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Nice argument. You going to actually back up any of these assertions.



As a general rule of thumb I'll usually limit my internet interactions to the occasional off hand remark or snipe. At the very best I might prod someone in the right direction, more likely I'll just sling some **** their way and scram.


or just be confident in your ignorance?

Lol "confident in my ignorance".


You assert that the goddamn Queen has no power or influence and believe that despite doing nothing meaningful and rolling around in a mountain of cash she is "not parasitic".

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Lol "confident in my ignorance".

You assert that the goddamn Queen has no power or influence and believe that despite doing nothing meaningful and rolling around in a mountain of cash she is "not parasitic".



I am struggling to come up with words powerful enough to convey just how hard you've just proved my point for me.

Dirty deeds done cheap.

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Better to serve in Suffolk than reign in Russia?

Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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I am struggling to come up with words powerful enough to convey just how hard you've just proved my point for me.

Feel free to explain how.


I'm still laughing at the idea that someone who you assert does basically nothing and is one of the wealthiest people in the world is neither parasitic nor wields any power.


There's also the fact that my original snipe was barely directed at the inbred bastards in the first place.

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I didn't assert that they did nothing, I said they had no power. Not quite the same thing. In fact, not even a little bit the same thing.


The point you proved was your ignorance on the subject. I am also aware as to where your snipe was directed.

Dirty deeds done cheap.

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Absolute rubbish. The monarchy that you speak of does not exist. A constitutional monarchy, such as we have, only has one power, to stop Parliament from becoming a dictatorship. The sort of power-mongering manipulation you see of democratic institutions in places like Russia, where one or a narrow few gain the ability to hang onto power beyond the realms of reasonable service is impossible here.



In the event that a PM will attempt to vote in powers to make himself a tyrant or a dictator, the Queen can immediately veto him, dissolve Parliament and create a new one. This is her only power. All other law making ability lies with Parliament.

And naturally this power can only be held by those with magical royal blood and can only be exercised provided she and her spawn live lavishly at the expense of others.


To call them parasitic is mere, base ignorance.

No you're just delusional.


Worth noting is that my post was tongue and cheek and directed at an entirely different type of opponent. I honestly didn’t expect someone to come in and defend ****ing “royalism” but I shouldn’t be surprised.



Nice argument. You going to actually back up any of these assertions, or just be confident in your ignorance? I have no idea about you or where you're from or where you've got your ideas from, I wouldn't presume to judge. However, suggesting that (and I'm speaking purely about the British monarchy here, not some general notion of royalty) the British monarchy have any power at all is absolute rubbish. That is fact.


They exist for the reasons Walsingham and myself have already stated. As a figurehead, as a tourist attraction, as diplomats and as a final check on any evil genius schemes a British Vladimir Putin might have. Even that is a one shot weapon as the first time she tried to use it, you can bet it'd be taken away from her.


In conclusion, British constitutional monarchistic democracy is a vastly different beast to other forms of government and I'd suggest you not make wild statements based on a foundation of apparently no knowledge whatsoever.


You're incredibly naive about the nature of your own monarchy. No power? By virtue of their wealth, notoriety, and the fact they have legions of defenders such as yourself alone they have power. For one example of modern royal power in the age of the tourist attraction myth you should familiarize yourself with the story of Gough Whitlam, though I imagine you'll make excuses and ignore the implications of that story, or pretend it's a lone example, which it isn't.


At no point in the history of the last ~100 years was the British Monarchy overthrown, and Edward VII's heirs, incompetent though some of them were, did not give up power out of the kindness of their hearts. One of the biggest myths in this world is that your queen is just a tourist attraction.

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Meh, why do I get the feeling it's people who live under the system arguing with people who don't here? There is nothing oppressive about Queenie or Constitutional Monarchy that isn't inherent to government of any kind.


The royal family is irrelevant and has less powers than even non executive figurehead Presidents do. Gough Whitlam was removed by a Governor General who is the Queen's representative but chosen and appointed without her input and she had no influence on the decision, and the powers of a GG are determined by the country, not the Queen. So when Australia removed the powers used by the GG to dump Whitlam the Queen and GG had no practical say in the matter, it was done by Australians. If Jamaica wants to become a Republic the Queen has no say in it either- it won't solve Jamaica's problems, it's just a sop to nationalism, but the Queen can't stop it.


I might in principle dislike the idea of having a royal family and a monarch, but practically I'd have Queenie and every single Governor General we've had in my lifetime over just about every single politician worldwide in even a non executive Presidential position. It has, for once, not been used as a political position at all, but a President would be, and we'd get the usual crappy politician foisted on us. We have enough of those, thanks.

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Meh, why do I get the feeling it's people who live under the system arguing with people who don't here? There is nothing oppressive about Queenie or Constitutional Monarchy that isn't inherent to government of any kind.


The royal family is irrelevant and has less powers than even non executive figurehead Presidents do. Gough Whitlam was removed by a Governor General who is the Queen's representative but chosen and appointed without her input and she had no influence on the decision, and the powers of a GG are determined by the country, not the Queen. So when Australia removed the powers used by the GG to dump Whitlam the Queen and GG had no practical say in the matter, it was done by Australians. If Jamaica wants to become a Republic the Queen has no say in it either- it won't solve Jamaica's problems, it's just a sop to nationalism, but the Queen can't stop it.


