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Is Obsidian trying to rush this game?


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MY MY LORD - i come back after a few days to find my thead got HOT lol i though this thread was really lacking in a lot and amzed how big it got- and i diddet ever have proof of what i said i waset even expeting 100 views on this thread being so lacking in proof and logic i wonder if it was my topic that made obsidein delay the game OO i mean i hope they did just becase they wanted to make the game as best as they could but wow this is weird and aqword. but thanks guys for your reaplys anyways ^_^

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 i wonder if it was my topic that made obsidein delay the game

It wasn't. What did was most likely the thousands of threads with actual criticisms of the game mechanics and bugs. And even then, delaying is up to Obsidian and them alone.  If you want to be helpful, you should really be testing the beta instead of complaining about how you believe hings unfounded in fact.


EDIT: Hiro, what facts? He even stated that he was basing his accusations on his own beliefs.

Edited by Bryy
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It wasn't. What did was most likely the thousands of threads with actual criticisms of the game mechanics and bugs. And even then, delaying is up to Obsidian and them alone.  If you want to be helpful, you should really be testing the beta instead of complaining about how you believe hings unfounded in fact.


EDIT: Hiro, what facts? He even stated that he was basing his accusations on his own beliefs.


ctn2003 has been helpful. Just look at his posting history. And quite a few people on this forum have said the OP isn't a troll, despite you thinking he is. The one's who haven't been helpful are the ones like you Bryy who jump into threads and attack the OP. I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt but you want to jump on the troll bus like the other trolls. Maybe you can be helpful too?


Oh too late. You just trolled the appreciation thread that ctn2003 created. Looks like you can't help yourself. And please Bryy. I already stated the facts. Stop doing a Lephys and weaselling around this.

Edited by Hiro Protagonist II
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Bryy you might not realise it, but you and Lephys come across like knee-jerk Obsidian Praetorians, hurling yourself like over-eager bodyguards in front of any perceived sleight.


I know you aren't a shill and you genuinely agree with a lot of what Obz does, but remember that doesn't mean the more critical members of the forum aren't similarly authentic.

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It wasn't. What did was most likely the thousands of threads with actual criticisms of the game mechanics and bugs. And even then, delaying is up to Obsidian and them alone.  If you want to be helpful, you should really be testing the beta instead of complaining about how you believe hings unfounded in fact.


EDIT: Hiro, what facts? He even stated that he was basing his accusations on his own beliefs.


ctn2003 has been helpful. Just look at his posting history. And quite a few people on this forum have said the OP isn't a troll, despite you thinking he is. The one's who haven't been helpful are the ones like you Bryy who jump into threads and attack the OP. I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt but you want to jump on the troll bus like the other trolls. Maybe you can be helpful too?


Oh too late. You just trolled the appreciation thread that ctn2003 created. Looks like you can't help yourself. And please Bryy. I already stated the facts. Stop doing a Lephys and weaselling around this.



You seriously have to be the most annoying person on this forum.

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You seriously have to be the most annoying person on this forum.


No that would have to be you. Another troll just trolling.


Not to discount his ad hominem, but you have a very, very general usage of the word 'troll'. It's very offensive when you disregard someone else's opinion by labeling them as someone just responding to start ****. You want a reason as to why I no longer wish to talk to you? It's not because I'm running away with my tail between my legs when confronted with what you think is the truth, it's because you're rude and incapable of not interpreting people's posts as anything less than sinister, grumpy misanthropes picking on "the little guy" from a keyboard.

Edited by Bryy
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Not to discount his ad hominem, but you have a very, very general usage of the word 'troll'. It's very offensive when you disregard someone else's opinion by labeling them as someone just responding to start ****. You want a reason as to why I no longer wish to talk to you? It's not because I'm running away with my tail between my legs when confronted with what you think is the truth, it's because you're rude and incapable of not interpreting people's posts as anything less than sinister, grumpy misanthropes picking on "the little guy" from a keyboard.



Oh Bryy, I hear the waaahbulance calling for you


Well he is trolling and a troll. He came into this thread to throw a personal attack and nothing else. And how am I interpreting your posts? When you throw a personal attack at the OP with his complaining just to complain? When you continue to think the OP is a troll? When you continue to justify attacking the OP and troll these forums? You still haven't come forward and said he isn't. All you've done is continue to attack him in this and the other thread. An appreciation thread he created for the developers and backers no less.


You even admit you can be snarky. Well you are snarky and you make snarky and snide comments in a lot of threads on this forum. You are rude, snarky, abrasive and sarcastic with your usual one line posts. So look at yourself in the mirror first before calling others rude.

