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Why doesn't Durance react to Fire Godlikes?

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Well at least Godlikes have the most OP racial passives so that kinda make up for it...


Godlikes do not get helmets, which is why some Godlikes get better racials. That being said, no mechanical bonus in the world makes up for a weak narrative.

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I have seen exactly one Godlike in the game who wasn't a backer reward, and that was Pallegina (the Death Godlike's raider party in Magran's Fork is a "Design-an-encounter" reward). No other Godlikes are shown or referenced in the game (unless you consider Waidwen one). If the Godlike race was referenced in any books, I probably missed them.


It feels like Godlikes were added very late in development, almost as an afterthought. While they are disappointing from a lore perspective, they do contribute quite a lot in terms of gameplay - there are many builds centered around the Moon/Fire/Nature racials, and it opens up some fun roleplaying options, such as as a Nature Monk whose "blessing" drove him to become a flagellant and pariah.

Edited by Concordance
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I have seen exactly one Godlike in the game who wasn't a backer reward, and that was Pallegina (the Death Godlike's raider party in Magran's Fork is a "Design-an-encounter" reward). No other Godlikes are shown or referenced in the game (unless you consider Waidwen one). If the Godlike race was referenced in any books, I probably missed them.




Well that makes perfect sense, really. Godlikes are supposed to be rare, so I wouldn't mind their absence from the game in NPC regards... if it wasn't for the utterly useless backer NPC:s littering the countryside, godlikes being a dime a dozen.

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Godlike to feel like  lat minute addition to me.  As if the devs felt they needed something unusual.  I love them but wish they had had more time to develop them.  They are a rare folk and actually are not a race.  I think others were attracted to them also and that is why backers chose them so much for their characters.  I hope the expansion expands on them and maybe gives us a lore book on them.


Just as the Halflings were as far as I know innovative with D*D games the Godlike add a new dimension to playable races.  

 I have but one enemy: myself  - Drow saying



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Last minute addition? They were explicit Kickstarter stretch goals that were discussed before development even began. Try again.

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Last minute addition? They were explicit Kickstarter stretch goals that were discussed before development even began. Try again.

The idea may have been there at the beginning but that doesn't mean it was developed until after the base races were developed.  It feels like an add on to me.  Games are not  developed in a straight line.  I.E. the opening  sequence of the game was developed after the mechanics and base graphics were developed.  The core concept of the game was developed before the game began.  Stretch goals were added to encourage  people to keep donating.

 I have but one enemy: myself  - Drow saying



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Yes, I'm well aware of that, but are you suggesting that race wasn't one of the first things worked on and that all the work wasn't done at once? I'll concede that tweaks were made throughout the process, but that isn't what you're saying at all.


"Last minute addition" means something specific.

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Why would he? You can't choose how you are born.


Because it's f***ing Durance and Fire Godlikes are touched by Magran.


If there's one character that does not care about whether your birth as anything was your choice or not, it's Dur-motherf***ing-ance.

Edited by Luckmann


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Why would he? You can't choose how you are born.


Because it's f***ing Durance and Fire Godlikes are touched by Magran.


If there's one character that does not care about whether your birth as anything was your choice or not, it's Dur-motherf***ing-ance.


If I remember correctly, Durance said at first meeting with Watcher that he didn't care about their race and class. That's pretty lazy explanation of not existing reactivity ;)

Edited by White Phoenix
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Why would he? You can't choose how you are born.


Because it's f***ing Durance and Fire Godlikes are touched by Magran.


If there's one character that does not care about whether your birth as anything was your choice or not, it's Dur-motherf***ing-ance.



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Yes, I'm well aware of that, but are you suggesting that race wasn't one of the first things worked on and that all the work wasn't done at once? I'll concede that tweaks were made throughout the process, but that isn't what you're saying at all.


"Last minute addition" means something specific.

Of course race was one of the first things considered but we have to remember that the Kickstarter goal was only what 1 million USD.  That is very little in this current gaming world.  Also according to the Documentary on the road to Eternity there wasn't a great deal of time to prepare for the Kickstarter.  Based on discussions with programmers and others involved with developing this means to me that what they had was an idea still very much in the formative stage.    If they hadn't reached their starting goal in such a short period of time  we would have a much shorter and less complex game.    Stretch goals are add ons.

Edited by Nakia
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 I have but one enemy: myself  - Drow saying



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Why would he? You can't choose how you are born.


Because it's f***ing Durance and Fire Godlikes are touched by Magran.


If there's one character that does not care about whether your birth as anything was your choice or not, it's Dur-motherf***ing-ance.


