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Has anyone tested the Attack Speed strategy?

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Also, with how much gold you can accumulate in this game, i would say it's not a stretch to be crafting speed potions for every hard encounter (there's also Angio's Gambeson armor).

Just to say that using consumables is perfectly viable. In my current playthrough (really taking my time on this one), I forgo Frenzy and am using Deleterious Alacrity of Motion potions for the atkspd boost.

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Is there a place to pick up unlimited supplies for crafting potions? I've long tossed crafting potions and scrolls in the cheese pile, but back when I did use them, it seemed I'd craft about 30 or of the things before running out of supplies. But I wasn't really checking every merchant for them.


But stacking speed is crazy good, as it is in all games with an auto attack based system (and some even that don't). As haste gets increasing returns, games need a hard cap on it, or gets nutty. It even gets to the point where on-crit weapons are pretty useless, as enough speed means the interrupt alone will stun lock. Especially a Barb, with a weapon with a big enough interrupt and enough stacked speed will lockdown and kill with out taking damage anything that wanders into carnage range. (i used speed stick myself, for this).

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You can get many potions crafted in a completionist run, but as ingredients are shared across potions and scrolls, it can be a matter of choices and trade offs. I usually only craft potions of DAOM and I like being able to have many. If I run out and must go through an important fight without, I will not enjoy that fight. But I'm crazy weird like that.


Not too many merchants sell ingredients for the potion of DAOM and only one sells it; if you run out and want to stack many, it gets tedious (speaking from experience.)

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Maybe it's just me, but I don't use the potions for all encounters. Just the ones that need the extra oomph. Also I won't use those potions until a certain point where the build has come together in terms of skills, talents and equipment to maximise the effectiveness of the potions.

Edited by mosspit
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I too only start using potions later on and mostly skip them for trash encounters. For important fights, however, I just must have them :)

"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

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I never used potions until I tinkered around with a barb tank build (incoming) that endlessly prolongs the durations of benefical effects from potions, scrolls and so on. I have to say that they are really powerful - even more when the effects don't end. ;)


Praise the Spelltongue!


Also: the OP's tactic works pretty good. Spelltongue + small shield + Frenzy + Durgan Steel = nice speed and good deflection + reflex.

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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  • 2 weeks later...

^ bash is generally not great for DPS as its damage is very low; the time it takes to attack with bash would almost always be better spent attacking with your main weapon. Besides, there's a bug in the game preventing Two Weapon Fighting from working with Bash.


Bonuses to attack speed are a very good DPS boost IF 1) you deal good damage per swing and/or 2) you have DR bypass. In those cases, the benefits of high speed increase as the length of the fight increases (but attacking faster than your opponent is always good regardless.)


Stacking it up to 100% or very close to that is great but either not sustainable or very limiting in terms of flexibility (you must use certain abilities, talents, equipment, etc.) Not that I'm complaining, mind you; I'm very satisfied with the DPS I reached with my LoP build :)

Do have a question. Is the bug ur talking about mean that bash doesn't get effected by the %speed OR is it a bug that u only do bash instead of main weapon?

Reason why I ask is that I've noticed in my game with my pally tank using a shield with bash on it, that his attacks are ONLY bash even if my main hand weapon is better for the fight and wanted to know if that was the bug of not.

Edited by redneckdevil
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The bug I spoke of is that Two Weapon Fighting doesn't speed you up if you're equipping a Bash shield.

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