Edited by Hiro Protagonist II
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Not to discount his ad hominem, but you have a very, very general usage of the word 'troll'. It's very offensive when you disregard someone else's opinion by labeling them as someone just responding to start ****. You want a reason as to why I no longer wish to talk to you? It's not because I'm running away with my tail between my legs when confronted with what you think is the truth, it's because you're rude and incapable of not interpreting people's posts as anything less than sinister, grumpy misanthropes picking on "the little guy" from a keyboard.



Oh Bryy, I hear the waaahbulance calling for you.

Yeah, I knew bothering with a reply wouldn't even be worth it.


Have a nice thread, guys.

Edited by Bryy
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27 out of your last 31 posts in Pillars of Eternity threads have been insulting other people Bryy. Would you say you are contributing something constructive to the beta? Because I certainly wouldn't.


The person you are arguing with has been posting good feedback as well.

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Bear in mind gentlemen that if I was a Developer trawling through the forums for important feedback and came across a thread that was 75% willy waving and pissing contests between trolls I would move on to another thread, thus, missing any potential feedback.

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Bear in mind gentlemen that if I was a Developer trawling through the forums for important feedback and came across a thread that was 75% willy waving and pissing contests between trolls I would move on to another thread, thus, missing any potential feedback.

Maybe that is the purpose of some of the posters here. If devs don't read any feedback they will change nothing :D

Maybe the mods should start being more ruthless and warning off topic discussions of any kind and any kind of personal attacks. 

Edited by archangel979
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This is the part where I say "I Told You So"


And the all the Obsidian fanboys nerd cry because they were squabbling and moaning about how devs had everything under control and making design decisions 2 months before release was perfectly fine.. Oh wait no we are pushing the game out to next year.


Wonder how they are funding this


Oh And...





Remember.. This Forum is 90% Pandering Fanboys..


Anything critical of Obsidian.. no matter how factual it may be.. or even if it's not factual but just your opinion.. You are called a retard, moron, **** poster and worse. The dogs have been released..


How dare someone be critical of PoE.. Especially if that person invested.. what.. 300? 500? dollars.. More then anyone else in this thread. Do you actually think he is **** posting? The game is a mess.. Entire systems are being changed 2 months before release..


We still don't actually know what the attributes will do before launch.. Beta means the game is done and they are testing for bugs.,


If you can't save your game or use core systems of the game.. It's Alpha.. that's all he's saying.

You sound like someone who doesn't really understand how game design works from a practical standpoint. For example, attributes in RPG's are not really core systems, they're essentially number modifiers, they can be tweaked or even completely altered just fine even close to release. In fact, that's the whole purpose of the beta: to get feedback on such things.





This guy looks really dumb now..

Edited by Immortalis
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From George Ziets @ http://new.spring.me/#!/user/GZiets/timeline/responses

Didn’t like the fact that I don’t get XP for combat. While this does put more emphasis on solving quests, the lack of rewards for killing creatures makes me want to avoid combat (the core activity of the game) as much as I can.

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I think your quote function might have a glitch. You seem to be repeating what I'm saying, but it's putting my name in place of yours.


No Lephys. You are not feeling okay. Trolls usually don't feel okay when they try and weasel their way out of this.




Back on-topic:


Explain to me how this...


:geek: It has become apparent that Obsidian seems to really want to rush this game out the door. little known fact, this game was  going to be released even earlier than December. But they wanted to keep it from releasing close to Dragon age 3. And the So called ""Beta"" IS acouly a alpha they just relised to make time for the December relise.

... isn't a claim that they seem to really want to rush the game out the door, followed immediately by the fact that they voluntarily delayed the game until December. AND how there's any evidence, whatsoever, presented regarding the beta being not-actually a beta, and only being released to make time for the December (already delayed so that he game wasn't released as early as possible) release. AND how the claim that the beta is actually a hastily-released alpha isn't dependent upon the notion that they're rushing the game, which, again, is somehow supported by the fact that that they had the option of releasing the game earlier, or later, and they chose later. (This is before they just recently chose even later, mind you).


That's an actual quote up there, btw. Not what I'm claiming he said. No discrepancy. His actual words.


If you can't explain that, this meeting is adjourned.



Obsidian want to rush this out the door with a Winter 2014 release if they kept to it? Yes, it would have been rushed.


Little known fact that the game was going to be released before December? Yes, as an Obsidian dev mentioned this last year when the game was already in development.


They wanted to keep it away from releasing it near DA:I? Yes, Feargus confirmed that in Matt Chat.


That's three from three.


