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What do you think the twist(s) will be in KOTOR II

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I mean the plot twist in KOTOR wasn't something that was done before in a movie, atleast not any movies I have seen. It was something that you would never expect and thats how I think Sith Lords will be like.

meh, I saw it coming








The fact that something was up with you, and Revan being masked everytime you saw him. 1 + 1 = 2

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really? i can think of at least two hollywood films in the past 15 years with the exact same twist.


i won't give the titles in case you ain't seen them, but their initials are AH and FC.

And in that, was there the issue of the protaganist being a former ANTAGONIST? I had some other details, too, but they're escaping me right now.


Look, it fit well. The plot twist wasn't just that you were Revan, but everything that surrounded that realization. Like someone else said before, it's not what you do, but more how you do it. The twist WAS original, but not because amnesia is an original idea. Soap Opera's deal with amnesia all the time, so amnesia is way overrused.


My point: the plot twist WAS original. The end.

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I liked it just fine, not as a twist, but as an interesting part of the story. I definitely saw it coming as well, though I tried to deny it. It's sort of funny, when I first got the idea was by the implication I read on a forum message board, and didn't think that that could really be the quote unquote "big twist" of the day. I was just like, "oh, ok, the PC = Revan. Sure, that's nifty." Then I realized, five minutes later, that that was probably the plot twist. It's sort of similar to the "I'm your father" thing, meaning "I'm a part of you," whereas KOTOR is, "I AM you."


I'll rephrase again, regardless of whether you like the story or not: I don't think it's anything you or anyone else could have thought of. Something different and equivalent, but certainly not the same thing. There was enough depth to the being revan issue that I found it interesting and unique. I know my optimism is sort of sickening, but there's enough **** that makes the world go 'round that I try to take the best of both worlds. (optimism and cynicism)

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Guest Michael Chu
Maybe the twist will be that there's no twist, so that everyone who's all freaked out expecting something shocking instead gets shocked and cranky when nothing ever really happens.

We were actually thinking of making the twist be that it seems like there's no twist, but actually have two twists, because that would be a full 360 degree twist, that untwists. :unsure:


But now that you're on to us... who knows what twisted thing we might do? B)

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We were actually thinking of making the twist be that it seems like there's no twist, but actually have two twists, because that would be a full 360 degree twist, that untwists.

why not the old 'wheels within wheels' routine? most CRPGs just do the one twist, big reveal, and then a fight. and it's getting pretty old.


with KOTOR2, you could have a series of twists so infernal, you end up not knowing right from wrong c.f. the current season of 24, et al.


But now that you're on to us... who knows what twisted thing we might do?


huh, that reminds me of a joke:


Q: what's the worst thing that a sadist can do to a masochist?


A: nothing.

dumber than a bag of hammers

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...Revan removes his mask finally to reveal:




































...Justin Timberlake!!!... :unsure:




A long, long time ago, but I can still remember,
How the Trolling used to make me smile.
And I knew if I had my chance, I could egg on a few Trolls to "dance",
And maybe we'd be happy for a while.
But then Krackhead left and so did Klown;
Volo and Turnip were banned, Mystake got run out o' town.
Bad news on the Front Page,
BIOweenia said goodbye in a heated rage.
I can't remember if I cried
When I heard that TORN was recently fried,
But sadness touched me deep inside,
The day...Black Isle died.

For tarna, Visc, an' the rest o' the ol' Islanders that fell along the way

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Something with lots of complicated choices, like having to drown puppies to save an old lady, blowing up a city of innocents to save the galaxy from a genetically engineered disease, abduct kids from their parents to prevent bad guys from using them for some nefarious purpose.... take your pick. :)


There are a few thousand years worth of interesting source material to mix'n'match in interesting ways and season with a bit of new spice.


Why worry. Curiosity killed the cat right ? I will buy the game anyway to satisfy my curiosity, based on the previous accomplishments of the gentlemen (and ladies) involved :unsure:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I for one still believes there will be a twist and something that we would have never of thought of.


Hell, as my brother and I were talking about a night ago. The twist just might be something that goes back to the first KOTOR. So when you play the first KOTOR again, you'll see it in a different way.


You never know.

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Something with lots of complicated choices, like having to drown puppies to save an old lady, blowing up a city of innocents to save the galaxy from a genetically engineered disease, abduct kids from their parents to prevent bad guys from using them for some nefarious purpose.... take your pick. ;)

You know that last one doesn't seem all that bad in comparsion to the others..

