, but it will be the same as the one I sent a few days back. If it's preferable that I send a one-on-one email, let me know. Thanks for helping me previously, too!

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It seems that developer will not consider this a priority until more people report it - so if this (maybe rare) bug is happening to you please post here.

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Hey everyone,


Its not that we don't consider this a high priority, which it is. There is just a lot of leg work to do before making a post and checking things on our end. Thanks for posting your PFID#'s it will be very helpful on discovering on what is going on. 


Thanks guys!

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I had 200 gold go missing this morning.   I don't know if it was daily gold or adventure reward but my gold total went from eight thousand something down to 7863.  I don't know if it is related, but my next daily gold was 16 hours.  A couple hours later the next daily gold counter was down to eight hours.  I was also finishing Black Fang's Dungeon and Brigandoom! Thats where I saw the total go over 8000 and thinking I was only 2000 away from the character pack that I wanted.  So I'm not sure if it was the daily gold or the adventure gold since I was getting both this morning.




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Hey Everyone,


For those of you that have noticed this issue, can you please provide the following information when possible?


- Game Mode (Story or Quest)

- Difficulty

- Size of party

- Gold (How much did you have?)



We're actively looking into it - but it seems that it's not a 100% issue, so the more information you guys can provide, the sooner we can track it down and resolve it! :)



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Matt Tobin:


Game Mode Story ("Brigandoom!"), Begin Difficulty, Party size 4, Gold begin 280. One chest awarded at successful conclusion of Scenario, but didn't open. PFID # 12B 82FB 474 169 B86

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