Is this Beta an alpha? Not for me to say. But I'm not discussing that. I'm discussing the first three which you don't want to acknowledge is true. And now Bryy has come in with his usual one line troll posts. 


So I did explain that and you can't accept those facts.


Hiya, just to put my two cents in - I think it is more 2 from 3.  While the delay / DA:I concerns are facts, I don't believe that Obsidian wanted to rush the game.  Possibly giving them the benefit of the doubt, but  I think that prior to the Beta feedback, they thought the game would be in a good state for release at the end of this year, without it being rushed out the door, but the Beta feedback has now suggested that it needs more work, so they are delaying it, the opposite of rushing.

If they did want to rush it, then they wouldn't have delayed.

So while it would have been rushed in the end if released in December, that doesn't mean that Obsidian wanted to rush it, which is what the statement was.

I don't think the OP was trolling, was just raising a legitimate concern, however possibly he could have just stated something like if this game is released this year, it will be rushed, without stating that it is Obsidian's intention to rush it.

Cheers :)

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Stop doing a Lephys and weaselling around this.

I've become a maneuver! Checking that off my bucket list, *check*


I don't even know what we're supposed to be weaseling out of, haha. But, now I just imagine it's a very wiggly dance move.


Everybody... DO THE LEPHYS! *wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle, ENTER A HOLLOW LOG* ^_^


Well he is trolling and a troll.

Whoa whoa whoa! He's trolling AND he's a troll?!


*removes shades* O_O Is he... trollishly trolling while he's a troll?

Edited by Lephys

Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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Calling for a thread close now. I think points have been made and the utility has ended. 

"The essence of balance is detachment. To embrace a cause, to grow fond or spiteful, is to lose one's balance, after which, no action can be trusted. Our burden is not for the dependent of spirit."

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I've become a maneuver! Checking that off my bucket list, *check*


I don't even know what we're supposed to be weaseling out of, haha. But, now I just imagine it's a very wiggly dance move.


Everybody... DO THE LEPHYS! *wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle, ENTER A HOLLOW LOG* ^_^ 


Yep, you've become a manoeuvre with your slimy weaselling debating style. The continual avoiding of what I pointed out. You ask for proof for things like the DA:I release, I give you Matt Chat. You then discount that proof because you admit you haven't watched it. All you are is a lying weaselling troll.



Whoa whoa whoa! He's trolling AND he's a troll?!

*removes shades* O_O Is he... trollishly trolling while he's a troll?


You should know. Your first post in this thread was a troll post.

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This is the part where I say "I Told You So"


And the all the Obsidian fanboys nerd cry because they were squabbling and moaning about how devs had everything under control and making design decisions 2 months before release was perfectly fine.. Oh wait no we are pushing the game out to next year.


You also had this post from Infinitron a year ago.




Obsidian have 18 months to create a cRRPG with two cities and a 15-level megadungeon, and in this thread you have people worrying about the systems and mechanics, as opposed to the content. :lol:


It's not Josh Sawyer and his ruleset you should be worried about. You should be worried about getting a final product that's buggy and/or incomplete.


There was good reason to worry about the systems, mechanics and ruleset back then. And the beta confirms this.


Edited by Hiro Protagonist II
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The continual avoiding of what I pointed out. You ask for proof for things like the DA:I release, I give you Matt Chat. You then discount that proof because you admit you haven't watched it. All you are is a lying weaselling troll.

The only avoidance occurring here is from your facts avoiding all relevance. I never asked for proof of the DA:I release. Your use of "things like" emphasizes the fact that you just assumed I was loosely asking for proof of whatever specific thing you deemed appropriate. Stop slandering people by falsely accusing them of being lying weaselly trolls.


All I ever said was:


1) There's no proof that DA:I-release concern was the reason to ever move the release date for PoE. I can't prove it wasn't, but neither can you OR the OP prove it was. My point, if you can't fathom it, being that "PoE got pushed back because DA:I" isn't a definite, accurate truth. At the very least, there's more to it than that.


2) The very fact that they pushed the release date back for any reason at all, really, goes against the idea that their goal is to rush the game to release. Your crazed obsession with the when and where of some particular announcement of the initial push back from summer 2014 to winter 2014 has nothing to do with the fact that nothing forced the company to not simply release the game in June. Thus, for whatever reason, spending more time on the game was obviously a higher priority to them than the game releasing earlier.


3) "The beta is actually an alpha" is completely baseless, and is sheer opinion.


Those are the three things the thread author claimed in his first post. I commented on them.


