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KOTOR3? Possible? Likely! (Thoughts and Opinions)

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Well i was reading something yesterday that said that a new Star Wars Battlefront is coming out and we all doubted that Disney would ever make a new star wars battlefront but now here it is being developed by EA so i had a glimmer of hope that maybe KOTOR 3 may come out and i think its likely seeing that such an old game is still played and loved.  :wub:


What are your thoughts?




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The KotOR franchise (even The Old Republic, which is still active) is now considered "Star Wars Legends", which means it's not official canon. Disney said they would only make official canon projects from now on. The last thing from the entire KoTOR continuity that still exists is The Old Republic, and that ends when it ends. It's pretty surely not going to happen. Even if it was, though, it wouldn't be what we wanted because The Old Republic messed up the KotOR story.


What I am hoping instead is that Obsidian gets to make a new Star Wars game.

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I just fired up my old copy of kotor 1 for the Xbox. Such a great game... It ticked all the boxes for me; great story, memorable characters, and a great combat style. Only thing that sucks is that it runs a bit ruff on the 360 due to a worn out disk. :p Kotor 1 & 2 would have to be up there in my top 5 games ever list. :)

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Well i was reading something yesterday that said that a new Star Wars Battlefront is coming out and we all doubted that Disney would ever make a new star wars battlefront but now here it is being developed by EA so i had a glimmer of hope that maybe KOTOR 3 may come out and i think its likely seeing that such an old game is still played and loved.  :wub:


What are your thoughts?




i would love to have a KOTOR 3 by Obsidian,but as TrueNeutral said,TOR messed up badly KOTOR's story and it's not going to happen as long TOR exists.

my dream would be a reboot by Obsidian starting from KOTOR:The Mandalorian Wars,then KOTOR 1,Then KOTOR 2 and finally KOTOR 3.

but it will not happen as EA is a greedy company that wants maximum profit and doesn't care for games or gamers.

i will never buy a EA KOTOR as they will make Bastila ugly and shoehorn SJW writing,since the old staff that made Bioware great is no longer there.

i want to keep my memories of KOTOR as they are now.


i'm afraid that the next battlefront will be a battlefield clone with microtransations,season passes,Disc locked content,day one dlc,ect ect.

i hate EA and i'm not going to trust them with my favourite franchise of all time,they've ruined it once,i don't want to see it ruined twice.

Edited by DarthDeven
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I think what can be done by Obsidian is remake KotOR 1 and 2, since the original is not considered as canon, so you can remake KotOR 1 and 2, and then making KotOR 3


All you need is to discuss with Disney on what they want in KotOR 1 and 2 remake, you maybe have to change the title because of royalty issue with Bioware, KoTOR is still Bioware story


Meaning, it will be a totally different story or only a portion of KotOR 1 and 2. It is like Spiderman, X-Men, Incredible Hulk, Superman, Batman and many more, they all are new and not the original isn't it?


So that's it...that's the only way

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Yes, fthe only way is to remake KotOR, making it into new version, then make KotOR 3 based on the remake. It will pissed off some lore suckers of course, but what the hell, DC and Marvel already done that despite everything, there will be new fans for new version of DC and Marvel heroes


There must be new Revan and new Exile like what Disney wanted, and we all must accept whatever they remake about them both

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  • 3 weeks later...

Let's talk about TOR real quick, shall we?


Revan and the Exile make appearances in TOR, and their storylines continue and end there (albeit badly).


TOR isn't "Legends" status, meaning it's canon, but KotOR is "Legends", meaning non-canon. Mmkay. Except the events of TOR seem to legitimize the events of KotOR.


Funny, isn't it. Anyhooow...


I don't know what any of this has to do with whether or not there will be a KotOR 3. As was already pointed out, Battlefront rolled along. Hard to say what the future will hold with Disney at the helm.

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Yeah but i bet ya 1000$ that Star Wars Battlefront will be a Battlefield 4 with light sabers and micro transactions 


You seen the Sims a EA game. The game by itself is horrible so you have to spend hundreds of dollars on DLC!!


So i'm presuming EA will make you pay hundreds of dollars to unlock the campaign or different characters. etc

Edited by TheExile
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Let's talk about TOR real quick, shall we?


