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New build coming soon?


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I made our Attribute system into a mod (if you haven't seen it) and tested it out. Unfortunately since the attribute system now follows a 10 is 0, and the bonuses are miniscule, it's really difficult to say "yeah attributes are better now" because aside from making sure that nothing important is nerfed below 10 and that your tanks have CON (or +Deflection, if Fighter/Paladin) then there's not much difference between the numbers.


I also tried it with the v278 positive only system, however that threw off a bit of the game balance, enemies such as spiders, menpwgra and rain blights dealt *ridiculous* damage.

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What about now? What about now? What about now? What about now? What about now? What about now? What about now? What about now? What about now? What about now? 


What about now? What about now? What about now? What about now? What about now? What about now? What about now? What about now? What about now? What about now? 
Gee, you sure are patient, I've run out of things to say.

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v278 was released on a Thursday PST, v301 was released on a Wednesday PST. Since we haven't heard anything about it yet, I would expect either Thursday or Friday ... or possibly next week ;)


Eh, I might be misremembering things here, but didn't the last patch more or less surface without announcement?

Oh wait no, didn't one of the devs appear last time to say it was going to be "today or tomorrow" after some complaining in another thread?

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It's been nearly a month since the last patch, without any word given thus far as far as I'm aware. OE must really be deep in their WL2 cups right now!

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"Now to find a home for my other staff."
My Project Eternity Interview with Adam Brennecke

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Yeah, Adam Brennecke. If anyone has twitter: https://twitter.com/adam_brennecke/ he's usually pretty quick in answering about build dates.


Mac build is coming out this time too IIRC.

That's probably the real reason for the delay.  I know I am a heathen scum but I doubt WL2 has anything to do with anything, and frankly, I found it to be mostly disappointing.  It just starts super slow, has clunky controls, isn't particularly hard, and has many of the same problems as old RPG's like dead end skill lines that serve little to no purpose. 


Grimrock 2 I am enjoying though.

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The lack of communication about this is kinda annoying though. I am fully aware of the intricacies behind software design, but the silence is kinda deafening. It's not that I'm worried about the project particularly, but I think they should do a better job of keeping us updated on when to expect the updates because... well, the beta-acess and communication was a part of the kickstarter after all. It's gotten longer between the builds, rather than the other way around, and definitely longer than what they've said.

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Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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Oh snap! :)


*still waiting on his physical copy to actually sit down and play WL2, instead of just watching his roommate play it.*

People will hate me for saying this but you aren't missing much.  It is just a super old school game with all the super old school game problems just a somewhat fresh coat of paint disguising it.  I wont say it sucks, but it isn't great either.  The fact that it's start is about as boring and uninteresting as any I have ever seen in an RPG doesn't help.

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Meh. I don't much mind. I have a very high good/bad threshold, it seems. Nowadays, if something gets less than 7 out of 10, it's starts being considered bad, while I'll still call it good down to a 5.0.


I'm just weird, though. I think a PB&J is good, while many would consider that very low-tier food, with an optimal meal being something much "better" than that, and that being something you settle for.


Don't get me wrong... good doesn't mean something can't be disappointing in some ways. But... well, it's kind of like finding a dollar, versus finding 100 dollars. Finding a dollar isn't bad, it's just less-good than finding 100. 8P


Anywho, I'm sure I'll enjoy the game, when I finally get to play it. I'll probably have plenty more criticism for it, once I've played through the whole thing, but I'll enjoy it nonetheless. :)

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Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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I don't know. OE hasn't been overly communicative either way. That said, I'm guessing it's more likely next week. When in doubt, that's probably the more likely conclusion with the PoE demo.

"Now to find a home for my other staff."
My Project Eternity Interview with Adam Brennecke

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Both other times we've had a message from the devs "patch will be out tomorrow" or something. We didn't get one of those messages yesterday. I also think the last time they said "We're hoping to release this week", the patch came out about a week later :p


So we'll see what happens.

Edited by Sensuki
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Let's hope the next build will be the greatest update ever. So good that 1 tester actually has a heart attack from joy! Don't worry though, the attack will actually be a wake up call for the overweight gamer. After said joy heart attack the player will start eating right and living healthy; vastly improving his/her quality of life.

Edited by Namutree

"Good thing I don't heal my characters or they'd be really hurt." Is not something I should ever be thinking.


I use blue text when I'm being sarcastic.

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Let's hope the next build will be the greatest update ever. So good that 1 tester actually has a heart attack from joy! Don't worry though, the attack will actually be a wake up call for the overweight gamer. After said joy heart attack the player will start eating right and living healthy; vastly improving his/her quality of life.

This particular heart attack will only deal Stamina damage. Not to fret. :)

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Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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