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I paid attention just fine.

no, not really.


i wrote:


i can think of at least two hollywood films in the past 15 years with the exact same twist.


and in reply you asked:


And in that, was there the issue of the protaganist being a former ANTAGONIST?


and later i posted:


the specific KOTOR1 twist - the protagonist discovers that he is actually the antagonist - has been done in at least 3 movies


and still you suggested:


I don't think [the twist] is anything you or anyone else could have thought of.


anyone, in other words, who hadn't seen any of those movies, etc.


MY point wasn't necessarily that the protagonist/antogonist switch hadn't been done before, but the REVAN switch hadn't been done before.


no kidding? since KOTOR was the first game to feature revan, that hardly counts as much of an insight.

dumber than a bag of hammers

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We were actually thinking of making the twist be that it seems like there's no twist, but actually have two twists, because that would be a full 360 degree twist, that untwists. ;)


But now that you're on to us... who knows what twisted thing we might do? B)

I don't know, but I'm all gosh-durn hopeful now. If it's anything less than a pretzel with sour cream 'n onion powder, I'll be disappointed!


Or not. I'm easy to please, really.

I am following my fish.


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KOTOR had it and since some here probably hasn't played it, I'll keep it a secret.


Even though the story is still vague right now, what do you think the main twist will be? I mean come on, you know there will be one, that is what made KOTOR so good.


So, based off of what you know, what do you think the plot twist will be?

I bet that the plot twist has something to do with whatever's behind that skull-looking mask on the Sith guy/gal, and that it'll establish some kind of personal connection between that Sith and the player character.

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Just because KOTOR 1 had a plot twist doesn't mean that every sequel after HAS to have a plot twist. I'm pretty sure there will be no "I Am your Daddy Shocker" in The Sith Lords.... maybe something to a smaller degree; like a friendly character who is secretly working with the Sith etc.

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some people (nightcleaver) are giving bioware way too much credit for the twist in Kotor.


yes, it was well-written and I'll admit that it took me by surprise, but to suggest that only they could think of it is ridiculous.


MY point wasn't necessarily that the protagonist/antogonist switch hadn't been done before, but the REVAN switch hadn't been done before.

revan is only a character, like harry angel in angel heart, so by using that logic the switch in that movie hasn't been done before either. the twist is exactly the same - the protagonist is really the antagonist. the only thing that changes is character name (which is irrelevant) and the circumstances which lead to the 'revelation'.


replace de Niro's Lucifer with Malak and you have a carbon copy of the leviathan scene.

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Just because KOTOR 1 had a plot twist doesn't mean that every sequel after HAS to have a plot twist. I'm pretty sure there will be no "I Am your Daddy Shocker" in The Sith Lords.... maybe something to a smaller degree; like a friendly character who is secretly working with the Sith etc.

And what do you call that? A plot twist! You thought that the good little guy was on your side, but the whole time he was working with the sith which is something you never expected coming. Hence, that is a plot twist.


And no not every other KOTOR sequel has to have a twist just cause KOTOR had one, but a twist is expected by many gamers. Many gamers says that the twist is what made the game even better. They said that before the twist the story was somewhat bland and flat, after the twist it made the story more interesting and made them want to play more to find out how this all unfolds.


Same with KOTOR II. No it doesn't have to be a twist on the same level as the "I am your Father" or "Your are the antagonist!" type deal. But something similar of the lines on what you pointed out. About some person that you thought was good (Maybe even one of your NPCs) but later on found out that he was actually working for the Sith and leading you to them the whole time and such.

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hey, maybe the twist will be that in order to evade capture by the Sith Lords you go to a mining facility that floats above the clouds, in a kind of "cloud city" (let's call it Respin).


it turns out that the head of the facility is an old friend of one of the NPCs, a scoundrel who used to own the Ebon Hawk (let's call him Blando Tarlissian) but lost it in a card game to the NPC.


Blando offers to fix the Hawk, but the party have to stay in the "cloud city" for an unspecified period. in the meantime, one of your droids goes missing (the prissy protocol droid, called P-3C0) and one of the other NPCs (a sassy princess named Jleia) begins to suspect that not everything is as it seems.


then Blando invites the party to dinner, but when the party enters the dining hall they discover THE BIG TWIST!




actually, i haven't figured out what the twist should be yet, but i figure Obsidian will be able to think of something...

dumber than a bag of hammers

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