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why do people on this forum hate swtor

why do you guy hate/dislike swtor  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. is it that revan and the exile are in it or is it the story over all or something else

    • is it the story over all?
    • is it something else?
    • is it that revan and the exile are in it?

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i've noticed alot of the time on this forum that almost everyone here hates swtor is the reason you guys hate swtor is that bioware said this is kotor 3 4 5 and 6 or is it that revan and the exile are in it or is it just the story over all you've already seen the poll at the top so yeah (if i set it up right)

Edited by pvs0101
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I played for a bit on release as an Inquisitor, Jedi Knight, and Imperial Agent. Stopped with each at various points through the mid thirties or twenties. Main reason I stopped is that the game is just boring -Repetitive level grinding, ho-hom storytelling, and uncompelling gameplay.

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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I tried playing Bounty Hunter back in beta. The storyline and player agency were terrible.


I quit the moment I was forced to partner with a bounty. He was annoying and deserved death.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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i've noticed alot of the time on this forum that almost everyone here hates swtor is the reason you guys hate swtor is that bioware said this is kotor 3 4 5 and 6 or is it that revan and the exile are in it or is it just the story over all you've already seen the poll at the top so yeah (if i set it up right)

 TOR isn't 'Kotor 3-4-5-6'

it's an insult to the originals

Why do i hate SWTOR?fair question

i hate it not because of the storylines,whivh are decent

i hate it because

  1. the gameplay is bad,it's grinding mobs over and over,90% of your abilites are useless after the boss fight you are required to use,since you only smash 1 and 2 until the mob waves are over 
  2. the way on the missions is covered by overly aggressive mobs barely 1 meter distant from each other,without mobs you would take 10 minutes,with mobs 40-45 minutes,not counting when you have to travel from a side of  a planet to another
  3. there should be a planetary raid in which rep players face empire players to conquer planets,simulating the conflict,but nope
  4. you can't fully explore a planet because of the mobs all over it and the faction protections instantly killing you

while generally i enjoy side quests,TOR offers you 'kill 10 of these and 5 of those' ,the quests should be all like the planetary sidequests,tied in with the story


I hate it because EAware wants to follow the movies model to attact casuals,see the similarity of the factions 

every character is claimed to be unique,but then why don't just make an RPG and not a mmo?

you're supposed to be unique but there are 5000000 clones of you running around,totally breaking immersion

overuse of jedi,during my playthrough as a republic trooper(Clone Trooper wannabe)i've seen so many jedi running around,pathetic,isn't the temple of corusant destroyed and jedi numbers low?

the jedi outnumber the other classes by 10 to 3

pathetic,congrats bioware for the good job

people who don't even know what they're playing 'OMMG JEDDI KNNIGHT'


The same soundtrack of Kotor\Kotor 2 TSL was used for some of the locations and most of the music came from them

they don't do justice to the original locations that music was played in


the Empire TOR has the same officer look from the movies,they have an 'emperor' (palpatine much),in short lack of creativity

and of course,because it ruined Revan,Kotor and its characters,since bioware doesn't like someone being better than they are,they rewrite it

  1. Revan,from military genius and powerful Force user to a random reedemed jedi,who was mindcontrolled to fall to the dark side,when before he had to do this to protect the galaxy from the true ancient sith(not this pathetic galactic empire wannabe),ruined first in the book,then in TOR
  2. The Exile,from a powerful jedi\sith ,he was a wound in the force,in Revan book,was canonized as a jedi female weakling fangirl named....bah i don't want to name it,killed by a sith lord named Scourge who was having a 'vision' of the JK from TOR killing the emperor,pathetic,
  3. ​Canderous,who was condamned to be killed by some other guy,shot in the head
  4. T3-M4.since bioware made him in KOTOR 1 useless,they wanted to kill him,and what better way to destroy him during the confrontation in the book?
  5. HK-47,who was condamned to be killed by level 20's,when he was an expert jedi\sith assassin
  6. Bastila,ruined in the book to be a padme lookalike,waiting endlessly for Revan instead of just go finding him


    And finally,the retcons



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In short SWTOR is an abomination, the only way to deal with it is to kill it before it bring more damage, no time going into the Fade and kill the demon, just kill it


Oh i want to add, all Bioware games now are "Mass Effect" with different titles....

