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Is this a problem only I have ?

When 2 of my guys engage like 4 enemy it seems pretty hard to both see which character i pick (when in pause mode ofc), and then to also tell them whom to attack !

They all just clutter together and no clear indication of who I currently have picked.

I can't really explain this but its not as easy as it was in BG for example, or maybe its just me ?

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I have the same issue.  Is there an option to check that does a better job of highlighting your character on the map when you hover over or select the portrait?

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But its hard to determine their exact position a lot of the time.  Besides, I'm usually looking for their green circle.

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Exactly lol, i noticed thers the health bar but its still hard to detect whose that, and i need to both get my face close to the screen and also click on the portrait that i think this guy is to see for sure if its him.

So yeah, not very easy and comfortable :D



I've had this issue a bit when the party is behind trees or something. I have to click my mouse over the character portrait to see who's who but you still only get the green circle flashing. This can make it difficult to heal while in combat. I'm really used to the old system of just clicking the healing spell on the portrait of the character..   The first time I tried that my priest ran down to the corner of the map and cast a healing spell on nobody. 

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You get used to it. It was hard at first, but once I started searching for the green endurance bar I accustomed to it over time and now it works perfectly for me.


Yeah. During the BB a lot of us complained repeatedly that the FX are so obtrusive they often obscure the characters. They wouldn't change them because reasons. 


Also the camera angle is a bit too low, but I can understand why they didn't change that -- by the time the BB started most of the maps were already designed and re-rendering and adjusting them for a higher camera angle would've been a LOT of work.

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Posted (edited)

I feel like to an extent that this is something we have to live with because isometric. The inherent lack of ability to rotate the camera is going to make combat occasionally awkward.


Unsure if it would be immersion breaking but a toggled no-backdrop top-down tactical view that just showed the relative position of players and monsters might be nice (2d icons similar to the custom formation deal). That way you could issue orders cleanly if it gets a bit messy.


I'd be happy if the selected character(s) had a more distinct target ring though.

Edited by Hogfather

Why can't they just exagerrate the circle more when you mouse over or select that character?  Have an option for it.  I really liked the star in wasteland 2.  Made it pretty easy to see who was selected, even on a bland color pallete.

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