If I remember correctly, Durance said at first meeting with Watcher that he didn't care about their race and class. That's pretty lazy explanation of not existing reactivity ;)



Saying that he doesn't care is a long way from not having any reactivity. There are Orlan interactions with him, after all. He'll tolerate you no matter what, but he should definitely have some input depending on who or what you are, whether you're a Priestess of Eothas, an Orlan, a Firelike, or a Priest of Magran - or any other faith, really - or something like a Druid, Ranger or Barbarian (oh how I can just hear him mock the treehuggers).

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Stretch goals were met before development began. Please don't make me point this out a 3rd time.

Of course they were but that has nothing to do with what I am talking about.  We are at cross purposes here.  It took two and one half years to make the game.  Besides I merely stated an opinion about the godlike "race".    I stated what it feels like to me.  

 I have but one enemy: myself  - Drow saying



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You either have good reasons for thinking that or you don't. If you simply want to assert stuff, that's fine, just don't expect anyone to take you seriously. They were posting stuff about the godlike "race" (not sure why you put that in quotes) during the Kickstarter (introduced on Sept 26th if a ****ing date helps you). That is hardly "last minute". But if you "feel" otherwise, then that must obviously be true. Have fun on my ignore list.

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Godlike to feel like  lat minute addition to me.  As if the devs felt they needed something unusual.

If that were the case, then there wouldn't be any reactions to the Godlikes whatsoever in the game, rather than less that what some players believe there should be.


Durance not reacting to a Fire Godlike doesn't feel weird to me. I mean, according to Pallegina, the reactions to her being a Godlike of Hylea had nothing to do with the specific deity she was "blessed" by, but everything to do with how she looked weird and how she was sterile. Being a Godlike doesn't make you special to those who follow the gods, it seems.


Durance not reacting to a priest of Eothas is weirder, but then again, he's done with the purges now, and given that he's on a quest to get back in his Godess's good graces, it seems normal that he only has strong feelings about other priests of Magran.

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You either have good reasons for thinking that or you don't. If you simply want to assert stuff, that's fine, just don't expect anyone to take you seriously. They were posting stuff about the godlike "race" (not sure why you put that in quotes) during the Kickstarter (introduced on Sept 26th if a ****ing date helps you). That is hardly "last minute". But if you "feel" otherwise, then that must obviously be true. Have fun on my ignore list.


If simply disagreeing with you and saying that something feels like a late addition to the game, your ignore list must be a mile long by now.


That said, the reason godlikes are a "race" is that they're not actually a distinct race. They're practically planetouched.


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Godlike to feel like  lat minute addition to me.  As if the devs felt they needed something unusual.

If that were the case, then there wouldn't be any reactions to the Godlikes whatsoever in the game, rather than less that what some players believe there should be.


Durance not reacting to a Fire Godlike doesn't feel weird to me. I mean, according to Pallegina, the reactions to her being a Godlike of Hylea had nothing to do with the specific deity she was "blessed" by, but everything to do with how she looked weird and how she was sterile. Being a Godlike doesn't make you special to those who follow the gods, it seems.


Durance not reacting to a priest of Eothas is weirder, but then again, he's done with the purges now, and given that he's on a quest to get back in his Godess's good graces, it seems normal that he only has strong feelings about other priests of Magran.



You're using a pretty bad example with Pallegina, though, simply because her implementation is equally terrible in this regard, as pointed out in the third post of this thread. She doesn't recognize you as a godlike at all, either, firelike or otherwise, and you can talk to her about her being a godlike as if it's something you've never seen before... as a godlike yourself.


It's jarring.


As for religious people not reacting to what kind of godlike you are... try going to Raedric as a Deathlike.


Ultimately, like I've said before, the issue isn't specifically that Pallegina doesn't react to godlikes, or that Durance doesn't react specifically to firelikes or Eothasians. It's that character reactivity is inconsistent and relatively poor across the board.


And if you think that Durance does not have strong feelings about Eothasians or Eothas, or that he only has strong feelings about other priests of Magran... you need to talk more to Durance. He's got strong feelings on everything.

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If there's one character that does not care about whether your birth as anything was your choice or not, it's Dur-motherf***ing-ance.



 Dude, I hate to be a grammer nazi but, in English, when you use an expletive infix, it goes ahead of the stressed syllable.


 E.g. Fan-mother****in-tastic would be correct. Fantas-mother****in-tic would be incorrect.


 So, really, "Durance" can't take an expletive infix because the stress is on the first syllable. 


 Again, sorry, it just bothers me when I see grammar mistakes in English.  :-

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