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I don't see the appeal of 7, it makes character development pointless as you can max almost every skill and you waste a lot of time positioning, inventory managing, etc. everybody - then the combat I assume becomes super easy. 

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Well, I'm sure combat is balanced for 7. And, maxing' every skill near end game shouldn't be that big of a deal since the game is near over so no worries.  One of the big issues with only four though is how quick to get weighed down. :p

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I think I've run into a bug.

In Hollywood after helping Veronica and McDade take over, I killed Heidi for Veronica (and all the salt thugs), then I was told to help McDade.  I went to see him, he told me a coup was staged, so I took the secret passage, killed Jones, my quest log says Jones is Dead, but when I speak to McDade he tells me about the secret passage again, like I'm not done.  I killed all the aggroed enemies in and around the Bastion and up the path to the radio and still nothing happens.  From what I've read, both McDade and Veronica are supposed to be in the Bastion to sign the treaty.  McDade is there (though I can't interact with him) as well as in Hollywood (at the same time, he can teleport or something), but Veronica isn't there. neither is she back in Hollywood, she's just gone.  Oh well, from what I read, the reward is mostly zeolite, and I have plenty of that as it is.  I'll just ignore the bug and move on back to Santa Fe to get my ultimo rad suits.



Edit:  And the bug unbugged itself

I went ahead and confronted Duke Schwag, then killed him when talking about salvery.  Even though the vote had already passed and Heidi had been voted out, so this seemed unnecessary, I guess it needed to be done for the treaty to be signed, because reasons?  I dunno.  Whatever, it's done now and the treaty has been signed.


Edited by Keyrock

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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I've noticed during my play through with trying to get Pizepi Joren asap that the game is easier with her with going back and finishing off quests.




Firstly you need a party charisma of 24! Fortunately, I just had that with all the spiked collars that I picked up and Higgins puppies +1 Cha ability. There's another way to boost your Cha and that is with the Honeydew Melons from the Ag Centre (guy that helps you kill the rabbits), but you need to get a quest item from another map in the wasteland to finish that quest to get the Honeydew melons from him and probably won't have the melons if you go for Pizepi straight away which I didn't.


Because Pizepi has an incredibly high perception (6), she's finding all these hidden stashes, safes, etc all over the place. Also, I was level 11 when I got Pizepi and she was level 16. A couple of levels below Angela. She's awesome. Energy Weapons (7) and I gave her a pulse rifle that I was saving for her as she only had a Laser Carbine. But she's only effective at short range for now. She has Smart Ass (6) which can help with the Rail Nomads Topeka/Atchison quest with a 'peaceful' resolution. She was also wearing a Tactical Vest Armor 4.


Overall, her stats aren't that bad. Better than a lot of NPCs I've seen. C 6, L 3, A 4, S 5, S 5, I 5, C 1


I forgot to put one of the spiked collars on one of my characters and she originally didn't appear as my party charisma was 23. I checked my characters and realised my mistake. Reloaded, put the spiked collar on that character to get it up to 24 and she appeared when I came out of the lab in Darwin Village.






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I'm going through the Seal Beach Underground now.  So far it's been super easy.  I guess that's mostly due to my Rangers being walking tanks (10 armor, 3 x 9 armor, 3 x 7 armor) and being armed to the teeth (2 x anti-material rifle, minigun, G41, Jackhammer, M1911, Plasma Hammer,etc.).  I had my first character reach lev 40, my medic/demolitions expert.  I guess Lieutenant is as high a rank as you can get since I've been Lieutenant for 10 levels now.  I have 5 RPGs I've been saving for a special occasion, so if I run into something especially nasty, I'm going to unleash all manner of hell on it.


🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Well, I wound up using 3 RPGs in Seal Beach Underground/New Citadel.  I probably didn't need to, but I couldn't help myself.  I still have 2 left, anyhow.  

