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Does anyone else find these monks insanely hard on PotD, in comparison to rest of the enemies in the game, they are super buffed and amazingly  well placed even when they are sleeping and they can teleport even to out of range opponents.


How come these monks are so hard to fight. On PotD they would just litterally port in your ranged group and stun and one shot everything in less than a sec, that Kraken or the Eyeless or everything else in the expansion or even in the whole game is not even remotely as challenging as these guys are.....


I mean I had a terrible experience against these monks, everything else in the game seems fine but these guys just ruined my fun, they save against everything, even when I manage to debuff them with a bucket load of debuffs, also some how they keep healing like crazy even when nobody is casting heal spells......


Thankfully I have finished the expansion, dont know how I managed to beat them but I finally did........... but I like to know how do you guys find these monks and how do you deal with them on harder difficulties?


P.S. I had them upscaled and they made everything else in the game look like a joke even the dragons and the main bosses.........at times I wondered may be there is something broken in the game because it literally felt like they were not designed to be beaten......specially that one group on top of that cliff in the northern part of Caryon's Scar at Ondrite Fanatic Camp or whatever its called, the group that had Master Doemetta or whatever his name was, he teleporting and one shotting the wizard :(

Edited by Brimsurfer
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^ Are you waiting for me to get there and file a bug report? :p

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I just ran across them.

I have to say I'm really disappointed in the design here. My #1 pet peeve for any game is when it breaks it's own rules.

Monks don't teleport.


Why are they ignoring the engagement system?


I also literally had 3 or 4 of them randomly appear in my back line (not teleporting from another location, just non-chalantly walking up to the engagement from an area I cleared).


I'll use dominate spam or whatever on them next time, but this time I just quit the game in disgust. I very much agree with the OP. WHAT. THE. ****.

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These guys. These freakin' guys.

I fully admit to spamming CCs and summons to deal with these guys.



These guys.



I stream every Friday at 9pm EST: http://www.twitch.tv/ladaarehn  Currently streaming: KOTOR 2.


Pillars of Eternity homebrew tabletop thread: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/84662-pillars-of-eternity-homebrew-wip/


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I loved these guys. Don't think I'd ever gotten so utterly wrecked. Made you stop and think for once. (And scream a bit.) "NO! I am the hero! You die! Stop punching me across the room!!!"


I am still at a loss for how to handle them best. Their defences are insane. I got through those fights, but it wasn't pretty. Every enemy has some trick to get around, but these guys just shrug off everything.


I believe they also have that ability which makes them tougher as they take damage and gain wounds, so you often find yourself with three bad ass monks, near death, but unkillable. lol

Edited by Ignatius
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