I don't understand why you can't process that, and why you feel the need to make up stuff like "Lephys totally called the OP a troll!", or "you're denying these OTHER facts that I'm deciding you're arguing but really aren't what you said at all."


People toss the term "strawman" around all the time, often incorrectly, but you're currently employing a field of scarecrows. I'm not paying attention to another word you say in this thread until you actually produce proof of any of these preposterous impostor arguments. Quote me on calling the OP a troll, arguing that the release date was never summer, ever making a point that required the Matt Chat for support, or denying that Obsidian was concerned about releasing PoE too close to DA:I.


Good day, sir. *hat tip*

Edited by Lephys

Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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The only avoidance occurring here is from your facts avoiding all relevance. All I ever said was:


1) There's no proof that DA:I-release concern was the reason to ever move the release date for PoE. I can't prove it wasn't, but neither can you OR the OP prove it was. My point, if you can't fathom it, being that "PoE got pushed back because DA:I" isn't a definite, accurate truth. At the very least, there's more to it than that.


2) The very fact that they pushed the release date back for any reason at all, really, goes against the idea that their goal is to rush the game to release. Your crazed obsession with the when and where of some particular announcement of the initial push back from summer 2014 to winter 2014 has nothing to do with the fact that nothing forced the company to not simply release the game in June. Thus, for whatever reason, spending more time on the game was obviously a higher priority to them than the game releasing earlier.


3) "The beta is actually an alpha" is completely baseless, and is sheer opinion.


Those are the three things the thread author claimed in his first post. I commented on them.


I don't understand why you can't process that, and why you feel the need to make up stuff like "Lephys totally called the OP a troll!", or "you're denying these OTHER facts that I'm deciding you're arguing but really aren't what you said at all."


People toss the term "strawman" around all the time, often incorrectly, but you're currently employing a field of scarecrows. I'm not paying attention to another word you say in this thread until you actually produce proof of any of these preposterous impostor arguments. Quote me on calling the OP a troll, arguing that the release date was never summer, ever making a point that required the Matt Chat for support, or denying that Obsidian was concerned about releasing PoE too close to DA:I.


Good day, sir. *hat tip*



You are avoiding the facts Lephys and weaselling your way around this.


1) I never said DA:I was the reason to move the release date for PoE. However, in the Matt Chat, Feargus was looking at the release date of DA:I and didn't want it released at the same time. You're avoiding this fact because a) you haven't watched the Matt Chat and b) for some unknown reason you don't want to watch the Matt Chat to confirm what I am saying is true.


2) And if they went ahead with the planned release of PoE in Winter 2014, then it would have been rushed. The question of Obsidian trying to rush this game (for a Winter 2014 release)? is not only valid but also true given this game has now been delayed. And we didn't know about the delay until after this thread was created. So yes, given the information at the time when this thread was created, it would have been rushed if it was kept at the planned schedule. It would have been a buggy, rushed, unpolished game for Winter 2014. And what are you talking about with a June release? Where the HELL did you get that from???? I never said anything about a June release. That was all made up by you! Can't believe the crazy made up stuff that you come up with.


3) I haven't got to the alpha/beta part yet. And I'm not arguing about that at the moment.


So what happened with the release before December? Are you now accepting that as FACT? You've taken that off the three I was debating with you and now replaced it with the Alpha claim? LMAO. I commented and have been debating on 3 things and now you ignore one of those things and replace it with something else. Such a weaselling slimy move by you.


I don't understand why you can't comprehend those 3 simple things I've been commenting on. And you do make stuff up. You're one of the biggest strawman on this forum. You make stuff up, assign it to people you're debati8ng against and then debate against that made up stuff. That's the only way you can win debates in your own mind. While the person you are debating is thinking, WTF is this guy on? And when I do give you proof, you dismiss it. Like the Matt Chat. Stop being a troll and just accept the facts. I know it's hard for you to do but it's okay Lephys. I know you have it in you.

Edited by Hiro Protagonist II
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You aren't making any sense, and I think this thread's had more than enough of my attempts to make sense of you.


Feel free to PM me if you have any actual interest in the both of us ever being on the same page with anything.


Peace out. :)

Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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You aren't making any sense, and I think this thread's had more than enough of my attempts to make sense of you.


Feel free to PM me if you have any actual interest in the both of us ever being on the same page with anything.


Peace out. :)


Back for more I see. And you never made sense from your first troll post. And it's really easy to make sense of my posts when I give you facts, something you disregard.


And why would I PM a troll who won't listen to reason and accept facts or proof? No thanks.


Also, this is the third time you've indicated you're either leaving the thread or addressing me? Yep, I'm sure you'll be back. You can't help yourself.

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