Revan and the Exile make appearances in TOR, and their storylines continue and end there (albeit badly).


TOR isn't "Legends" status, meaning it's canon, but KotOR is "Legends", meaning non-canon. Mmkay. Except the events of TOR seem to legitimize the events of KotOR.


Funny, isn't it. Anyhooow...


I don't know what any of this has to do with whether or not there will be a KotOR 3. As was already pointed out, Battlefront rolled along. Hard to say what the future will hold with Disney at the helm.

Disney said also that the stupid clone wars show is canon

That show features Darth Bane,so he's "canon",and Revan should be automatically canon since he's the guy responsible for Bane becoming what he is now and plays a crucial role in his story (Darth Revan's Holocron),they cannot ignore him.


I hate that show,it has messed up half of the lore just because it followed GL's desires


I really hope that Obsidian gets the license to do KOTOR 3,i don't want to see it destroyed a second time




Yeah but i bet ya 1000$ that Star Wars Battlefront will be a Battlefield 4 with light sabers and micro transactions 


You seen the Sims a EA game. The game by itself is horrible so you have to spend hundreds of dollars on DLC!!


So i'm presuming EA will make you pay hundreds of dollars to unlock the campaign or different characters. etc

Aye,that's the feeling i'm getting for Battlefront.

there's nothing from the second game and it has modified to be a battlefield clone.

It will be bought by countless dumb kids or dumb fans who will buy it just because there's "Star Wars" on the cover,even if that game will suck.

Come on,no space battles because they "want us to stay on the ground"

how dumb that guy thinks we are ?

i've heard that he was the leader of the battlefield hardline game  project (another dissapointment)

also no galactic conquest,no instant action

i'd bet that it will all be Day one DLC 


**** EA and DICE,maximum betrayal on my childhood videogames,killers of creativity.


i hate them so much.


Battlefront was one of my favourite game franchises of all time,i lost the number of the hours i've played with those games

If they **** up even that,and they will,mark my words,i'm going to flip out really hard and they're going to pay.



sorry guys,but i've seen too many good franchises fall,get ruined and milked to death by greedy publishers,in particular many of my favourite games of all time were ruined by them.

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TOR isn't "Legends" status, meaning it's canon, but KotOR is "Legends", meaning non-canon. Mmkay. Except the events of TOR seem to legitimize the events of KotOR.


There was a question over TOR since it was ongoing with new content being added, but it was officially confirmed as legends on Starwars.com itself. It's non canon.


In any case Bioware is supposedly (ie nothing officially announced) working on a new SW RPG themselves, so there's very, very little chance of Obsidian doing one.

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Thanks for clarifying.


Come closer, I have good news. Mobile KotOR is $10 and has well over a 100,000 sales! I'll let you do the math on that. It also has really high reviews.


And mobile KotOR 2 is on the way. Don't lose hope.


Meanwhile... back to writing my fanfiction.

Edited by Harrold Andraste
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  • 3 weeks later...

It would be cool if they remastered KOTOR 2 with a new graphics engine that would be amazing!!

Or not. I actually loathe TOR graphics, so if that's what they would go for, count me out. On KotOR models it's the textures that stick out the most, the art, not that overly smooth shiny glowy **** I couldn't even bring myself to play.
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Wait for Episode 7 first. It might introduce new lore. It's far, far into the future, timeline-wise but the movies have the greatest weight with regards tot he lore of this universe. I'm still butt-blasted about Episodes 1-3, how all Jedis wear Obi-Wan's desert robes and being celibate, but that was the lore KOTOR used. I'm sure if E7 showed something new that is supposed to have existed there forever but was never shown until now, KOTOR would have to follow suit.

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KOTOR 2 beign as great as it is, the writing and story was not as awesome for all the fans, this are bits of a discussion I had abou Avellone and Kreia in the swtor Forums.

"I did like KOTOR 2 a lot, I wouldn't be opposed to Avellone [writing for swtor] if he can manage to hide what character he's using as his mouth piece a bit better this time tongue.png (Kreia is awesome but man, that was blatant."