I might in principle dislike the idea of having a royal family and a monarch, but practically I'd have Queenie and every single Governor General we've had in my lifetime over just about every single politician worldwide in even a non executive Presidential position. It has, for once, not been used as a political position at all, but a President would be, and we'd get the usual crappy politician foisted on us. We have enough of those, thanks.


Not exactly on the first two paragraphs. To sum it part of it, you apparently aren't familiar with what a puppet is, nor the implications of a populace ok with a Monarchy vs. one opposed to one.


Your last paragraph fails to make grammatical sense after the first sentence. Review your syntax please.

Edited by Valsuelm
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It's basically just a pair of republicans who're either unwilling or unable to accept that a democracy can be democratic outside of their fairly narrow definitions of the term, along with a fair sized dollop of not having the first idea about that which they're criticising.

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Dirty deeds done cheap.

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Yeah, it's kind of baffling to be told that Sir Jerry Mataparae is of critical importance here and part of an oppressive system when 99% of what he does is ceremonial stuff like going to D-Day celebrations and opening new buildings.


He may be part of an oppressive system depending on perspective, but his position is so peripheral to that system compared to basic staples like political parties and all the run of the mill political stuff (lying, pork barelling, other vested interest pandering etc) inherent in any system that it just feels peculiar and that the detractors have zero practical experience with the system they're criticising. It's just not a big deal unless you're rampant on equality, and there are far bigger fish to fry on that front.



Your last paragraph fails to make grammatical sense after the first sentence. Review your syntax please.



It makes perfect sense and has perfect syntax in English. Review your reading comprehension please.


But since you asked so nicely, we've had a succession of extremely good Governors General specifically because the appointment is not generally a political one. But we have the usual array of utterly crap politicians, and 'celebrities'. If we had a President we'd inevitably end up with those crappy celebrities and politicians as President precisely because the people who become GG are not celebrities or politicians, and stand no chance of being elected despite being extremely good and little chance of actually wanting to stand either.


To sum it part of it, you apparently aren't familiar with what a puppet is, nor the implications of a populace ok with a Monarchy vs. one opposed to one.


Your first clause is grammatically incorrect, review your syntax please.


We may well have puppets here, but the GG has so little power that nobody would bother with him. He doesn't even make political pronouncements, he isn't appointed by the Queen (also true in Aus) and he's basically there to be an apolitical head of state. He doesn't even work as a sop puppet, he just isn't important enough. It may be difficult for someone from a country with an executive head of state to understand, but ours has basically no power at all.


And there are no implications in a populace being happy with a constitutional monarchy. Republics gave us George W Bush/ Barack Obama, Bob Mugabe, and of course, Adolf Hitler. Drawing conclusions on a populace via a single narrow criterion is not very sensible. While I'm unhappy about the direction we're moving I'd still put our record of overall freedom up against anyone's except perhaps the scandics*, who are all constitutional monarchies too; and the reasons I'm unhappy are down to politicians, not ER or Sir Jerry.


*Plus Finland, not technically a scandic and not a CM.

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Ten little British Boys went out to dine;
One choked his little self and then there were nine. 

Nine little British Boys sat up very late;
One overslept himself and then there were eight.

Eight little British Boys travelling in Devon;
One said he'd stay there and then there were seven.

Seven little British Boys chopping up sticks;
One chopped himself in halves and then there were six.

Six little British Boys playing with a hive;
A bumblebee stung one and then there were five.

Five little British Boys going in for law;
One got in Chancery and then there were four.

Four little British Boys going out to sea;
A red herring swallowed one and then there were three.

Three little British Boys walking in the zoo;
A big bear hugged one and then there were two.

Two little British Boys sitting in the sun;
One got frizzled up and then there was one.

One little British Boy left all alone;
He went out and hanged himself and then there were none.



Scot Young jump into window.



Johnny Elichaoff jump from the roof



Boris Berezovsky perform suicide



Robert Curtis died after falling under a Tube train



Paul Castle died after falling under a Tube train



Stephen Curtis died killed in helicopter crash



Lord Dave West stabbed to death.



All these persons has been members (official or non-official) of Minatep group ( CIA, British elites and mafia mix behind Yukos puppet )  . 





Reptiloids play - reptiloids die. 



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Pfft. This is the work of reptiloids.

Oh wow...


And people thought the CIA was bad :lol:


"The death of MI6 spy Gareth Williams, whose body was found in a padlocked sports bag, was probably an accident, police have said."


"Last year, a coroner said it was likely Mr Williams, 31, from Anglesey, had been unlawfully killed in August 2010. But the Metropolitan Police said an evidence review had found "it was more probable" no other person was present when he died in his London flat."


Sure, nothing to see here, move on! :-

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Haha you get crazier by the day


Or he would be, if he weren't simply posting a bunch of links and images, because he's not just an alt, he's a pathetically inept alt. He can't post more because every time he does the grammar and syntax is inconsistent.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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