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In short SWTOR is an abomination, the only way to deal with it is to kill it before it bring more damage, no time going into the Fade and kill the demon, just kill it


Oh i want to add, all Bioware games now are "Mass Effect" with different titles....

why would do you tell that?

i just want to understand your point of view

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I hate swtor because it is a sin against all of Star Wars it takes what was great about the first 2 games and destroys it,it tells everyone that loved the games that at least one of there expierences didn't happen. Swtor is a dirty lie and everyone that acknowledges it as canon are in denial

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  • 5 weeks later...

In short SWTOR is an abomination, the only way to deal with it is to kill it before it bring more damage, no time going into the Fade and kill the demon, just kill it


Oh i want to add, all Bioware games now are "Mass Effect" with different titles....

I loved Mass Effect tbh. I think Obsidian should make KOTOR 3

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I don't hate TOR, and given the longstanding TOR thread in the general gaming forum, there are a number who enjoy it enough to play.  It's not a great MMO unfortunately, but it does a good job building on the universe.  Honestly story is the only thing it has going for it.

Edited by Hurlshot
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I don't hate TOR, and given the longstanding TOR thread in the general gaming forum, there are a number who enjoy it enough to play.  It's not a great MMO unfortunately, but it does a good job building on the universe.  Honestly story is the only thing it has going for it.

i played it for 6 months to see if it was worth it,it wasn't.

i tried nearly every storyline,the Sith Warrior was the only one that i liked a bit and finished to level 50.after that,i abandoned TOR

the JK story is an injustice to Revan so i will never start it.

but there's too much crap between,the levelling is slow and it's a grindfest,i got bored pretty quickly

the companions are boring and shallow

lack of innovation is what this game suffers the most from

there aren't many things to do and many are grinding mobs,immersion is broken easily

it's a  terrible game

aside from the ****ty treatment of both KOTORs,of course

agree on story classes,though,it's the only thing that actually TOR didn't screw up


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I don't hate TOR, and given the longstanding TOR thread in the general gaming forum, there are a number who enjoy it enough to play.  It's not a great MMO unfortunately, but it does a good job building on the universe.  Honestly story is the only thing it has going for it.

i played it for 6 months to see if it was worth it,it wasn't.

i tried nearly every storyline,the Sith Warrior was the only one that i liked a bit and finished to level 50.after that,i abandoned TOR

the JK story is an injustice to Revan so i will never start it.

but there's too much crap between,the levelling is slow and it's a grindfest,i got bored pretty quickly

the companions are boring and shallow

lack of innovation is what this game suffers the most from

there aren't many things to do and many are grinding mobs,immersion is broken easily

it's a  terrible game

aside from the ****ty treatment of both KOTORs,of course

agree on story classes,though,it's the only thing that actually TOR didn't screw up





It took you six months to realize you didn't like the game?  You got all the way to level 50?  


Oddly enough, I agree with most of your complaints, and I probably played about as long as you did (although I rarely played past the first act with most of the classes.)  But the game did keep my attention for a decent amount of time and so I think it's weird to bag on it.  I enjoyed it for what it was.

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I don't hate TOR, and given the longstanding TOR thread in the general gaming forum, there are a number who enjoy it enough to play.  It's not a great MMO unfortunately, but it does a good job building on the universe.  Honestly story is the only thing it has going for it.

i played it for 6 months to see if it was worth it,it wasn't.

i tried nearly every storyline,the Sith Warrior was the only one that i liked a bit and finished to level 50.after that,i abandoned TOR

the JK story is an injustice to Revan so i will never start it.

but there's too much crap between,the levelling is slow and it's a grindfest,i got bored pretty quickly

the companions are boring and shallow

lack of innovation is what this game suffers the most from

there aren't many things to do and many are grinding mobs,immersion is broken easily

it's a  terrible game

aside from the ****ty treatment of both KOTORs,of course

agree on story classes,though,it's the only thing that actually TOR didn't screw up





It took you six months to realize you didn't like the game?  You got all the way to level 50?  