When I asked what they meant as mouth piece I got this response:

"She's an awesome character, but like I said, she petty blatantly came across as Avellone's mouthpiece criticizing the whole black and white morality thing Star Wars often has. I don't actually really disagree with that criticism, but it was just a tad too noticeable for my taste"

Then I pointed out that Alexander Freed also challenged the classic Dark/Light ideas of Star Wars when he wrote the Imperial Agent and I got this response:

"Let's just say that Freed was far more subtle than Avellone was. With the IA story, I never felt that the writer was cramming his view in my face and calling me and idiot if I disagreed (Kreia did that a lot).
All things being said though, I LOVE Kotor 2, probably more than the first one."

So, yeah, I think for a lot of people KOTOR 2 is not the end all be all of the Old Republic era, there are tons of people that love KOTOR 1 and even SWTOR and wouldnt want them be wiped out so Obsidian could overwrite them.

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With Disney eliminating all the lore, and EAbioware making and ruining the only hope of a continuation of the KoTOR series, I sincerely doubt obsidian would be allowed to make kotor3, much to all our losses. Especially with EA-Dice being given battlefront to turn into a battlefield skin, as the poster above me suggested.


I can't speak for anyone else, but I definitely enjoyed Kreia adding more to the force than the black/white, good/evil, light/dark dichotomy prevalent most of the time, and would love to see that explored more in some form or another.

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  • 11 months later...

I would like massive, labyrinth like chambers for a full in depth focusing lightsaber crystal whirling alter of swords and marriage, like joining lines to stimulation, and then elevating yourself not just on flat 2d platforms, but to pass over many suns and eons, like yoda's apprentice star luminous blue beam room of initiates doing the whole luke skywalker hokey religions and blaster nonsense, but ya, actively pasting ribbons and banners all over your recreation portal, or taming beasts and creatures, or training even, and having a winter's snow globe view of groups to dominate and conquer, like in star wars battlefront, picking an area to know all about, setting up all kinds of cones for yourself, zipping mazes, teleportation anywhere that you desire, ya, all of that to play all day all the way up unto the sun, and then shattering the entire dream canopy by crash landing destruction, much as the force unleashed, Ultimate Divine Light Power crackling at your fingertips!

Aeons of Misery and Bliss | I, the legendary Dragon God of time, am the perfect One! | Galactic Super Civilizations Yahweh Vs. Lucifer Existential Game - The Terra Program | Ultrarevolutionary Omniversalism

Focusing the flow of feats and Critical Strike


Sabrina StairCase

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  • 1 month later...

KoTOR 3 already exists:


Play SWTOR as a Jedi Knight and ignore Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion(it focuses more on the military etc things that might not be of interest to a JK). If you play SWTOR as a JK from 1 to the end of upcoming expansion(Knights of the Eternal Throne iirc)...it is literally KoTOR 3. So, there is that.


You also have Republic Commando lite in there if that's more of your fancy.


A fascinating game to be certain. But if it was a part of official canon, you can bet that "Knights of Zakuul" twin episode expansion wouldn't be a thing.

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I love SWOTOR. I've been a sub and played it for close to 4 years, having several alts of each and completing the class stories multiple times. But sheesh, the Jedi Knight story is bad. That and the Sith Warrior could use a replacement if such a thing had been possible. Especially chapter 3 in each class is particularly dire ;)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I love SWOTOR. I've been a sub and played it for close to 4 years, having several alts of each and completing the class stories multiple times. But sheesh, the Jedi Knight story is bad. That and the Sith Warrior could use a replacement if such a thing had been possible. Especially chapter 3 in each class is particularly dire ;)


I disagree. JK is just...traditional. To the fault. But then you've IA that is anything but traditional...so it evens up?


For anyone wanting a KoTOR 3...they have it. I was just mentioning the reality of a situation.


Also about the SW...it is a good class...if you want to be a slave and a servant through and through(most likely both). SW often remarks how he is of ancient Sith lineage, but for some reason it all rings empty. On the other side you've the likes of Inquisitor who are indeed slaves and are painfully aware of that and will do anything to remedy the reality of a situation. Once the Inq begins throwing around stuff like "...too bad they aren't me!"(or the ultimate silliness "shut up and let me think!")...you know the **** hit the fan. Thusly I could never get into SW mindset: either a murderer or a slave...wtf? But then again the SW was inspired by Vader, so...it is a proper way to do it. Vader himself was a slave all until Luke set him free in RoTJ(or perhaps even as early as Empire).