I used 1 in the battle just after the first appearance of Dugan.  4 workerbots were all huddled together and I couldn't resist blowing them all up in 1 shot.  I could have easily gone through that battle not using a RPG, but it was too much fun to blow up 4 bots at once to resist.  I used up 2 in the fight against Dugan.  I used 1 right off the bat, seriously hurting Dugan and killing every bot around him.  I used another later, hitting both the Scorpitron and the Meson Cannon in one blast.  Good times.


🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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What NPC's do you have in your party Keyrock? I'm finding Pizepi with the Meson Cannon is ripping through everything. Rose is pretty good with hand guns and already has 2 points in handguns when you pick her up. You just need to give her a handgun and swap out her normal gun Rose' Thorn (which is like a shotgun). In the end I gave Rose the assault rifles skill due to the high amount of skill points she receives on level up. I still have about 40 skill points to allocate with Rose. I'll be picking up Brother Thomas when I get to L.A. which will round out my party.

Edited by Hiro Protagonist II
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What NPC's do you have in your party Keyrock? I'm finding Pizepi with the Meson Cannon is ripping through everything. Rose is pretty good with hand guns and already has 2 points in handguns when you pick her up. You just need to give her a handgun and swap out her normal gun Rose' Thorn (which is like a shotgun). In the end I gave Rose the assault rifles skill due to the high amount of skill points she receives on level up. I still have about 40 skill points to allocate with Rose. I'll be picking up Brother Thomas when I get to L.A. which will round out my party.

Rose, Lexicanum, and Corran Cain.  I don't have anyone with energy weapon skills, which would certainly be useful in late game, but I still have no problem ripping through heavily armored enemies with the group I got.  Rose still uses pistols, Lexicanum now uses an assault rifle, and I made Corran into my second sniper.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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I tend to have Rose start training in energy weapons fairly early, since it fits her background. She can be quite deadly in the late game.

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You can train Rose to be whatever you want her to be because she gets so many skill points and you pick her up early.  I never bothered having her learn another weapon and just made her my non-combat skill jack of all some trades.  I don't really miss the extra firepower I could have gained from having her learn energy weapons or assault rifles or whatever.  My party is quite frankly overpowered as it is.  I'm cutting through CotC's defenses like butter.  I pretty much laugh at Scorpitrons.  Meson Cannons don't even get a shot off on me because I destroy them before they have a chance to charge all the way.  Probably on Supreme Jerk I'd miss the extra fire power, but on Ranger my party is overpowered as it is.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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I had a pretty easy time on Ranger as well. And frankly, so far I'm having a pretty easy time on Supreme Jerk. If you want to be challenged, you sort of need to build your party poorly it seems.


ION - 1K posts - I'm gonna go eat a cookie!

"Now to find a home for my other staff."
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It's what I'm finding too, although I did build my party around the NPCs that I'd pick up so I knew I was going to have a powergaming party. But what surprised me is when I picked up Pizepi I didn't know she was going to be level 16 when I was still level 11. And giving her the Meson Cannon from Ranger Citadel put her on the same level as Angela with firepower and similar hit points, although she can only shoot once a turn with it which isn't too OP. It seems she's more for the end part of AZ to pick up as a party member. But when you have two OP characters, it's now quite easy. I'm going to give her a less powerful weapon that she can shoot twice a turn but still be okay in combat. I'll keep the Meson Cannon as her secondary weapon if I need it.


The disadvantage with Pizepi in the beginning is she can go rogue and lose control more than Rose and it's hilarious when she runs in and blasts someone with the cannon, especially when it crits. Instant death. I've pumped up Leadership on my high CHA character (Rick) so it's very rare now. And Rose never goes rogue anymore. Most battles now I don't have my Higgins character engage in combat which is one of the reasons why he still has the two dogs. He's the medic who stays behind and then comes in and heals everyone. He now has the +1 INT Rat with him. Love the NIMH reference.

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Gonna be fun to play with the npcs in future playthroughs plus try some of the weapons I didn't use - assault rifles, shotguns, and the like.


This game is still awesome and it's friggin' long. 


