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Is anyone else getting severely pissed off by the new Party AI ?


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v301 has added in some kind of party AI (which I think might be a mistake), where party members just automatically override your commands - particularly commands to cast spells, and just run and auto-attack the target that the AI determines they should attack.


This is a nightmare in melee combat because if you issue a command, the party member will start to obey it and they cancel it and run back and attack someone else. There's also a bug with disengagement attacks as well where enemies can make disengagement attacks on you when they are moving and you are standing still as well as the other way around. 

So a character who moves around in melee combat (worst offender is the spider groups) will suffer disengagement attacks from multiple enemies when the AI cancels the spell you asked them to cast and they run and attack the enemy the AI determines they should, and even when you cancel their action and cast the spell again, they cancel your spell cast and attack someone else. THIS IS WORSE THAN NEVERWINTER NIGHTS 2 AoO's !!!!!1


I'm trying to make videos and this KEEPS STUFFING THEM UP




There should not be any Party AI, there should only be certain auto attack clauses for after party members finish an action that you commanded them to do, which are of course, always overridable.

If there is Party AI at all it should be to automatically attack when attacked or at the start of combat (or whatever it was in the BG games).

Edited by Sensuki
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Are you sure this is AI and not a bug?  I've  had this problem with spells/range to melee attack commands...basically, I pick a spell, or an abilitiy with my rogue like Crippling Strike, click on target and the party member in question goes running into the fray to engage in melee.  I thought is was a bug of some sort, if it's AI; what a pointless addition.

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Once again, instead of the info-deprived pip circle (moving, attacking), we could have had real info about it, coz I agree with curryinahurry, I have often issued commands for ranged attacks and spells and then I can tell in that chaos called battle (and by looking at per encounter numbers on abilities not changing) that those party members never performed that action. If we had a specific icon showing that the action has been taken and that it's now being performed, it would help a lot. I hate discovering that it didn't when it's too late. I know we have the combat log, but it's moving so fast and is full of info tidbits. I don't like to pause as much when I play, so I want better and smarter feedback in combat.

*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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Yes, it pisses me off to.


It brings me back to NWN2 where Jerro would rush into melee instead of using his invocations.

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The worst problem I had in NwN2 was companions randomly running to the controlled character, still no idea why that happens. Stick with the basic AI for party please Obsidian, NwN2 was a nightmare because of the horrendous AI.

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A good AI would be awesome! Sadly, most games have terrible AI. Therefore - if its not good, cut it. Unless they are absolutely sure theyve managed to make a good reliable AI, it shouldnt be there. Also, either way it has to be something we can turn on/off. Nothing worse than having your commands ignored because of the AI.


Yea, hopefully thats just a bug and theyll fix it soon.

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Are you sure this is AI and not a bug?

Sounds to me like it's AI and a bug. Like the AI isn't yielding to manual command traffic.

Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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