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Hacked Nude Photos: Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton, Yvonne Strahovski, etc.


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"Seriously though. A guy from the country that has Guantanamo concentration camp and secret prisons all over the world is going to educate a free European on the legal system? LOL. A guy from a country that conducts warrantless surveillance against their own citizens? DOUBLE LOL."


Eh? You want to pull the 'Europeans are awesomer'? Sorry, but any continent that has Hitler as their most famous risident should not pretend to be the moral police or superior to anyone.


Talking about secret and concentration camps. LMAO


Yeah, I went straight to Hitler.


I WIN. :)

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"Seriously though. A guy from the country that has Guantanamo concentration camp and secret prisons all over the world is going to educate a free European on the legal system? LOL. A guy from a country that conducts warrantless surveillance against their own citizens? DOUBLE LOL."


Eh? You want to pull the 'Europeans are awesomer'? Sorry, but any continent that has Hitler as their most famous risident should not pretend to be the moral police or superior to anyone.


Talking about secret and concentration camps. LMAO


Yeah, I went straight to Hitler.


I WIN. :)

Why stop at continent let's just damn the whole galaxy and stop everyone from pretending to be the moral authority. Also, everybody poops.

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I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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ehi english is not my first launguage,idiot,so have some respect,i'm trying my best and you even mock me? **** you


So? What language is your first language that doesn't use punctuation, proper spacing, capitalization, etc. These things are generally not language specific. I can appreciate some syntax, definition, or 'lost in translation' errors in anyone posting in a second language, but basic paragraph formation errors on the scale you subject us to I have no patience for. **** me? Grow up.


Stop making piss poor excuses that really have no relevance to your failure and type/write legibly if you want people to read your posts or to not have Weird Al's video follow your illegible drivel. Learn from it. Dance.



His posts are fine and I have no problem understanding what he is saying. I have to be honest but one of the things that really annoys is the arrogance and hubris of people who think it is relevant to correct the spelling and grammar of people on a gaming forum. If you don't want to read someone's post then don't, but if you can understand what they are saying there is no need to lecture someone on the correct usage of English. Especially when English isn't  someone's first language.

Edited by BruceVC
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"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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I was watching a discussion now on Sky News about this debacle. The debate was between two ladies and two men. Anyway the ladies were saying the leaking of the photos and videos is tantamount to sexual abuse. One of men was disagreeing as he said "we must be careful to not throw around words that are an embellishment of a situation". The ladies said there is " no doubt there is a sexual element to this"



Anyway I tend to agree with the ladies, it may not be the accepted definition of sexual abuse but its a grotesque violation of the targeted women's privacy and there is no doubt it is very hurtful and embarrassing. So for me its a type of virtual abuse and ridicule, its not far off from real abuse because the only thing missing is the physical act of abuse

So... does this mean the very act of me simply seeing a naked woman without her explicit consent (say her top pops off at a pool) I am immediately a sex offender who molested her?

Yes, you filthy Sub-Human. Repent for the sin of being male.



In the minds of folks such as Bruce, other modern feminists, and the manginas who apologize for them, yes.


Really, equating the theft and proliferation of nude photos to sexual abuse or rape is abhorrently despicable. and either a warped mind incapable of true differentiation is required or a sinister mind with an evil agenda. Saying that doing so belittles those who actually have suffered abuse or rape is a polite understatement.


One of the major problems in western society is that as a culture we've come to tolerate this destructive nonsense, even though in many places the majority still fortunately does not (so there's hope of a return to sanity).



Okay maybe the words sexual abuse are an exaggeration. But its definitely a form of abuse, at least abuse of the privacy of these women. If a person takes confidential photos of themselves during sex and these pictures are circulated its both hurtful and embarrassing. There are  loads of porn sites and strip clubs a person can use for this type of sexual gratification


I see my usage of the words "sexual abuse " really strike a nerve for some people. I hope you some of you do feel a sense of guilt because salivating over these private photos and then helping to distribute them is wrong on many levels as I have explained.

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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"Seriously though. A guy from the country that has Guantanamo concentration camp and secret prisons all over the world is going to educate a free European on the legal system? LOL. A guy from a country that conducts warrantless surveillance against their own citizens? DOUBLE LOL."


Eh? You want to pull the 'Europeans are awesomer'? Sorry, but any continent that has Hitler as their most famous risident should not pretend to be the moral police or superior to anyone.


Talking about secret and concentration camps. LMAO


Yeah, I went straight to Hitler.


I WIN. :)


Well, if you're intent to dwell on the past, the Anglo-Saxons are the bloodiest of all nations hands down. The Brits invented concentration camps to solve the Boers (white people) "problem". The Americans massacred the native American population to a basically zero population, an unprecedented genocide. Where are Sioux scientists, where are Apache athletes?

Sure, Europeans had colonies and exploitation, but they're like kids compared to the Anglo-Saxons in the sheer brutality and bloodshed the Anglo-Saxons released onto the world. Smallpox blankets, opium wars, triangular trade. Anglo-Saxons are not only bloodthirsty, but also deceitful. At some point, the external debt of the Brits was 5 times the GDP of all continental Europe combined. So what did they do? As always, they deceived. They just sold the debt to a company whose stock they artificially inflated to gazillions of pounds (South Sea Company) and then bankrupted it. Problem solved, don't have to repay any debt to the Continentals.


Oh, and as long as we're there with Hitler, the Bank of England helped the Nazis sell stolen gold. And tons of American companies kept trading with Hitler till 1943, others even had factories in Germany and utilized forced labor. The only reason Americans even decided to open the second front was because they saw the Horde was winning. Had it been the other way around, they would've sided with Hitler. It would've made sense too, since German community was the biggest and loudest in the US at the time and the ideas of racial equality were irritating and ridiculous to the white Americans anyway. (probably the reason they hated the Horde so much, cause they were white and still claimed all nations to be equal)

Edited by Bester
IE Mod for Pillars of Eternity: link
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Eh? You want to pull the 'Europeans are awesomer'? Sorry, but any continent that has Hitler as their most famous risident should not pretend to be the moral police or superior to anyone.


Talking about secret and concentration camps. LMAO


Yeah, I went straight to Hitler.


I WIN. :)


Americans are just outcasts that couldn't make it in Europe and Africa. You are literally the continent of the worlds unwanted.


What do I win?

"because they filled mommy with enough mythic power to become a demi-god" - KP

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