Oddly enough, I agree with most of your complaints, and I probably played about as long as you did (although I rarely played past the first act with most of the classes.)  But the game did keep my attention for a decent amount of time and so I think it's weird to bag on it.  I enjoyed it for what it was.


no i actually tried to give the game a chance.the storyline of the Sith Warrior took me so long because i got bored after a hour of endlessly walking from a point to another,which usually was on the other side of the planet filled with hostile mobs on the way that i had to fight,as i leveled up the enemies got far stronger than me and i had to be 3 levels more than these mobs to handle them as i should,i gave up,since i kept dying against mobs of my same level,there was no satisfaction as you got stronger and got higher level,no feel of accomplishments giving a purpose to level up and face these mobs again

until level 10 i could take 2 Strong mobs getting out of the fight with 60% of health remaining

at level 50 .same situation,i get out of the fights with 30-40 % of health left.even with good armor purchased with planetary commendations and best mods that credits can buy for that level (for example 10.000 credits).not counting the artifacts

without mobs it would take 5-10 minutes,with mobs 40-50 minutes,that's how i kept never doing side quests or doing main quests,it was boring doing the fightning for 40 minutes just to get a 5-10 minutes max conversation and boss fight

i wanted to know how good endgame content was,but i was surprised how little your storyline counted outside the green instances(green walls to progress the story).you became the 300.345 sith warrior running around,it broke the immersion

then when F2P came they removed most gear from my character because he needed an "authorization" (microtransations) to unlock wearing the artifact gear that i legitemely obtained during flashpoints and planetary bosses.are you ****ing serious?

they removed from my character more than 1.000.000 credits that i was sparing because i hit the Preferred Cap of credits

even getting an extra inventory slot requires you to use the goddamned bloody microtransations or pay

or getting a medical probe to respawn there and don't lose 30 minutes of walking and mob grinding?**** you give us money

the mobs AI suck and that's the laziest part of the game,the developers throw everything at you expecting to survive

filling every single corner with hostile mobs thinking that was fun 

if it was only certain areas it's ok,but roam Alderaan to find Kellick bugs soldiers or rival house soldiers and droid everywhere,static, barely separated 5 meters from each other  designed that you can't sneak or find another way out of fightning 3000 kellicks to get where you have to go respawning after 4 seconds because the game is so lazy






Edited by DarthDeven
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Rehashing of characters and themes from over star wars content.


Don't get me wrong the smuggler's, the Inquisitors, the warrior's, and the trooper's story was decent. But that's just what it is; decent.


The characters have all been done before, the stories are all unoriginal, and the they just use KOTOR as a source for "special items"and not so villainous villains, (That are killed, and then they come back, then they are killed, and they come back)


I mean come on! A smuggler that just so happens to get a wookie companion? And just so happens to have a princess companion? (That might I add can be romanced)


Take a look at this:


Bounty Hunter(=Jango Fett) mako(=zam)


Smuggler(=Han Solo), gets Bowdaar(=Chewie) and "Princess" Risha(=Princess Liea)


Jedi Knight(=Luke Skywalker/Revan) gets T7-O1(=R2 and T3) and Doc(=Carth Onasi)


And I've been saving the worst for last...


It's one thing to make a character that's female, that's a Twi'lek, that's uppity, that's blue, and that left her homeworld.


It's another matter entirely if you give her the same voice actor that did the other Female uppity blue Twi'lek that left her homeworld.


Now don't you say, "But Nilus, what about Zalbaar?" 'Cause that's different. Yes, you can be a scoundrel, and yes you can act like Han, but that's the point. You CAN. You can make hundreds of individual PCs by chucking them onto a damaged space ship, BUT NO, we've got to make you have a predestined and restrictive character story with stereotypical characters.


And I don't know who the genius was that decided that people would want to kill their favorite characters.... REPEATEDLY!!!!

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Most of the hate stems from turning good quality single-player RPG's into a avarage quality online MMO.