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I love SWOTOR. I've been a sub and played it for close to 4 years, having several alts of each and completing the class stories multiple times. But sheesh, the Jedi Knight story is bad. That and the Sith Warrior could use a replacement if such a thing had been possible. Especially chapter 3 in each class is particularly dire ;)


I disagree. JK is just...traditional. To the fault. But then you've IA that is anything but traditional...so it evens up?


For anyone wanting a KoTOR 3...they have it. I was just mentioning the reality of a situation.


Also about the SW...it is a good class...if you want to be a slave and a servant through and through(most likely both). SW often remarks how he is of ancient Sith lineage, but for some reason it all rings empty. On the other side you've the likes of Inquisitor who are indeed slaves and are painfully aware of that and will do anything to remedy the reality of a situation. Once the Inq begins throwing around stuff like "...too bad they aren't me!"(or the ultimate silliness "shut up and let me think!")...you know the **** hit the fan. Thusly I could never get into SW mindset: either a murderer or a slave...wtf? But then again the SW was inspired by Vader, so...it is a proper way to do it. Vader himself was a slave all until Luke set him free in RoTJ(or perhaps even as early as Empire).


My problem wasn't so much with the class mechanics, I love both the tank and the dps specs for both (which is why I played several alts through both SW and JK stories). The stories even start decently enough. Problem for me was, when you get to chapter 3 it has devolved into bizarreness and endless grind of hordes of high hp trash mobs, JK on Corellia being especially dreadful and uninteresting. The Sith ghost that Vowrawn (sp?) pulls out his hat for you to kill in the SW story made as much sense as Kai Lengs presence in ME3. None at all ;)


As said, don't get me wrong, I love the game. With that much content there is bound to be things you consider ups and downs.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I agree actually on...the Entity(what's its name anyways) in SW story. It infuriated me to great lengths that fatass just leaves such things so casually unprotected. The whole act 3 in SW had a slight error in tone that ruined the SW story the further you went: Instead of showcasing YOUR power and resourcefulness(like say Inquisitor), the same old Warrior trite continues: You are saved by someone(as opposed to you saving yourself), the way towards Fatass is opened(by someone - instead of you opening it) etc etc. And the first chapter was actually spectacular(ignore the second chapter-it is more often than not the connective tissue of stories so I don't necessarily even rate it).


Sith Warrior: The Servant's story :D


And I meant that JK was very traditional in Star Wars way, not the mechanical way(although, it's perhaps the most traditional class mechanically too). It's basically Luke 3,0(2,0 is Rey heh). Every other story has got something not Star Wars influencing it:


Consular: Star Trek is almost palatable here

Trooper: Mass Effect and Rambo

Inquisitor: Occult things / Indiana Jones

Agent: James Bond / Jason Bourne

Warrior: Game of Thro(n)es(perhaps?)


Ok, Bounty Hunter and Scoundrel are also almost 100% Star Wars too.


If only the core gameplay wasn't so bland in the present moment. And it's not because it is an MMO. I can play LoTR:O, DCUO, EQ 2, AoC etc just fine(ok, AoC has REAL problem with backtracking). They mucked up something in core gameplay with 4,0-and BADLY at that. Hope they'll fix it with KoTET(v 5,0?).


Edit: It just occurred to me that BW mucked up the Sith Code by doing the SW act 3 as they did. If they did it as I suggested, it'd follow it pretty closely:


...through passion I gain strength(rage vs Fatass)

Through str, I gain power(berserk mode active)

Through power, I gain victory(crush the weak fools opposing you)

Through victory, my chains are BROKEN(at last you don't have to follow anyone's orders-fatass is history)

The Force shall free me(indeed it did).


Also, you are not supposed to really scheme that much if your role model is Vader(and it admittedly is to SW class). Let alone let others help and interfere to that degree they did(fatass, Hands, Vowrawn etc etc). Inquisitor is the story of a true Sith.

Edited by hrwd
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