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[2.03] can't place more than one trap anymore





It seems that, since v2.03, we can't place more than one trap simultaneously anymore :(


If a character have placed a trap, when another character place a second trap, the first one gonna vanish immediately ! "damn I've just lost a trap".


Bug or design change decision ?


IMHO, I liked the capability to place on trap per character, as a maximum (I've at least 2 mechanic-skilled dudes in my team, they were used to place 2 traps before triggering hard battles).




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I get why taking multiple traps away from a single party member kinda makes sense. I think taking multiple traps from multiple party members away is questionable. I think equating traps and seals/wards is probably going too far. My 2 cents.

EDIT: imma say one more thing then shut up - if Josh wanted to ensure that players would have one party member who heavily specialized in Mechanics and have everyone else ignore it, this would be a great way to accomplish that goal. Just sayin'.

Edited by Achilles
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Some personal thoughts, in favor of the old behavior (one placed trap max by hero) :

- we generally have not much heroes specialized in mechanics skill. So only 1 or 2 "simultaneously placed" traps will be efficient, others way less. So players won't be much tempted to place 6 traps at the same time (for instance 1 trap by hero).

- traps are quite rare stuff to pick-up, or very expansive stuff to purchase : so quite rare to be used. So placing one trap by hero is far from a common job to perfom. We usually don't want to use all our traps for one unique battle.


Anyway : whatever the design choices are, I strongly believe that making disappear a first placed trap when a second trap is placed just after, without any warning for the player, is a real issue. "whe... where is my firs trap ?!? damn I lost a trap !!!".

We really need to prevent the capability to place a second trap, plus to add a vocal / UI message to explain the player that he can't place more that on trap simulteanously.



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@TC: Thanks for pointing this out. It was really helpful as I was running 3 Mechanics high char just for the opportunity to get some extra mileage off traps. It is a shame that I had to read about this rather big change off a bug section instead of the patch notes. Personally, I don't understand the rationale of the further nerf in traps. There was already a big nerf to traps when the accuracy was heavily reduced (to the point high level traps started with something like -25 acc). At this point, I probably start treating them as vendor trash.

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Having only 1 active trap\seal active for the whole party doesn't make any sense and renders them useless.

I really don't see why casting a seal should remove a trap and viceversa, nor why a trap placed by B will remove a trap placed by A.  :banghead:

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Hey everyone,


Just to update you on the issue. Every character can place a trap down, there is a bug right now where if you place a trap within 3 meters of another companions trap, it will cause the first trap to disappear.


Hope that clears up the issue for you all.

I'll take a bug over an unreasonable nerf any day, Aarik. Thanks for chasing this down and following up with us.

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