And yes, it's possible to still play solo, but god... the gameplay is horrible that way. Utter terrifying. I gave up on it actually till it became F2P, and gave it a second try with a friend. Only with the 2 of us it became bearable, since we could just steamroll/stealth combat and not have it be an utter boring/then heal, boring, heal, boring, heal fest that's absolutely not appetising at all.




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Rehashing of characters and themes from over star wars content.


Don't get me wrong the smuggler's, the Inquisitors, the warrior's, and the trooper's story was decent. But that's just what it is; decent.


The characters have all been done before, the stories are all unoriginal, and the they just use KOTOR as a source for "special items"and not so villainous villains, (That are killed, and then they come back, then they are killed, and they come back)


I mean come on! A smuggler that just so happens to get a wookie companion? And just so happens to have a princess companion? (That might I add can be romanced)


Take a look at this:


Bounty Hunter(=Jango Fett) mako(=zam)


Smuggler(=Han Solo), gets Bowdaar(=Chewie) and "Princess" Risha(=Princess Liea)


Jedi Knight(=Luke Skywalker/Revan) gets T7-O1(=R2 and T3) and Doc(=Carth Onasi)


And I've been saving the worst for last...


It's one thing to make a character that's female, that's a Twi'lek, that's uppity, that's blue, and that left her homeworld.


It's another matter entirely if you give her the same voice actor that did the other Female uppity blue Twi'lek that left her homeworld.


Now don't you say, "But Nilus, what about Zalbaar?" 'Cause that's different. Yes, you can be a scoundrel, and yes you can act like Han, but that's the point. You CAN. You can make hundreds of individual PCs by chucking them onto a damaged space ship, BUT NO, we've got to make you have a predestined and restrictive character story with stereotypical characters.


And I don't know who the genius was that decided that people would want to kill their favorite characters.... REPEATEDLY!!!!

yeah,i agree Nilus,they copied the most famous characters of SW and followed the stereotype of star wars to attract more SW casual fans

filled with any sorts of tropes,cliches,stereotypes both of Bioware and Star Wars,


the sith emperor clearly designed to be  a copy of Palpatine

The sith ships being  similar to the Galactic empire ships

the sith troopers strongly resembling Stormtroopers

The republic troopers having clone trooper (Prequels) armor

That imperial intelligence is the same as the Imperial intelligence of the Galactic empire

Sith Inquisitor=Palpatine

Sith Warrior=Vader (clearly by the lines)

Bounty Hunter=|Boba Fett

Imperial agent=Imperial Officer

Jedi Knight=Luke 

Republic Trooper=Clone Trooper commander(Cody)

Jedi Consular=Obi-wan

Smuggler=Han Solo

the fact that the sith are called "Empire"

the unnecessary fanservice by making Satele Shan and Revan appear in the game(Shoe Horning)


the funniest thing is that Bioware Austin claims that the original KOTOR staff in there,but it was Bioware Edmonton that did KOTOR

back when Drew Karpyshyn was the lead writer

I loved KOTOR,had an awesome party(HK and Canderous were my favourites),i remember all of them,Jolee,Juhani,Trask,Carth,HK-47,Bastila,Mission,Zaalbar,Canderous,T3-M4) KOTOR 2's party was still awesome,while TOR has very few characters that are interesting,mostly because they are rip off of KOTOR's characters and i don't even remember them,except for Vette and Malavai Quinn

that's a shame,because some of the stories are not bad,if TOR was a DA:O like SP RPG that had nothing that mentioned KOTOR's events (to make KOTOR 3 possible),it would have been awesome

but EA:"mmm,look at that cash cow that bioware has,time to milk it dry"

Edited by DarthDeven
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have always considered KotOR to be a trilogy. The first game was like A New Hope, the classic hero-saves-the-day story, while the second game was Empire Strikes Back - it was the darker middle chapter whose focus was less on heroics and more about survival in the face of a powerful adversary. Like ESB, it ended with the protagonists facing an uncertain future. Presumably, then, the third game would have been Return of the Jedi, tying up loose ends and bringing it all together for triumphant conclusion.