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Getting close to being done with my second play thru. This time I don't believe I missed any quests or other things like I did on my first game.

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You are likely to miss some quests and things because of the infamous C&C. Choose A over B and you'll miss out on C, D, and E.I'm sure even following an accurate walkthrough you won't see everything in one playthrough.

Edited by Volourn


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I just finished the game.  I took me just under 100 hours.




Fantastic game, one of the very best I've played this year.  I'll definitely play it again, but not right now.  After nearly 100 hours, I think it's time to play something else for a bit.


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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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I'm already well over 100 hours and nearing the end of Arizona. :p


Also, I'm glad I picked up Pizepi. She's a great replacement for Angela. She has more hit points and says some interesting stuff. Also, after distributing an attribute point and getting an extra AP (now 10), she can fire the pulse rifle (4 AP) and meson cannon (6 AP) in one turn. :lol:

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Also, I'm glad I picked up Pizepi. She's a great replacement for Angela.

I don't know... 10 AP is good but her Cha requirement is through the roof. And while Energy Weapons look cool on paper they perform worse than AR even against armored targets.


It's much easier to get Ralphy very early and mold him into whatever you want. He has less AP and worse stats but he's no Cha locked so you don't need to gimp your core team in order to get him.

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I didn't gimp my core team to get Pizepi. In fact my core team Is so OP that I leave one of them out of combat all the time and have been doing that very early in the game. So I only have 3 in my core team that fights. It's quite easy to get her if you know how to boost your Charisma. I just went straight for her at a lowish level and found she's like another 'Angela' when you do get her early. She has similar hit points as Angela despite being two levels lower than Angela when I got her. 


When you're doing 70+ min damage on a honeybadger with the Meson Cannon, I think it's pretty good. I usually see between 70-85 damage on the honeybadgers. And the Meson Cannon at Ranger Citadel costs $1 to buy from Mercaptain with a requisition. You can get the cannon anytime during the Rail Nomads quest line. You just need to finish a very easy quest at Rail Nomads and then you can go back to Ranger Citadel and pick up the cannon - even before you get Pizepi. 


I have no idea of the late game so I'll have to wait and see, but with Arizona she rocks. She's becoming my favourite NPC. And I'm saving my skill points (she has 18 atm and on level 20) and has enough to put 6 in AR if I choose. I'm finishing off Canyon of Titan atm so I know there'll be more skill points for her later. I think she's great. Maybe it might be a different story if you get her late and if you took skills she had, then yeah I can see how she would suck. But if you get her early and know what skills she has like I did, then she's another Angela.

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Damn, I got hit on the outer edge of a mad monk with his nuke and it blew the clothes off three of my characters. lol  :lol:


Awesome animation when it went off. Loved the mushroom cloud and everything else but now I'm off to get some clothes for them. Looks funny with them walking around in their board shorts and nothing else.














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Damn, I got hit on the outer edge of a mad monk with his nuke and it blew the clothes off three of my characters. lol  :lol:


That happened to me too, but there happens to be a salesman in that area that sells 3 complete outfits bearing a striking resemblance to ones worn by a certain Steve Martin, Chevy Chase, and Martin Short.  :yes:

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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I can not emphasize enough with putting points in the 3 ass skills. I just came up to Sadler from the Diamondback Militia and the exchange between him and my party was hilarious. And this is where an item from a toaster comes into it.


Video exchange between him and my party. Two options: Smart Ass (4) and Kiss Ass (5) is more rewarding. There is another option with Hard Ass (7) and Kiss Ass (7) and the reward is pretty crap which is surprising considering it's harder to get with those dialogue options.




Smart Ass (4) and Kiss Ass (5). The Preparation G Hemorhoid Cream you find in the toaster at the Prison is where this comes into play. More XP rewards but the main one is the Charged Round Sniper Rifle. :thumbsup:





Hard Ass (7) and Kiss Ass (7). Other option with receiving reward from locker with harder dialogue options. Reward is armour and ammunition. wat?  :down:






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