But what never got KotOR 3. Instead, we got SWTOR and a terrible tie-in novel, Revan.

Picture yourself as a moviegoer in the theatre having just watched Empire Strikes Back. Things like grim for our heroes - Luke has fought Darth Vader and barely escaped with his life, and has learned the terrible truth of his parentage. Han Solo is taken prisoner and frozen in carbonite. The entire Rebellion hangs by a thread. You think to yourself, "How are the heroes going to get out of this one?"

So you wait and wait for the third film to be announced, but you hear nothing. Then LucasFilm says that the next Star Wars movie will be set 300 years after ESB and have nothing to do with the previous films. But, they reassure you, George Lucas is working on a novel that will explain what happened to the characters after the events of ESB.

When the novel is released, you rush down to the bookstore to pick it up. Upon reading it, you discover that Luke went off to rescue Han Solo from Jabba's palace, only to get stabbed in the back by Boba Fett and killed. Jabba has R2-D2 and C-3PO melted down for scrap. Han Solo remains frozen in carbonite and Leia cries herself to sleep every night knowing she will never see the man she loves again. And just to rub salt in the wound, the latest film has Han Solo being freed after 300 years, at which point he's gone completely insane and has to be put down like a rabid dog.

Your neighbours hear a loud thunk as you throw the book against the wall with great force.

So let me ask you...how would you react to seeing the trilogy treated in this manner? Because that is, if you ask me, the exact treatment BioWare gave the KotOR saga. And when you understand that, you'll understand why people like me hate SWTOR.

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"There is no greatness where simplicity, goodness and truth are absent." - Leo Tolstoy


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  • 3 weeks later...


Rehashing of characters and themes from over star wars content.


Don't get me wrong the smuggler's, the Inquisitors, the warrior's, and the trooper's story was decent. But that's just what it is; decent.


The characters have all been done before, the stories are all unoriginal, and the they just use KOTOR as a source for "special items"and not so villainous villains, (That are killed, and then they come back, then they are killed, and they come back)


I mean come on! A smuggler that just so happens to get a wookie companion? And just so happens to have a princess companion? (That might I add can be romanced)


Take a look at this:


Bounty Hunter(=Jango Fett) mako(=zam)


Smuggler(=Han Solo), gets Bowdaar(=Chewie) and "Princess" Risha(=Princess Liea)


Jedi Knight(=Luke Skywalker/Revan) gets T7-O1(=R2 and T3) and Doc(=Carth Onasi)


And I've been saving the worst for last...


It's one thing to make a character that's female, that's a Twi'lek, that's uppity, that's blue, and that left her homeworld.


It's another matter entirely if you give her the same voice actor that did the other Female uppity blue Twi'lek that left her homeworld.


Now don't you say, "But Nilus, what about Zalbaar?" 'Cause that's different. Yes, you can be a scoundrel, and yes you can act like Han, but that's the point. You CAN. You can make hundreds of individual PCs by chucking them onto a damaged space ship, BUT NO, we've got to make you have a predestined and restrictive character story with stereotypical characters.


And I don't know who the genius was that decided that people would want to kill their favorite characters.... REPEATEDLY!!!!

yeah,i agree Nilus,they copied the most famous characters of SW and followed the stereotype of star wars to attract more SW casual fans

filled with any sorts of tropes,cliches,stereotypes both of Bioware and Star Wars,


the sith emperor clearly designed to be  a copy of Palpatine

The sith ships being  similar to the Galactic empire ships

the sith troopers strongly resembling Stormtroopers

The republic troopers having clone trooper (Prequels) armor

That imperial intelligence is the same as the Imperial intelligence of the Galactic empire

Sith Inquisitor=Palpatine

Sith Warrior=Vader (clearly by the lines)

Bounty Hunter=|Boba Fett

Imperial agent=Imperial Officer

Jedi Knight=Luke 

Republic Trooper=Clone Trooper commander(Cody)

Jedi Consular=Obi-wan

Smuggler=Han Solo

the fact that the sith are called "Empire"

the unnecessary fanservice by making Satele Shan and Revan appear in the game(Shoe Horning)


the funniest thing is that Bioware Austin claims that the original KOTOR staff in there,but it was Bioware Edmonton that did KOTOR

back when Drew Karpyshyn was the lead writer

I loved KOTOR,had an awesome party(HK and Canderous were my favourites),i remember all of them,Jolee,Juhani,Trask,Carth,HK-47,Bastila,Mission,Zaalbar,Canderous,T3-M4) KOTOR 2's party was still awesome,while TOR has very few characters that are interesting,mostly because they are rip off of KOTOR's characters and i don't even remember them,except for Vette and Malavai Quinn

that's a shame,because some of the stories are not bad,if TOR was a DA:O like SP RPG that had nothing that mentioned KOTOR's events (to make KOTOR 3 possible),it would have been awesome

but EA:"mmm,look at that cash cow that bioware has,time to milk it dry"


Indeed! But rehashing star wars characters is one thing, but what I am about to say is quite another matter.



This is the ending of the Shadow of Revan expansion, I know it's torture to watch it, so I summarize it.

Revan didn't die on the foundry, at least part of him didn't, you see the Light Side part of him became one with the force but the dark side part stayed. Then turns out the Sith Emperor is still floating about. So, Revan does this weird ritual thing to resurrect the Sith Emperor so he can kill him permanently. But it turns out the ritual will result in the deaths of "TRILLIONS OF INNOCENTS" so the Jedi and the Sith get all honky-Dorey and fight Revan and his army.

At this point, I was regretting saying that their wasn't an original story in SWTOR. Until I remembered this Star Trek episode. 


I hope Paramount sues them, slaps a cease and desist order on them, and ultimately shuts them down.

After seeing all this, it took me, what? Thirty minutes to make a better storyline in my head, (To which I will not elaborate on unless asked to)



I have always considered KotOR to be a trilogy. The first game was like A New Hope, the classic hero-saves-the-day story, while the second game was Empire Strikes Back - it was the darker middle chapter whose focus was less on heroics and more about survival in the face of a powerful adversary. Like ESB, it ended with the protagonists facing an uncertain future. Presumably, then, the third game would have been Return of the Jedi, tying up loose ends and bringing it all together for triumphant conclusion.

But what never got KotOR 3. Instead, we got SWTOR and a terrible tie-in novel, Revan.

Picture yourself as a moviegoer in the theatre having just watched Empire Strikes Back. Things like grim for our heroes - Luke has fought Darth Vader and barely escaped with his life, and has learned the terrible truth of his parentage. Han Solo is taken prisoner and frozen in carbonite. The entire Rebellion hangs by a thread. You think to yourself, "How are the heroes going to get out of this one?"

So you wait and wait for the third film to be announced, but you hear nothing. Then LucasFilm says that the next Star Wars movie will be set 300 years after ESB and have nothing to do with the previous films. But, they reassure you, George Lucas is working on a novel that will explain what happened to the characters after the events of ESB.

When the novel is released, you rush down to the bookstore to pick it up. Upon reading it, you discover that Luke went off to rescue Han Solo from Jabba's palace, only to get stabbed in the back by Boba Fett and killed. Jabba has R2-D2 and C-3PO melted down for scrap. Han Solo remains frozen in carbonite and Leia cries herself to sleep every night knowing she will never see the man she loves again. And just to rub salt in the wound, the latest film has Han Solo being freed after 300 years, at which point he's gone completely insane and has to be put down like a rabid dog.

Your neighbours hear a loud thunk as you throw the book against the wall with great force.

So let me ask you...how would you react to seeing the trilogy treated in this manner? Because that is, if you ask me, the exact treatment BioWare gave the KotOR saga. And when you understand that, you'll understand why people like me hate SWTOR.


You just hit the nail on the head right there.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I have always considered KotOR to be a trilogy. The first game was like A New Hope, the classic hero-saves-the-day story, while the second game was Empire Strikes Back - it was the darker middle chapter whose focus was less on heroics and more about survival in the face of a powerful adversary. Like ESB, it ended with the protagonists facing an uncertain future. Presumably, then, the third game would have been Return of the Jedi, tying up loose ends and bringing it all together for triumphant conclusion.

But what never got KotOR 3. Instead, we got SWTOR and a terrible tie-in novel, Revan.

Picture yourself as a moviegoer in the theatre having just watched Empire Strikes Back. Things like grim for our heroes - Luke has fought Darth Vader and barely escaped with his life, and has learned the terrible truth of his parentage. Han Solo is taken prisoner and frozen in carbonite. The entire Rebellion hangs by a thread. You think to yourself, "How are the heroes going to get out of this one?"

So you wait and wait for the third film to be announced, but you hear nothing. Then LucasFilm says that the next Star Wars movie will be set 300 years after ESB and have nothing to do with the previous films. But, they reassure you, George Lucas is working on a novel that will explain what happened to the characters after the events of ESB.

When the novel is released, you rush down to the bookstore to pick it up. Upon reading it, you discover that Luke went off to rescue Han Solo from Jabba's palace, only to get stabbed in the back by Boba Fett and killed. Jabba has R2-D2 and C-3PO melted down for scrap. Han Solo remains frozen in carbonite and Leia cries herself to sleep every night knowing she will never see the man she loves again. And just to rub salt in the wound, the latest film has Han Solo being freed after 300 years, at which point he's gone completely insane and has to be put down like a rabid dog.

Your neighbours hear a loud thunk as you throw the book against the wall with great force.

So let me ask you...how would you react to seeing the trilogy treated in this manner? Because that is, if you ask me, the exact treatment BioWare gave the KotOR saga. And when you understand that, you'll understand why people like me hate SWTOR.

100% agreed,couldn't have said it better myself


it's sad that we will never see KOTOR 3 ;(

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Didn't vote since i used to love the game. Played it a lot for 2 years until the latest expansion. I wouldn't say it was the Revan story that killed it for me, as that is only half the truth (never liked the character itself or the story related to him), it was more the change to game mechanics, classes and end game content that felt like the game shot itself in its foot with a high powered assault weapon.


Dind't hate the discipline system as that just removed the illusion of choice (a choice is really only a choice when choosing between valid options).


It was the changes to abilities, the awkward and unintuitive rotations, the heavy handed removal of iconic abilities, the shoehorning in of new abilities that has no history or relation to the classes, the class balance that was the worst since 1.2, the very fact that you paid $20 real world money to have access to less content at end game (trust me, it's not a joke) and so on and so on. Adding Revan was just the proverbial icing on the cake to make interest plummet.


Edit: I suppose bugs should get the honorable mention. 3.0 has so many bugs that Kotor2 appears like a well polished masterpiece by comparison ;)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I voted all three. I really tried to enjoy that game, but it was awful. They tried to put in story to all the MMO-type quests. It worked for very few of them. The rest had a boring story (yo, go fetch that, will ya?) with low quality voice acting. I could have lived without VO or cutscenes for the filler quests, tbh. Actually, I could have lived without the filler quests. The gameplay isn't that great either. Ran into a few bugs, that I myself have reported weeks or even months before launch, the launch didn't go smoothly at all (well, what MMO launch goes smoothly?) and to be honest, it was absolutely not worth the wait and annoyances. 


The animations were cool enough and the PvP was quite fun, but in the end, I wasn't enough. Not even close. GW2 came out at around the same time and it was superior to SWTOR.


I knew exactly what it would be since I played the beta, but I absolutely did not want to support a company that murdered KoToR 3. KoToR 2 was one of my favourite games, and SWTOR was just a sad attempt at making money. KoToR 1 was good enough, and I liked Bioware for it, same with Dragon Age Origins. Everything that came out of Bioware after made me dislike the company. DA 2, SWTOR, no thanks. The nail in the coffin for me was how they choose to take player feedback from the beta: completely ignore it. They made some really awful decisions, like buying a prototype engine for SWTOR and launching even though many people including myself said that the game is in no way ready for launch. Not even close.

Edited by Raz415
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